- Landing Charge
1.1 The use of aircraft movement areas for landing and take-off of single aircraft
1.2 Calculation unit
The maximum take off weight (MTOW) of the aircraft, according to the airworthiness
certificate, quoted in metric tons (each started ton to be considered as a whole unit)
1.3 Service description:
-The taxiways and intersections use for an aircraft arriving from the runway to the apron and vice versa.
-The runway use during landing and takes off of single aircraft
-The lighting of the runway and intersections
1.4 Service Charge
Service Charge includes a total operation of landing and take off, indivisible when charging, and amounts as follows:
a) For aircraft up to 24 tons MTOW, each tonEUR 7,50
b) For aircraft above 24 tons MTOW, each tonEUR 9,50
Surcharges and reductions of the basic charge for the use of runway:
a)For runway use with lighting, the charge set under item 1.4 is increased by 25%.
b)For runway use in cases of
the charge set under item 1.4 us decreased by 50%
c)For runway use
-For training (each touch and go):
-For return flights (without physical change of load)
the charge set under item 1.4 is decreased by 75%
- Ground Handling Charge
2.1.Aircraft, passenger, cargo and baggage handling
2.2.Calculation unit
The maximum take off weight (MTOW) of the aircraft quoted in metric tons according to respective classes.
Maximum take off weight quoted in kilogramsUp to 2 000 kg
2 001 - 5 000 kg
5 001 - 10 000 kg
10 001 - 16 000 kg
16 001 - 24 000 kg
24 001 - 40 000 kg
40 001 - 60 000 kg
60 001 - 80 000 kg
80 001 - 99 000 kg
99 001 - 150 000 kg
150 001 - 180 000 kg
180 001 - 215 000 kg
Over 215 001 kg
2.3.Service Charge
Maximum take off weight quoted in kilograms / TivatAirport ChargeIn EURO / PodgoricaAirport Charge
Up to 2 000 kg / 50,oo / 70,oo
2 001 - 5 000 kg / 70,oo / 100,oo
5 001 - 10 000 kg / 150,oo / 150,oo
10 001 - 16 000 kg / 300,oo / 250,oo
16 001 - 24 000 kg / 450,oo / 440,oo
24 001 - 40 000 kg / 690,oo / 575,oo
40 001 - 60 000 kg / 900,oo / 660,oo
60 001 - 80 000 kg / 1.100,oo / 775,oo
80 001 - 99 000 kg / 1.200,oo / 935,oo
99 001 - 150 000 kg / 1.700,oo / 1.700,oo
150 001 - 180 000 kg / 2.500,oo / 2.500,oo
180 001 - 215 000 kg / 2.750,oo / 2.750,oo
Over 215 001 kg / 3.300,oo / 3.300,oo
Surcharges and reductions of the basic aircraft handling charges:
a) The charge under item 2.3. for handling during out of airport opening hours, will be increased by
- 30 % in the first hour,
- 40 % in the second hour,
- 50 % in the third hour, and
- 100 % over the third hour
a)The charge under item 2.3 to be increased by 30% in case of more than 60 minutes flight delay if the handling agent does not receive the delay notification at least 6 hours before the announced flight.
b)The charges under item 2.3. for re-loading/re-unloading caused by Carrier s error , to be increased by 25 %.
c)The charge under item 2.3. for one leg empty flight, to be reduced by 25 %.
d)The charge under item 2.3. in cases of technical landing and return flight, where no commercial change of load occurs, to be reduced by 50 %
e)The charge under item 2.3. for helicopters, to be reduced by 50
f)The charge under item 2.3. in case of training flights (handling refers to each aircraft landing on the apron with engine stop and start ) to be reduced by 75 %.
g)The charge under item 2.3. during winter flight schedule at Tivat airport to be reduced 30 %.
h)Depending on the number of aircraft movements operated on annual basis at both airports, the airport operator offers discount on charges under Item 2.3
i)Airport operator can apply route incentive for a new route and route incentive for incremental frequencies, allowing discount of 30% on the charges set under item 1.4 and item 2.3 for up to three years period
j)Airport operator can allow discount on charges set under item 2.3 for off- peak flights (low traffic frequency) and also increase charges set under item 2.3 for the peak flights (high traffic frequency)
2.4.Cargo Aircrafts – Service Charge
-The service charge for aircraft handling set under item 2.3 to be increased by 50% for freight aircraft (cargo and mail transport)
-The service charge under paragraph 1 of this Item is subject to all sub-charges and reductions as stated under item 2.3 save under paragraph 2.3 g)
2.5.General Aviation - Service Charge
(PRIVATE AND BUSINESS AIRCRAFT - All aircraft which use own Tailnumber - Registration - instead of official Callsign - Aircraft up to 60 tons of MTOW, and that the Owner’s purpose of the flight is not revenue air transport ).
2.5.1. General Aviation Aircraft Handling – Service Charge
MTOW in kilograms / EURO0 - 2 000 kg / 30,oo
2 001 - 5 000 kg / 45,oo
5 001 - 7 000 kg / 70,oo
7 001 - 10 000 kg / 110,oo
10 001 - 16 000 kg / 150,00
16 001 – 24 000 kg / 300,oo
24 001 – 40 000 kg / 400,oo
40 001 – 60 000 kg / 550,oo
- Parking Charge
3.1.Aircraft parking on the ramp
3.2.Calculation unit
The maximum take off weight (MTOW) of the aircraft quoted in metric tons
3.3 Service description
-Use of the airport ramp for aircraft parking
-Supervision and security of the aircraft when parked
3.3.Service Charge:
-The first four hours are free of charge
-Parking over four hours and up 24 hours to be charged:
for scheduled and charter traffic
-for each started ton at Tivat Airport EUR 2,50
-for each started ton at Podgorica airport EUR 2,00
- Passenger Service Charge
4.1.Service Description
Passenger service includes all non-commercial facilities within passenger terminal.
4.2.Calculation Unit
-Each departing checked passenger
Exemptions: Children up to two years of age and transit passengers are exempted from payment of this charge
4.3.Service Charge
-Passenger in international traffic/per departing passenger/EUR 15,00
- Transfer passenger EUR 4,00
Service Description
Personnel ServicesPrice in EURO
- Highly skilled employeeM/H 21,00
- Skilled employeeM/H 18,00
- Semi-skilled employee M/H 15,00
- Unskilled employeeM/H 12,00
Vehicles and Equipment on request
- Mini-bus
- per kilometer 1,50
- Ambulance Car
- per kilometer 2,50
3. Towing TractorM/H 40,00
4. Conveyor belt loaderM/H 80,00
5. Potable water vehicle, lavatory vehicleM/H 55,00
6. Air starterM/H 100,00
7. Ground power unit ( 28 V, 112 V, 220 V)M/H 100,00
8. Towing tractor
- bigM/H 90,00
- smallM/H 60,00
9. Towable passenger stairsM/H 30,00
10. Self-propelled passenger stairsM/H 60,00
11. Forklift M/H 48,00
12. Fire fighting vehicle
- operating timeM/H 400,00
13. Small fire engine with equipmentM/H 100,00
Material Supplies
1. Ballast bags (25 kg) bag 10,00
loading and transport included
2. Binding material meter
3. Oxygen bottle
4. Compressed airkg
6. Battery acidliter
7. Distilled waterliter
8. Disinfectantsliter
9. Cleaning stores and supplieskg
10. Cleaning mops kg
11. Photocopying and printingcopy 0,50
All the above-listed items are calculated at purchase price increased by 65%
Other services
1. Hot water liter 0,50
2. Catering box rotation per aircraft20,00
3. Removing spilt oilworker
4. Aircraft cleaning – interiorper aircraft 60,00
5. Wheelchair 5,00
6. Stretcher with pillow and blanket 10,00
-Any minute up to 30 minutes to be calculated as 30 minutes
-Any minute over 30 minutes to be calculated as 60 minutes
-Any use of car per route to be calculated as 30 minutes
-Any other material not listed herein shall be calculated at purchase price increased by 65%.
-(Workmen are included in price except otherwise stated).
Bonded Goods
1. / Declaration of Goods / 12,00€2. / Cargo/mail handling – storage
Up to 20 kg / 2,00€
From 21 to 50 kg / 3,00€
From 51 to 150 kg / 5,00€
Over150 kg per each additional 50 kg to be charged / 1,50€
3. / Notification – by telegram or phone call / 5,00€
4. / Photocopying of documents / 0,22€
per sheet
5. / Storage charge
First five days as of the notification to consignee are free of charge. Upon expiry of this period each day is charged / 0,20€/kg/day
1. / WeighingUp to 25 kg / 0,50€
From 26 to 100kg / 1,00€
Over 100 kg for each additional 50 kg to be charged / 1,00€
2. / Cargo/mail screening
Per palette / 1,00€
3. / Cargo/mail handling - storage
Up to 20 kg / 2,00€
From 21 to 50 kg / 3,00€
From 51 to 150 kg / 5,00€
Over150 kg per each additional 50 kg to be charged / 1,50€
4. / Preparation of cargo manifest / 2,00€
Note:Services included in Standard Ground Handling Agreement with a particular airline shall not be charged to the clients of that airline.
1. Passenger Terminal
Description / Unit of Measure / Price in EUROStand/Counter / m² - monthly / 50
Office / m² - monthly / 30
2. Administrative Building
Description / Unit of Measure / Price in EUROOffice / m² - monthly / 15
Store area / m² - monthly / 8
3. Open area
Description / Unit of Measure / Price in EUROLand / m² - monthly / 10
- Services
Description / Unit of Measure / Price in EURO
Water and sewage / m² - monthly / 0,6o
Garbage collection / m² - monthly / 0,4o
a)Tenant shall be provided with fully functional unfurnished area.
b)Before furnishing the rented space, the tenant shall obtain approval of interior equipment/facilities by Airports of Montenegro.
c)Airports of Montenegro shall charge electricity costs to the users with separately installed electric meters at actual price set by Electric Power Industry of Montenegro increased by 20% on the account of handling fee.
d)Airports of Montenegro shall charge water consumption costs to all tenants with separately installed water meter at actual price increased by 10% on the account on handling fee.
Land lease rate at Podgorica and Tivat airports is EUR 5,00 per m².
Car park charges at Podgorica and TivatAirports
1. / Passenger car / By hourup to 24 hours - 0.60 €2. / Van / By hourup to 24 hours - 1.20 €
3. / Bus / By hourup to 24 hours - 5.00 €
4. / Truck / By hourup to 24 hours - 5.00 €
5. / Full day parking charge (per each started day) / 6.00 €
6. / Lost parking ticket fine / 6.00 €
7. / Monthly lease per parking position / 50.00 €
10.1. TivatAirport – Indoor Advertising Charges:
Main Hall
- Lightbox on the wall behind check-in area (160x80cm) 350,00€
- Lightbox on the wall next to the check-in area (240x150cm) 500,00€
- Clip banner ( 300x100cm) 400,00€
- Clip banner ( 240 X150 ) 500,00€
Arrival Gate
-Lightbox on the wall behind the baggage conveyor belt (240x150cm) 500,00€
- Clip banner (240x150) 500,00€
- Lightbox on the wall of passenger corridor (240x150cm) 500,00€
- Panel before entering the building (500x200cm) 500,00€
- Clip banner(180x120cm) 400,00€
- Portable freestandingdouble sided lightbox (158x50cm) by side200,00€
- Banner before entering the building (300X200) 400,00€
Departure Gate
- Clip banner (240X150) 400,00€
- Clip banner (300X150) 500,00€
All prices are listed on a monthly basis and do not include VAT and printing
In case of rent of more advertising spaces by a single party, the following discount is available:
- Two rented advertising spaces10%
- Three rented advertising spaces15%
- Four rented advertising spaces20%
PodgoricaAirport – Indoor Advertising Charges:
Main Hall
- Gallery: Lightbox (250x100cm) 400,00€
- Gallery: Lightbox (150x100cm) 300,00€
- Lightbox on the wall behind check-in area (125x180cm) 300,00€
- Clip banner (300x150cm) 500,00 €
- Clip banner (240x150cm) 400,00€
Arrival Gate
Clip banners (no backlight)
- Clip banner (300x150cm) 500,00€
- Clip banner (240x150cm) 400,00€
- Clip banner (120x120cm) 350,00€
- Clip banner (180x120cm) 400,00€
- Glass partition (113,5x275cm) per side 150,00€
- Portable freestanding double sided lightbox (68x200cm) per side 200,00€
Departure Gate
- Clip banner (240x150cm) 350,00€
- Clip banner (580x100cm) 650,00€
- Clip banner (300x150cm) 500,00€
- Glass partition (113,5x275cm) per side 150,00€
All prices are listed on a monthly basis and do not include VAT and printing
In case of rent of more advertising spaces by a single party, the following discount is available:
- Two rented advertising spaces10%
- Three rented advertising spaces15%
- Four rented advertising spaces20%
PodgoricaAirport – Outdoor Advertising Charges:
BILLBOARDS (300X400cm)- 12m²
POSITION: 1, 2, 3, and 4 (double-sided), per side 350,00€
POSITION 5 (three-sided), per side 400,00€
POSITION: 6, 7, 8, and 9 (double-sided)per side 400,00€
All prices are listed on a monthly basis and do not include VAT and printing
In case of rent of more sides of advertising spaces by a single party, the following discount is available:
- Two advertising sides5%
- Four advertising sides15%
- More than four advertising sides15%
A discount is available depending on the advertising space rental duration:
- Three months rental 5 %
- Six months rental 10 %
- Longer than six months rental 15 %
- One year rental 20 %