Dan Goes Home

Story by Joy Cowley

Illustrations by Annie Hayward

트랙 2

Hello, girls and boys. I’ve been waiting for you because I need your help. My name is Tina Trams and I work for the mayor of a big city. I’m in charge of transportation and I have somany choices to make. I can’t decide if the mayor should take a car,a boat or train to his next appointment. Or maybe he should ride a bike, a trike or just hike. So you see, girls and boys, I need your help. I’m hoping thatthe story you’re reading today which is called “Dan Goes Home” might give us some answers.

Do you have your book in front of you? Great! Open up your book and place it face down in front of you so you can see the front and back cover at the same time. Tell me what you see. A young man climbing? Yes, that’s right. Andhe sees a town in the distance. Right again. What do you suppose he is doing? Well, you’re going to find out many things by reading today’s story, and I hope what you learn will help me with my problem. In a moment, a storyteller will begin our book. I want you to follow along paying close attention to all of the pictures and words. I am going to have many important questions to ask you when we’re finished. As you follow along, listen for this sound. [Diling doong] When you hear it, go ahead and turn the page. This will help you keep up with the reading. Now let’s begin from the cover.

트랙 3

* Narrator reads the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 4

Oh good! I’m so glad you’re back. I’ve been looking at all of the different vehicles that the city has, trying to find the right one for the mayor. I’ve even been considering animals like a horse or a camel, even a dogsled.But we don’t get much snow around here. So that probably wouldn’t work. What type of transportation do you prefer, boys and girls? A car, a plane, or train? Well, I want you to think about all of the different forms of transportation while we read our story again. This time, we’ll have some music and sound effects to make the story more interesting. Also, during this reading of the story, I want you to follow along with our storyteller and read as many of the words as you can. Because when you come back, I want you to participate in the reading in a special way. This time, we’ll begin from the title page which is the page just inside of the front cover. Turn there now. You will see a picture of Dan writing a postcard to his mom and dad. Can you read what he has written? It says, “Dear mom and dad, I’ll be home soon. Love, Dan.” Remember.As you read the story, listen for this sound [Diling doong] to remind you to turn the page. Now, let’s read the story.

트랙 5

* Narrator and actors read the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 6

All right, girls and boys. We’ve read through the story twice and you’re becoming very familiar with the words. Now, it’s time to put you to work. We’re going to read the story one more time. And after that you’re going have to choose which form of transportation is the best for the mayor, or at least which kind is your favorite. Here’s what we’re going to do. Turn to page 2 and 3 in your book. Are you there? Good. You’re going to fill in the missing words. So you’ll have to read right along with the storyteller. Beginning on page 2, it will sound like this. “Dan wants to go home. Will he go by [beep]? Will he go by [beep]? Will he go home on an old steam [beep]?” And you’ll fill in the words helicopter, plane, and train. Understand? Great! So from the title page, let’s begin.

트랙 7

* Narrator and actors read the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 8

Great job, everyone! Now, as I said, you’ve got to help me decide on which form of transportation you like best. Here’s a song about “Dan the flying man”. And while you listen, just draw a picture of your transportation choice. Bye now, and thanks for your help.

트랙 9


Dan wants to go home

Will he go by helicopter or go by plain?

Will he go home on an old steam train?

How will Dan go home?

Dan wants to go home

Will he go by motorcycle or go by van?

Will a snowmobile be the best way for Dan?

How will Dan go home?

Dan wants to go home

Will Dan drive home in a clunkyold car?

Or in a limousine like a movie star?

How will Dan go home?

Will he drive a tractor across a field of green?

Will he go in a sailboat or a submarine?

Will he ride an elephant borrowed from the zoo?

Will he go downriver in a red canoe?

What will Dan do?

He won’t do anything like that

He will put on his zoom-zoom hat

Now he is Dan the flying man

And he will fly as fast as he can

Zoom, zoom, zoom

Dan has a hunch

Zoom, zoom, zoom

He’ll be home in time for lunch

Zoom, zoom, zoom

Dan has a hunch

Zoom, zoom, zoom.

He’ll be home in time for lunch

Dan wants to go home

Dan wants to go home

Dan wants to go home

He’ll be home in time for lunch