Title: “Christ Original”

Topic: Rap Music, performance

Objective/Purpose: Our purpose is to entertain others and educate them about Jesus Christ, for people that are from a different religion or people that just do not practice, although are Christian

Target Audience: Children or adults

Running time: 4-5 Minutes

Talent/Characters: Some of the talents involved in our script being good at rapping, being fast reacting and lots of rehearsal of our scripts. The characters that we will have in our script our there selves, the rappers are going to be Charlie, Dane, and Ricky.

Location(s): We can use outside areas such as the Art room walls (outside your classroom) on top of the play structures, the hill next to the garden, inside the garden, and then inside the school, in the bay next to Mr. Melton’s room, Mr. Manchester’s room on the green screen, in the main hallways and in the U halls (if available)




Other: Rap Song


Other: Serious/Humor



Content Outline:

We plan on doing several shots of dancing in the beginning of the video and instrumental parts. When we aren’t dancing, we will show several shots of Charlie, Merritt, Dane, Dominic, and Ricky dancing. We plan on doing dancing shots that consist of 5 seconds instead of doing whole shots of all of us dancing for 20-30 seconds. Our video will begin by showing the title, album, producers and group name in the bottom left corner, just like a professional music video.

Our Music Video will consist of the karaoke/instrumental version “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio. The three singers consist of Dane, Ricky, and Charlie. We plan to do group shots of backup dancers as the main rapper starts. We will have some random costumes to go with our enlightenment. We plan on making the song in Audacity and voicing the song, thus, we need to make the final version of the song first before we perform it. So recording will be the last thing on our list.

During the ending of our video we will do an instrumental 30 seconds with a fade away of the group dancing together outside on the play structure. We will use different shooting techniques to go along with our performance. We plan on not doing any sort of sound effects. There will be some close-ups of the singers singing into the video screen. We could do an interview for the last minute to extend our presentation to the timeframe that is given by Mr. McCloud.