Minnewaska Area High School

Student Handbook


Chip Rankin

Superintendent of Schools


Cory Larson

7-12 Principal


Sarah Suchy

K-6 Principal


Kelly Quade

MADT Director


Bill Mills

Director of Activities/Community Ed/Early Childhood



Table of Contents Alphabetical by Topic

Absences, Excused 2

Absences, Pre-Excused 4

Absences, Re-Admission after Absence 3

Absences, Unexcused 25


Activities Fees 11

Activity Punch Cards 12

Activities, Rules for 11

Academic Eligibility……………………………11

Activity Transportation 12

Address Change 5

Alcohol and Drugs, Possession or Use of 20

Attendance Policy 2



Belief/Mission Statement 20

Blue Slip 26

Books 15

Bullying 22

Bus Discipline 21

Bus Transportation 18

Bus Transportation - Rules & Regulations 18

Cafeteria 17

CALENDAR 2016-17 School Year 29

Cellular Phones and CD Players 10

Cheating/Lying 21

Class Disruptions 21

Class Dues 2

Classroom Treats and Food 17

Classroom Violations 21

College and Vocational School Requirements 13

College Visits 4

Commencement 14

Computer Resource Policy 7

Conduct, Code of 1


Credits to Qualify for Grade Level 14

Credits 14

Daily Schedule 1

Detention 27

Directory - Student Information 10


Discrimination 10

Distribution of Literature, Material 10

Dress Code – see Unacceptable Attire 25

Driving to School 8

Excuse from Physical Education 4

Expulsion 27

Extra-Curricular Activities 11

Fighting 21

Fire and Tornado Drills 5

Grades 15

Graduation Requirements 14

Guidance Office 16

Harassment #1 & #2 21

Harassment & Violence 21

Hazing Policy 24

Health Service 17

Homebound Instruction 16

Honor Roll 15

Honors Banquet Participants 16

Illness 6

Insubordination 24

Internet & E-Mail, District Rules 7

Late to School Passes 3

Lockers 19

Loss of Privileges 27

Lost and Found 17

Lunch Period - Closed Campus 10


Make-up work and Incomplete Grades 4

Media Center 7

Medication Policy 5

Memorandum of Understanding 28

Messages 5

Minimum Attendance 3 & 15

Minnesota Attendance Law 2

Mobile Device Policy 8-12

Noon Traffic to Other Areas 10

Nuisance Devices 24

Pass, In Building 4

Pass, Out of the Building 3

Parent Conferences 16

Parking Permits Required 9

Participation Fees 12

Policy Against Religious, Racial & Sexual Harassment & Violence 21

Pledge of Allegiance 1

Pornographic Material, Possession or Distr. of 24

Post-Secondary Options 16

Posters 9

Profanity/Inappropriate Comments 24

Progress Reports 16

Pupil Fair Dismissal Act 27

Readmission after Absence 3

Removal from Class 27

Restitution 27

Rollerblades and Skateboards 24

Rude/Discourteous Behavior 24

Saturday School/Seat Time 28

Schedule Changes 4


School Closings Announcements 9

School Lunch 17

School Sponsored Trips 13

School Staff Background Checks 28

Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973 19

Snowballs 25

Standards for Leadership 12

Stealing/Major 25

Stealing/Minor 25

Student Council 12

Student Planners 2

Student Ridership Training 19


Supplies 5

Suspension 28

Tardiness 3

Tobacco, Possession or Use of 25

Telephone, Use of 5

Tennessen Warning……………………...... 28

Trespass Notice 28

Truancy 26

Tutoring Center 16

Unacceptable Attire/Clothing Policy 25

Unexcused Absences 25

Unsafe Acts/Horseplay/ Pushing 26

Vandalism 26

Visitors During School Hours 9

Weapons Policy 26

Weighted Grades 15

Withdrawal and Transfer 5



7th & 8th Grade

Warning Bell 8:10

Period 1 8:15-9:06

Period 2 9:11-10:02

Period 3 10:07-10:58

Lunch 10:58-11:26

Period 4 11:31-12:22

Period 5 12:27-1:18

Period 6 1:23-2:14

Period 7 2:19-3:10

9th thru 12th Grade

Warning Bell 8:10

Period 1 8:15-9:06

Period 2 9:11-10:02

Period 3 10:07-10:58

Period 4 11:03-11:54

Lunch 11:54-12:22

Period 5 12:27-1:18

Period 6 1:23-2:14

Period 7 2:19-3:10

Zero Hour



Student-Minnesota Statutes 1971, Section 120.06 states the following: “Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, the conduct of all students under 21 years of age attending a public secondary school shall abide by the rules and regulations promulgated by the local Board of Education.

The basic responsibility of the schools is to educate the children of the community and any child defined as eligible by compulsory school attendance laws. It is not necessary to keep in school those children whose conduct is totally inconsistent with the learning atmosphere. The right of a person to attend school must not place in serious jeopardy the rights of others to profit from school. In the event that a student in Minnewaska Area High School does not abide by these disciplinary guidelines, he or she may be subject to disciplinary action that is fitting, proper, and legal within the framework of the amended Pupil Fair Dismissal Act of 1974.


Minnesota Statutes 121A.11 mandate regarding the pledge of allegiance:

"Anyone who does not wish to participate in reciting the pledge of allegiance for any personal reason may elect not to do so. Staff and students must respect another person's right to make that choice."


Every student at MAHS is expected to pay class dues. The class dues are used to support and offset class expenses. It is important that each student pay his/her annual class dues so that they can attend class activities and support the class’s future plans. Please make checks payable to the MAHS Class of ___ (his/her graduation year). Class dues must be paid by November 15th to avoid a $5 late fee. Dues by grade:

7th & 8th …………………. $10

9th-11th……………….. $15

12th…………………… $20

These dues are used to offset the cost of assignment books in grades 7-9 and offset future costs related to, but not limited to: Homecoming, Prom, Graduation Costs, Field Trips, etc., for every class.


Students in grades 7 and 8 will be required to have a student planner. Class dues will cover the initial planner cost ($3). Replacement planners may be purchased at the office for the same price while supplies last.



All children between the ages of seven and eighteen (or 17 WITH parent permission) shall attend school each day school is in session. Hence, the school and the State of Minnesota insist that students attend every day unless they have excusable reasons. Failure to meet this requirement will result in notification of truancy being filed with the County Attorney’s Office.


There is a direct relationship between good attendance and success in school. It is the recommendation of administration and staff that no more than six (6) days of absenteeism will be allowed for credit in any given quarter. Seat time will be made up at a 1:1 rate for any students exceeding the allowable number. Students must be in school from 11:00-3:10 in order to participate or attend extra-curricular activities that school day unless special circumstances had been discussed with the principal ahead of time.


Excused absences may be given for the following reasons:

1.  Illness**

2.  Necessary medical attention or health related problems.

3.  Serious illness or death of someone in the immediate family.

4.  Emergencies calling for the student at home.

5.  Family trips, college visits, when arrangements have been made in advance with the attendance secretary and/or office secretary.

**REMEMBER to inform the school by calling 239-1314 (attendance secretary) by 10:00 a.m. when you intend to keep an ill student home.

All district residents have access to bus transportation. Therefore, missing school because your car will not start is not an acceptable excuse.


By policy, attendance will be reviewed quarter by quarter. Students in grades 7-12 who are absent, excused or unexcused, over 6 times in a quarter terms will be required to make up hours/work during Saturday school, at before/after school detentions, by attending non-student days, etc., at the discretion of the principal before they will receive credit for the course. Extenuating circumstances will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Secondary School Principal.


Students must abide by the following procedures:

1.  Students are to report to the attendance secretary to turn in their excuse for absence, and will contact the individual teachers; via Gmail, to inform them of any unexcused absences.

2.  It is up to all students to contact each of their teachers for make-up work. Teachers have been instructed to post the daily or weekly assignments in their rooms or provide handouts of the assignments.

3.  Make-up work allows one day for each day missed. Work for unexcused absences must be made up but will not receive credit.


All students are expected to report to school on time. All late arrivals are considered unexcused tardy or absent unless a bus is late or arrangements have been made ahead of time with the principal or attendance secretary. Any 7-12 student arriving after 8:15 a.m. to 1st Period is tardy or absent and are to report to the attendance secretary.


To leave the school building during the school day, a student needs a parent/guardian approved “blue pass” (Permit to Leave Building pass) in his/her possession. Permission to be absent from school for any reason must ONLY be obtained through a parent or guardian. Students 18 years or older will not be given permission independently. All requests to leave school must be presented to the principal’s office prior to 10:00 a.m. each day. Blue passes must be picked up by the student in the office prior to leaving school property. Students leaving the building without a blue pass will be considered truant. Blue passes may be obtained from the Secondary School Office by receipt of a call, e-mail or signed note by parent/guardian for the following reasons:

1.  Court appearance, probation visit, etc.: The student will be excused only for the hours needed for the court appearance or probation visit.

2.  Dentist and Doctor’s appointments: An attempt should be made to schedule appointments after school hours except in emergencies.

3.  Church activity participation: This is to be cleared by administration.

4.  Family emergencies: Students will be excused for family emergencies.

5.  Funerals: Students will be excused if permission from parents or guardian is presented.

6.  Illness during the day: Students who become ill during the school day must report to the nurse’s office before going home. Parents will be contacted in cases of illness and transportation will be arranged.

Students returning to school after using a blue pass must check in with the attendance secretary and have completed the destination portion of the blue pass. Failure to complete this portion may result in unexcused absence or loss of blue pass privileges.


Students in grades 7-12 must sign out and have a signed pass detailing date, time and destination.


All planned absences (family trips, college visits, funerals etc.) should be cleared through the Secondary School Office before the absence occurs. Students wishing to be excused from school may obtain an excuse by presenting a written permission request from a parent or guardian to the Secondary School Office in advance of the absence. A pre-excused permission slip will be issued which the student will take to each of his or her teachers. The teachers will sign the permission slip and discuss with the student the work to be made up.


Make all arrangements for these visits through the counselors’ office and get a pre-excused absence slip from the attendance secretary. Juniors are permitted to make one visit, seniors two as an excused absence. No college visits will be allowed after April 30th each year.


It is the responsibility of each student to make up work missed. Teachers have been instructed to hold the students accountable for all make-up work. When a student has been absent for a legitimate reason (excused absence) the number of days given to complete and receive credit for the work will be equivalent to the number of days classmates had to complete the same assignments or equal the number of days absent. If the number of days included a weekend or vacation period, the absent student will be granted the same number of days. If the assignment is not turned in when the period expires, it will be up to the teacher to decide whether or not full credit will be given. This decision will be made in accordance with the class rules that have been established by the involved teacher at the beginning of each semester. The responsibility to obtain all make-up materials and assignments will be that of the student and not that of the office personnel. The office staff may assist but cannot insure all make-up materials will be delivered. Students in grades 7-12 must complete all requirements established by individual instructors of that course. Due to an extended illness or extenuating circumstances, a student may be granted an incomplete. Any incomplete grade will become a failure two weeks after the conclusion of the class unless special arrangements have been made to complete the required work. This includes second semester grades.


Students will not be excused from physical education class unless they present either of the following:

1.  Doctor’s excuse. This excuse must include the length of time for non-participation from regular physical education or an adaptive physical education.

2.  Parental excuse. This is valid for one class meeting.


Classes may be changed only with the approval of administration, counselor, teachers, and parents under the following conditions:

1.  The changes must produce an educational benefit for the student;

2.  The student must complete a request form from the counselor’s office, which states the reason(s) for the change, course requests, and parent permission. The student must return the completed form to the counselor’s office before the change will be considered;

3.  The student has open time in his or her schedule, which corresponds to the meeting time of the class to be added;

4.  There is sufficient seating available for additions.

Note: If a class is dropped after the drop/add time period, the student receives an F in the class and is assigned to a restricted study hall unless the teacher, counselor and principal agree that the class is inappropriate for the student.