Don’t want to take TCC after all? Need to change the period you plan to take TCC?

Notify Counseling Office ASAP.

Things to know about the class:

  • Tarrant County College sends a professor to BHS/BCTAL to teach our students who wish to get high school credit for English 4 and/or US Government.

High School English 4 = College ENGL 1301 Composition 1; ENGL 1302 Composition 2 during the fall semester, and ENGL 2322 British Literature 1 during the spring semester. (ALL THREE college level courses must be passed to receive English 4 credit to graduate.)

High School US Government = GOVT 2305 Federal Government

  • The course is weighted like a Pre-AP class. The high school transcript will indicate completion of the credit through dual enrollment. Weighting is not reflected in the grade entered from TCC on the HS transcript.
  • For students wishing to complete the highest graduation plan called Distinguished Achievement Plan, the requirements include: 3 years of the same foreign language AND 4 Advanced Measures. Examples of Advanced measures include dual credit with a grade of 80 or better; Advanced Placement Scores of 3 or higher prior to senior year; ATC courses with a grade of 80 or better.
  • Transferability of TCC courses to the college or university you plan to attend is determined by each college/university. It is YOUR responsibility to research requirements and restrictions for transfer of any classes for college/university credit.
  • Financial aid is available on a limited basis should you need it. Although the money is not federal, completion of the FAFSA @, with TCC listed as your campus of choice is required to determine eligibility. TCC’s financial aid deadline is July 1. Monies are granted on a first come, first served basis. TCC’s Financial Aid office is the sole determiner. Family must pay for the class with the assistance being reimbursement of tuition and books if eligible.
  • Classes meet at BHS at 7:30and at BCTAL during 5th period, Monday thru Thursday.
  • Classes may accommodate a maximum of 27 students for English and 30 for government.
  • Historically, students with 90 or better GPA have been the most successful in TCC classes.
  • Successful testing or Test Exemptions for TSI (TCC’s computerized version of state test) is required for enrollment in TCC courses. The test includes three parts: reading, writing and math. It is only necessary to pass the reading and writing for the English and government dual enrollment classes. However, students must attempt all 3 parts for dual enrollment and students who plan to attend a public two or four year college in Texas must pass all three parts. An official copy of any testing results that show exemptionmust be provided to Debra Ellis Yocum by May 25, 2015. Below are possible exceptions on SAT and ACT.

SAT Score / ACT Score
*Combined: 1070
(Critical Reading + Math Reasoning) with
Critical Reading: 500 / Composite: 23 and
19 English

Student’s Responsibility:

  • Determine transferability of TCC courses to the college or university you plan to attend.
  • Register for the class (both fall and spring requires separate registration).
  • Pay for the class and purchase or rent textbooks needed for EACH class.
  • Attend class DAILY and be PROMPT.
  • Complete all work on time.
  • For TCC a grade of C is required to continue from class to class
  • Communicate with the professor as needed
  • Complete and pass all three courses for English 4 credit REQUIRED for graduation in May. And/or complete and pass Federal Government for high school government class.

Parents Need to Know:

  • All students will be treated as a college student regardless of age.
  • Parents may not contact the professor and professor will not contact parents.
  • Parents will not be notified by progress report or phone call should the student be failing or not attending class. There are no grades or attendance recorded on report cards or Skyward access.

After the TCC classes are complete:

  • Request TCC send an official transcript to the college or university you plan to attend.
  • Keep an unofficial transcript for your records.

QUESTIONS: Call Debra Ellis Yocum (817) 547-8278 or e-mail . After June 11th e-mail .

Step 2

  • April 21, 2015 has been set for TCC to come to BHS to administer the required PAA and complete applications. This step takes about 45 minutes. Students will be sent a pass to come to the Library Lab for a determined period of the school day and expected to attend during that scheduled time. Facilities to complete this step are limited. Students will need to make up any missed work for the period they are out.
  • This step will only be about 15 minutes for students who have verified TSI exemption with Mrs. Ellis Yocum.

Step 3

  • ALL communications from TCC will come through this e-mail which includes notice of payment due, professor/class related e-mails, financial aid, etc. It is important to set this up and check it regularly.

Step 4

  • Students will need to go to the Northeast TCC Testing Center to complete the TSI requirement. Their phone number is 817-515-TEST (8378).
  • Testing is free for the first administration with a HS student ID. Retesting per section $11.
  • Students will also need a testing form provided on April 21, 2015.
  • Testing needs to be completed and a copy provided to Mrs. Ellis Yocum by May 25, 2015.

Step 5

  • No meningitis shot is required for courses taken at the high school campus.
  • HS Counselors will collect transcripts
  • Students must provide an original and official copy of evidence of TSI exemptions to HS Counselors
  • Students will sign the Early HS Enrollment form by on April 21, 2015.
  • Registration for semester 2 will require an additional copy of the Early HS Enrollment form signed by student generally done in December.

Step 6

  • The cost of first semester is $55 per semester hour equaling $330.
  • Second semester for English only will cost $165. English and government will be $330. Usually due in December. Save your $.
  • Students who require special accommodations, i.e., dyslexia aids, sign language interpreters, etc., must contact the Special Services Office at TCC Northeast campus directly.

Step 7

  • Purchase or rent textbooks. TCC’s bookstore can provide an approximate cost. Here is their website

Step 8

  • Orientation will take place Friday, August 28, 2015, 7:30 AM in the Lecture Hall for students enrolled in 1st period TCC classes.