XXXXX’s Plan

ONE Plan for Education, Health and Care

My name is XXXXX

I like to be known asXXXXX


Draft Plan

Personal details

*Date of birth: / *Gender:
*Home address:
*Ethnicity / Religion
*Name of parent(s)/person(s) with parental responsibility/Next of Kin:
Telephone number:
Email address:
*Who I live with:
c/o address (if different from above):
*ID number (CareFirst, ICS etc):
*Legal status:

* denotes mandatory field

Status of the plan

Date commenced
ONE Plan (EHC Plan) transferred from a statement of the child’s special educational needs
First ONE Plan (EHC Plan) following statutory assessment process in Part 3 Children & Families Act 2014

When assessing/reviewing the child’s special educational needs under Part (3) of the Children & Families Act 2014, in accordance with the associated Regulations, reports, evidence and advice were taken into account and are available in Section (K)as Appendices to this plan.

This plan has been written in conjunction with XXXXX’sparent/guardian/carer and the professionals currently involved. The views reflected in Section (A) were gathered as part of a child centred planning meeting and include XXXXX’s views and those of the adults who support him/her.

Section (A): All About Me (views, interests and aspirations)

These are the things that are important TO me now andin the future

These are the things that are important FOR menow and in the future

These are the things that are working well for me at the moment

These are the things that are not working so well

Section (B): XXXXX’scurrent Special Educational Needs

Background / information

Cognition and learning

Communication and interaction

Social, emotional and/or mental health difficulties

Sensory and/or physical needs

Section (C): XXXXX’s current Health needs related to his/herSEN

Section (D): XXXXX’s current Social Care needsrelated to his/her SEN


Draft Plan

Section (E) Desired Outcome, Section (F) Education, Section (G) Health, Section (H1) Social Care, Section(H2) Social Care

XXXXX’s Support Planfor the next 12 months (Education)

(E) Desired Outcome
what this will mean for XXXXX in his/herdevelopment / Section (F)
(the stepping stones for XXXXXover the next 12 months) / (F) Who will provide this support? / (F)How often will this happen? / Resources/Cost & funding agency

XXXXX’s Support Plan for the next 12 months (Health)

(E) Desired Outcome
what this will mean for XXXXX in his/herdevelopment / Section (G) Health
(the stepping stones for XXXXXover the next 12 months) / (G) Who will provide this support? / (G) How often will this happen? / Resources/Cost & funding agency

XXXXX’s Support Plan for the next 12 months (Social Care) (H1)

(E) Desired Outcome
what this will mean for XXXXX in his/her development / Section (H1) Social Care
(the stepping stones for XXXXX over the next 12 months) / (H1) Who will provide this support? / (H1) How often will this happen? / Resources / Cost & funding agency

XXXXX’s Support Plan for the next 12 months (Social Care) (H2)

(E) Desired Outcome
what this will mean for XXXXX in his/her development / Section (H2) Social Care
(the stepping stones for XXXXX over the next 12 months) / (H2) Who will provide this support? / (H2) How often will this happen? / Resources / Cost & funding agency

Section (I): XXXXX’s Education provision

Name of Setting
Type of Setting / (LA Maintained Mainstream / Academy / Special Academy / Independent Special School / Non-Maintained Special School / Alternative Provision / FE College

Section (J): Personal budget

Yes / No
DoXXXXX or his/her parents / carers / guardians want to take a personal budget for his/her support?
If yes, is this a:
Notional budget
Notional and direct payment budget
Direct payment budget
XXXXX’s Personal Budget allocation is:
Description of support / Weekly Cost / Annual Cost
Education / £ / £
Health / £ / £
Social Care / £ / £

Section (K): These are the people who are involved in XXXXX’s Education, Health and Care:

Name / Position / Address / Telephone number / Report attached

Reports attached as Appendices to the ONE Plan.


Draft Plan

Agreeing the Plan

Duly authorised officer (Education)
Duly authorised officer (Health)
Duly authorised officer (Social care)
Child/Young Person
This plan was completed on:
This plan will be reviewed by:


Draft Plan