What $1,000 Will Buy

Presbyterian Medical Services

• Provide one year’s worth of daily transportation to and from work for one developmentally disabled adult at Project Shield

• Provide one week of hospice care for one patient at Northwest New Mexico Hospice

• Provide three months worth of speech therapy to one developmentally delayed child at Roundtree Children’s Developmental Services

• Would feed one child breakfast and lunch for an entire school year at Little Feet Early Childhood Development Center


• Would enable Daily Bread to feed approximately 529 individuals a warm, nutritious meal

Senior Companion

• Provide over 2000 miles of gas mileage reimbursement to the Companions

Girl Scouts

• Would allow eight girls and two adult leaders to fully participate in the Girl Scout experience for one year

Family Crisis Center

• Provide 16 nights of safe housing for an individual at the Shelter

• Provide 30 hours of individual counseling at the Counseling Center

Desert View Counseling

• 8 therapy sessions, 24 group sessions or 16 family sessions for a YOP client

• 8 therapy sessions for 1 sexual abuse client


• Provide food and hygiene items to fill 120 backpacks to be sent home with school children at risk of going hungry

• Provide up to 4000 lbs. of peanut butter, pasta and cereal for use in food boxes for those suffering layoffs, medical emergencies and family emergencies


• Provide 24 hours of safe shelter for eight children

• Provide forensic interviews, and advocacy services for three physically or sexually abused children at the Safehouse

• Advocacy services for one family for four months with the Parent’s Support Program

Boy Scouts

• Would support 9 youth members and two adult volunteers

Boys & Girls Club of Farmington

• 2 weeks of basketball officials and scorekeepers, and 3 months of art supplies for the After School Program

• Unit director and staff for 2 weeks, and supplies for 2 months at Hilltop

• 2 month scholarship for one member and field trips for 8 weeks for the Summer Program

Boys & Girls Club of Bloomfield

• Would sponsor 3 children for an entire summer

• Would sponsor 100 children for an entire membership for Afterschool and Evening Programs

Halvorson House

• 1 month of food for residents at the treatment center

• 3 months of gasoline for transportation to and from the treatment center

American Red Cross

• Provide clothes, food for a week and first month’s rent for a family of four tragically disrupted by a fire

Big Brothers Big Sisters

• The cost of a match for one year

Aztec Boys & Girls Club

• Provide an annual membership for 100 children to attend the after school program for the entire year

• Provide 4 children to attend 10 week summer program