Curriculum vitae of CLAIRE NAUWELAERS
Born 21 May 1960, Belgian. Married, two children.
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Claire NAUWELAERS is Policy Analyst, working on regional innovation policy issues within the regional Competitiveness and Regional Governance Division of OECD. Previously, she was Research Director at UNU-MERIT, the University of Maastricht and United Nations University, in charge of the research team: “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation». Her main areas of research and expertise revolve around the analysis and policy advice about the functioning of research and innovation systems, notably at the regional level. She is working on policy development, analysis and evaluation in the areas of Research, Technological Development and Innovation, currently at OECD, previously for the European Commission, national and regional authorities. She is member of Scientific Steering Committees of several Research Networks, part of policy review teams, and is regularly invited as expert in High-Level Expert groups for the European Commission or Member States. She has published numerous books and articles on policy aspects of research, technology and innovation.
2009-present: Policy Analystat OECD (Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation), Innovation Unit, Division for Competitiveness and Regional Governance (Innovation Unit) of the Public Governance and Territorial Development Direction, Paris, France.
2005-2009: Leader of Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation research group at UNU-MERIT(Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Institute on Innovation and Technology), University of Maastricht and United Nations University, the Netherlands.
1996-2004: Research Director, MERIT(Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology), University of Maastricht, the Netherlands.
1992 -1995 : SeniorResearch Fellow, RIDER (Interdisciplinary Research in Regional Development), Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
1989- 1991 : Economic adviser, EUROMETAUX European Association of the Metals Industries (representation of the European non-ferrous metals industries to the European Authorities), Brussels, Belgium.
1982-1989 : Research Fellow, CRIDE (Interdisciplinary Research Centre Law - Economics), Faculty of Economics, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
- Conceptual framework for the analysis of regional and national innovation systems and policy implications;
- Scientific support to design of European, national and regional research, technology and innovation policies;
- Evaluation of RDT and innovation policies at regional, national and EU levels;
- Benchmarking RDT and innovation policies;
- Design and evaluation of EU programmes aiming at innovation-based (regional) development;
- Scientific support for the implementation of regional Innovation and Information Society strategies in EU regions; expertise as process consultant for RITTS and RTP/RIS operations of the EU;
- Elaboration of conceptual frameworks for studying the linkages between the global economy and regional development factors (e.g. the role of transnational corporations in European regional restructuring).
1978-1982: Bachelor degree in economics, microeconomics orientation,Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, grande distinction.
1982: «Aggregation» in economics, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, distinction.
1985-1986: Master in economics, industrial economics orientation, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, grande distinction.
1988: Trainee, UNIDO (United Nations Institute on Industrial Development), New York, USA.
-ERAWATCH Network (Intelligence Service for Research policies in Europe), Member of the Board, 2005-2009.
-ETEPS (European Techno-Economic Policy Support Network), Member of the Scientific Steering Committee, 2005-2006.
-ESTO (European Science and Technology Observatory), Member of the Executive Committee, 2005-2006.
-DIME (Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe), EU Network of Excellence, funded by European Commission (DG Research), responsible for Activity Line “Dissemination and Interaction with Stakeholders”, 2004-2008.
-Canadian Innovation Systems Research Network, Member of the International Research Advisory Committee of the Canadian research network on innovation systems, 2001-2008.
-CIP – Competitiveness and Innovation Programme , Evaluator for the European Commission (DG Enterprise), 2009.
-NEST – New and Emerging Science and Technology Programme , Evaluator for the European Commission (DG Research), 2003-2005.
-Regular Reviewer of articles for Research Policy, Regional Studies, Science and Public Policy and other journals.
- Evaluator for Flemish Fund for Scientific Research FWO.
-Follow-up of the Lisbon Strategy: Research and Innovation, Member of the High Level expert group established by the European Commission (DG Research), 2006-2008.
-Evaluation of PREDIT, Member of Evaluation Committee of French research programme (Ministry of Equipment and Transport), 2007.
-Peer review of Role of High Level Education in regional development, member of the peer review team for mid-Norway, established by OECD, 2005-2006.
-High Level Group 3% for Research, Member of the High Level expert group launched by the Belgian Minister of Science Policy, 2004-2005.
-Maximising the wider benefits of competitive Basic Research funding at European level, Rapporteur of the High Level expert group launched by the European Commission (DG Research), 2004-2005.
-IRCE: Benchmarking the impact of R&D policies on competitiveness and employment, Member of the High Level expert group launched by the European Commission (DG Research), 2001-2002.
-Méthode de diagnostic du système d’innovation dans les régions françaises, training courses organised in French regions by ADIT: Centre February 2008, Nord-Pas-de-Calais February 2008, Bretagne May 2008, Nord-Pas-de-Calais September 2008, Martinique December 2008, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur May and July 2009.
-Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policy in Developing Countries, training course organised by UNU-MERIT, Maastricht May 2005, October 2005, October 2006, October 2007, November 2008; Buenos Aires, December 2006; Amman June 2008; New Delhi, February 2009; El Salvador, October 2009.
-Regional Innovation Policy in a theoretical and Practical Perspective, training course at University of Southern Denmark, 2004-2005.
-Erawatch University Observatory: Iceland, Study for the IPTS, European Commission, Seville, 2009.
- Erawatch country report 2009: Analysis of policy mixes to foster R&D investment and to contribute to the ERA, Iceland, Study for the IPTS, European Commission, Seville, 2008-2009.
-Integrated analysis of Science and higher education governance in Lithuania, project for Lithuanian government, 2008-2009.
- Enhancing innovation and innovation governance: determining the conditions under which social networks enhance technology development, adoption and commercialisation, project for New Zealand Science Research and Technology Foundation, 2008-2010.
-Monitoring progress towards the ERA, study for IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies in Sevilla), in the framework of ERAWATCH, 2008-2009.
-Policy Mix in RDT: Monitoring and analysis of policies and public financing instruments conducive to higher levels of R&D investments, Study for DG Research, 2005-2009.
-West Balkans Countries International Cooperation with EU in research: priority setting in research, project for DG Research, 2008-2011.
-ERAWATCH: Network for R&D Policy Analysis in Europe, country correspondent for Belgium (until 2007) and Iceland, expert for regional dimension, for IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies in Sevilla), commissioned by DG Research, 2006-2009.
-IMPLORE: Analysing and Evaluating the Impact on Innovation
of Publicly-Funded Research Programmes, Study for DG Enterprise, 2006-2007.
-Potential for Trans-border clusters in the inter-regional area Germany-France-Belgium-Luxembourg: identity and policies, Study for the cross-border partnership Saarland / Lorraine / Wallonie Luxembourg / Rheinland-Pfalz, 2005-2006.
-Strategic evaluation on innovation and the knowledge-based economy in relation to the Structural and Cohesion Funds, for the programming period 2007-2013, Study for DG Regio, 2005-2006.
-IMPACTSCAN: Innovation policy impact assessment at regional level: benchmarking for dissemination of differing performances to raise awareness of policy-makers to stimulate successful measures and good practice, scientific support to inter-regional project funded by DG Enterprise, 2005-2008.
-Contribution to the expansion of the ERAWATCH knowledge base towards EU-25, coverage of policy developments in Belgium, ETEPS expert in a study for IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies in Sevilla), commissioned by DG Research, 2005-2006.
-Evaluation of Regional Innovation Programme in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, study for the regional Council of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, 2005-2006.
-Evaluation of Objective 2 programme in Wallonia, R&D and innovation areas, study for the Walloon government, 2005.
-Enlarging the ERA: Regional Innovation Systems & Strategies in European New Member States and Candidate Counties, Study undertaken for DG Research, 2004-2005.
-ERAWATCH – Analysis on the Regional Dimension of the 3% Action Plan for Europe- Prototyping phase ” Study on the development of an intelligence service on RTD policies at regional level and case study on Wallonia and Nord-Pas-de-Calais, ESTO expert in a study for IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies in Sevilla), commissioned by DG Research, 2004.
-RIPWATCH –Research Investment Policy Watch ” ESTO expert in a project for IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies in Sevilla), commissioned by DG Research, 2004.
-Evaluation of cluster policy in Wallonia,study for the Economic and Social Council of the Walloon region, 2004.
-Benchmarking Life Science Parks, study for the Board of Directors of the Maastricht Science Park, 2004.
-Evaluation of the functioning of the scientific and technology intermediary system in Wallonia, study for the Walloon government, 2003-2004.
-Evaluation of RDT aids for SMEs in Wallonia, study for the Walloon government, 2003-2004.
-STARMAP, R&D multi-actors and multi-measures programmes, project for DG Research, 2003-2004.
-European Trendchart of Innovation, study and methodological support for the European Commission (DG Enterprise) : benchmarking of innovation policy instruments and establishment of a Scoreboard on Innovation for Europe, 2000-2003.
-Benchmarking Belgian R&D policies: the case of Belgium, study for the Belgian Federal Public Service for Scientific Affairs, 2003.
-Science, Technology and Innovation Institutions and policies in Belgium,report for the Belgian Federal Public Service for Scientific Affairs, 2003.
-TIGERS: Identifying factors of success and failure in European IST-related national and regional developments : the case of Flanders, ESTO expert in a study for IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies in Sevilla), 2002.
-Best procedure “Clusters and Enterprise Network” expert in the group led by DG Enterprise, representing Belgium, 2002.
-PMAC: RTD Programme Management Analysis and Comparison, study for the European Commission (DG Research), 2001.
-Innovation policy in six applicant countries: the challenges, study for the European Commission (DG Enterprise), 2000-2001.
-Portrait of the decentralised STI policy system of Belgium, report for the Belgian Office of Scientific and Cultural Affairs, 2001.
-Cluster policy in Wallonia, support for the development of a cluster policy in Wallonia, project for the Walloon Government, together with Ernst&Young, 2000.
-NETWIN – Networking for Innovation, evaluation of an inter-regional project with the aim to build tools for the management of SMEs networks by local operators, under the RECITE programme (DG Regio), 2000-2002.
-Evaluation of the RITTS scheme, study for the European Commission (DG Enterprise), 1999-2000.
-EIMS Network on monitoring innovation policy developments in the EU (elaboration of a national report and a database of innovation policy measures),pilot project for DG XIII, correspondent for Belgium, 1999-2000.
-Evaluation of the Research, Development, Technology and Innovation content in ERDF Programmes within Objective 2 zones of the EU : the case of France, study for the European Commission (DG XVI evaluation Unit), 1998-1999.
-SMEPOL: SME policy and the regional dimension of innovation, EU comparative study of policies aiming at supporting innovation in SMEs at regional level, Targeted Socio-Economic Research project, for the European Commission (DG XII), 1998-2000.
-Methodological support for the implementation of a RITTS in Nord-Pas de Calais, expertise for the Regional Development Agency in Nord-Pas de Calais, within the framework of the RITTS action of the European Commission (DG XIII), 1996-1998.
-Methodological support for the implementation of a RITTS in Iceland, expertise for the Regional Development Institute of Iceland, within the framework of the RITTS action of the European Commission (DG XIII), 1996-1998.
Nauwelaers, C. (2009),Comparative review of innovation policies, Report for the Lincoln University research programme “Studies in Technology user’s innovation”, October, Canterbury.
Nauwelaers, C. (2009), The Policy relevance of micro-economic studies of innovation, Micro-Dyn workshop, Madrid, 17-18 September.
Nauwelaers, C. (2009), Internationalisation of science, technology and innovation policies in Europe: state-of-the-art and challenges, Inno-Views Policy workshop Emerging Economies and Innovation, Brussels, 9-10 July.
Nauwelaers, C. (2009), Intermediaries in regional innovation systems: role and challenges for policy, in, Cooke, P. (ed.) (2009), The Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, forthcoming.
Nauwelaers, C. (2009), Challenges for the Design of Regional Innovation Policies: Lessons from Europe, in, Cooke, P. and J. Osmond (2009), Regional Economies in a Globalising Economy: Enhancing Intellectual Capital and Innovation, Institute of Welsh Affairs, Cardiff.
Nauwelaers, C. (2009) “From crisis to opportunity - Storm on the Icelandic economy: a new chance for a knowledge-based island?”, Erawatch analytical country report 2009 Iceland: Analysis of policy mixes to foster R&D investment and to contribute to the ERA,Joint Research Centre Scientific and Technical Reports, European Commission, Seville, March.
Nauwelaers, C., P. Boekholt, B. Mostert, P. Cunningham, K. Guy, R. Hofer, C. Rammer, (2009), Policy Mix for R&D in Europe, Report for DG Research, April.
Borrás, S. (Rapporteur), León, G. (Chairman), Bucar M., Edler, J., Halme, K., Havas, A., Kuhlmann, S., Molas Gallart, J., Nauwelaers, C., Romanainen, J., Tsipouri, L. (2009), The Open Method of Coordination in Research Policy: Assessment and Recommendations, Report from the Expert Group for the follow-up of the research aspects of the revised Lisbon strategy, European Commission, Brussels.
Nauwelaers, C. and R. Wintjes (2009), Background study of higher education and research monitoring, analysis and evaluation systems, Report for the Lithuanian Ministry of Science and Technology, Vilnius, June.
Nauwelaers, C. and R. Wintjes (2009), Monitoring progress towards the ERA, Joint Research Centre Scientific and Technical Reports, European Commission, Seville, October.
Nauwelaers, C. (2008), Assessment of the Impact of the Open Method of Coordination in CREST: Country report Belgium, Report for DG Research, October.
Nauwelaers, C. (2008), Assessment of the Impact of the Open Method of Coordination in CREST: Country report Luxembourg, Report for DG Research, October.
Nauwelaers, C. (2008), Assessment of the Impact of the Open Method of Coordination in CREST: Country report France, Report for DG Research, October.
Nauwelaers, C. (Rapporteur), Borras, S., Bucar, M., Kuhlmann, S., Kneucker, R., León, G. (Chairman), Romanainen, J. (2008), Lisbon Strategy: Between revolution and illusion. The governance challenge for knowledge policies. SynthesisReport of the Lisbon Expert Group, European Commission, DG Research, November.
Nauwelaers, C. (2008), Ten years of regional innovation policy in the EU, communication at the British Council-Institute of Welsh Affairs Conference: Regional Economies in a Globalising World: Enhancing Intellectual Capacity and Innovation, 21 November, Cardiff.
Nauwelaers, C. (2008), Variety, role and impact of regional agencies dealing with innovation, report for the OECD, November.
Nauwelaers, C. (2008), Key issues for Agencies and Public Bodies to Support Innovation in Regions, communication at an expert meeting organised by the Council on Competitiveness and The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Governance of Regional Innovation Policy: Agencies and Public Bodies to Support Innovation in Regions, Washington,July 2.
Nauwelaers, C. and R. Wintjes (ed.) (2008), Innovation Policy in Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Nauwelaers, C. and R. Wintjes, (2008), Innovation policy, innovation in policy: Policy learning within and across systems and clusters, in Nauwelaers, C. and R. Wintjes (ed.) (2008), Innovation Policy in Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Nauwelaers, C. (2008), “Optimizing the functioning and effectiveness of innovation intermediaries”, communication at Applied Policy Seminar of UNECE Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies (TOS-ICP), Enhancing the innovative capacity of firms in the UNECE region: Policy options and practical instruments, Geneva, Palais des Nations, 14-15 February.
Kuhlmann, S., Kneucker, R., León, G., Nauwelaers, C., Romanainen, J. (2008), ERA governance issues and links to the Lisbon strategy: Towards new types of knowledge policies in Europe A Report of the Lisbon Expert Group, European Commission, DG Research, February.
Nauwelaers, C. (2008-2009), «Politiques Régionales d’Innovation: Analyse, Instruments, Choix stratégiques”, training session organised by ADIT «Formation à la méthode de diagnostic du système d’innovation dans les régions françaises, Orléans, 27 February and Lille 28 February, Marseille, 28 May.
Wintjes, R. and Nauwelaers, C. (2008) Avaliação do impacto na inovação de programas voltados à excelência em pesquisa e o desenvolvimento regional: como descentralizar a estratégia de Lisboa “e elaborar conjuntos de políticas de inovação coerentes? In: Avaliação de políticas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação: diálogo entre experiências internacionais e brasileiras. CGEE: Brasilia. Page 175-210.
Nauwelaers, C. (2007), Monitoring and analysis of policies and public financing instruments conducive to higher levels of R&D investments: the “policy mix” project: thematic report on routes to increase R&D investments, report for DG Research.
Nauwelaers, C. (2007), Monitoring and analysis of policies and public financing instruments conducive to higher levels of R&D investments: the “policy mix” project: case study ICT in Belgium, report for DG Research.
Nauwelaers, C. (2007), Monitoring and analysis of policies and public financing instruments conducive to higher levels of R&D investments: the “policy mix” project: case study biotechnology in Belgium, report for DG Research.
Nauwelaers, C. (2007), Monitoring and analysis of policies and public financing instruments conducive to higher levels of R&D investments: the “policy mix” project: case study Flanders, report for DG Research.
Nauwelaers, C. (2007), “Innovation policies for the regions: strengths and limits of trans-national policy learning”, communication at Matchpoints: Opportunities and Challenges of Globalisation, University of Aarhus, 15-16 November 2007.
Nauwelaers, C. (2007), "Strategic approaches for innovation policy in Europe: Options and conditions for reinforcing regional innovation systems", communication at OECD-Ministry of Science and Technology Conference on Review of China’s National Innovation System and Policy, Beijing, 27 August 2007.
Kuhlmann, S., Kneucker, R., León, G., Nauwelaers, C., Romanainen, J. (2007), Open research and innovation policies for Europe - A leap forward! A Report of the Lisbon Expert Group, European Commission, DG Research, May.