GC Curriculum Committee Meeting
Friday, April 17, 2009; 9:00 – 11:00am
Graduate Student Centre, Boardroom
Present: Stelvio Bandiera, Bill McKee (Chair), Ed Putnins, Bill Ramey, Gary Schajer, Joyce Tom, Ian Townsend-Gault, Jonathan Preston, Norman Wong, Ella Ho (minutes), Philip Loewen, Sandra Chamberlain, Deb Feduik (guest), John Grace (guest)
Regrets: Lindsey Lipovsky, Jenny Phelps, Cindy Prescott, Susie Stephenson
1. Adoption of Agenda
2. Minutes of March 27, 2009 meeting
- approved as presented
3. Business arising
- Asian Library Consultation received, in support of MAAPS/MAP proposal. All three consultations now on file, all issues resolved.
4. Re-submitted Proposal from Senate Curriculum Sub-Committee
Faculty of Applied ScienceSubmitted by Dr. John Grace and Deb Feduik
Master of Engineering in Clean Energy – New Program
· Committee reviewed the revised version of the program proposal and commented positively
· The Committee suggested editorial changes in the revised supporting materials for the new courses, specifically related to Learning Outcomes, learning activities and evaluation sections of New Courses appendix.
· The proposers incorporate the feedback from the committee and re-submit via email to Senate Secretary and distribute to Senate Sub-Committee members for final approval.
Action: Held. Approval pending resubmission and subsequent positive feedback via email from committee members.
5. Re-submitted Proposals
Faculty of DentistrySubmitted by Ed Putnins
DENT 599 (18)
- Please remove last sentence in Rationale, regarding attached letter
Action: Approved pending changes
MSc in Craniofacial Science
- Please remove “MSc in Craniofacial Science” from just below the “MASTER OF SCIENCE” heading, as this entry will already be in the Craniofacial Science section of the Calendar
- Replace second paragraph (the one that reads, “Students normally take DENT 540…”) with the following paragraph:
“Applicants must meet minimum admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Fluency in English is required. The minimum TOEFL Score requirement for graduates from a country where is not the primary language is 580 paper-based, 237 computer-based or 93 internet-based. Completion of the Masters program requires a minimum of 12 credits of course work in addition to the 18 credit thesis course. Students will normally take DENT 540 (Research Methods and Seminars in Oral Biology), and DENT 542 (Biology of Oral Tissues), and an additional 6 credits during their first year. The program will usually require two full academic years, however, an extended program of part-time MSc studies is also available.”
Action: Approved pending changes
PhD in Craniofacial Science
- Please remove “PhD in Craniofacial Science” from just below the “DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY” heading, as this entry will already be in the Craniofacial Science section of the Calendar
- Replace the second paragraph (the one that reads, “Students normally take DENT 540…”) with the following paragraph:
“Applicants must meet minimum admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Fluency in English is required. The minimum TOEFL Score requirement for graduates from a country where is not the primary language is 580 paper-based, 237 computer-based or 93 internet-based. Students will normally take DENT 540 (Research Methods and Seminars in Oral Biology). In addition, student will be required to pass a comprehensive examination. The program is open to those who have completed a D.D.S., D.M.D., M.D., D.V.M., or their equivalents, or an M.Sc.”
Action: Approved pending changes
Craniofacial Science FoGS Calendar Entry
- Please remove “in Craniofacial Science” from the “Doctor of Philosophy in Craniofacial Science” heading
- Please simplify Program Requirements under the Master of Science heading
- Under Rationale, please add some of the material from Dr. Putnin’s letter, and also make a case for Craniofacial Science
Action: Hold pending changes
6. Re-submitted Proposals from Senate Curriculum Sub-Committee
Sauder School of BusinessSubmitted by Dale Griffin and Fran Hannabuss
BAEN 550 – Fundamentals in Entrepreneurship
· Senate Secretariat distributed proposal to committee and agreed to review proposal on the next agenda
Action: Held. Will be brought forward next meeting.
BASD 505 – Environmental Economics, Management and Technology
· Received from the Faculty positive consults (RMES, Civil Engineering, and Food & Resource Economics) that was requested by the committee
Action: Approved. / BASC 500 – Change of Name
· Faculty re-submitted a more comprehensive rationale to justify the change of name.
· Add (1.5) credit designation after subject code under Proposed Calendar Entry.
Action: Approved.
7. Re-submitted Proposals
Faculty of MedicineSubmitted by Moira Thejomayen
Population and Public Health FoGS Calendar Entry
- Under Master of Health Science, Admission Requirements, please explain what is meant by “M.D. or equivalent”
- Please see proposals for edits
Action: Approved pending changes
8. Adjournment of Meeting
9. Next meeting – Friday, May 8th, 2009, Graduate Student Centre, Room 200