Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

Eucharistic Celebrations June 18, 2011 – June 26, 2011

(including Mass intentions and their benefactors)

Saturday / 6/18 / 4:00 PM / Father’s Day
Sunday / 6/19 / 10:00 AM / Father’s Day
Tuesday / 6/21 / 12:10 PM / Viola Gale (by her estate)
Jerry Van Voris (by his wife Jean)
Thursday / 6/23 / 12:10 PM / Mario Marcoccia (by Jean Gochee)
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Saturday / 6/25 / 4:00 PM / James West, 22nd anniversary (by Mary Ann)
Dan Lioi, 4th anniversary (by his friends)
Ron McCormick (by his wife Marge)
Virginia Steiner (by the Servidone family)
Sunday / 6/26 / 10:00 AM / Elizabeth Sepcilka (by her sister Joan Gochee)
Albert DeCelle, Jr. (by the SJESJ Finance Committee)
Dorothy Farrell (by Michele Bohley)
Mario Marcoccia (by Joanna Fiacco), Bill Albright (by his wife, Blanche)
Sophia Martino (by her husband Albert), Margaret McLoughlin (by her family)

June 19, 2011

Prayers Requested -- “God is our refuge and our strength.” Please remember the following people in your prayers: Ryan Carlson, Betty Keppal, Sandro Marcoccia, Jackie Reed, Thomas Roberts, and Carolina Tobia.

Died in the Hope of Rising Again-- “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” John S. Kovarovic, died May 13, 2011; his funeral was held on June 13, with burial in St. Anthony's Cemetery, Johnstown.

Reborn an Heir of Everlasting Life – Last Saturday we welcomed Justin Michael Ford, son of Eric and Amber into the body of Christ through baptism. May his faith in God and love toward others increase his whole life through!

Parish Nurse News -- We would like to offer a sincere thank you to all who so generously donated personal care items to the Catholic Charities Aids Services. So many needed items were collected. Thank you for blessing others!

Last weekend’s collection

Regular $7,017.75

Budget $5,432.00

Thank you for your support!

Jump into June Raffle Winners -- June 11, Tracey & Greg Cross; June 12, Carmela Lacivita; June 13, Barbara Luizzi; June 14, Mary Tobin; June 15, Mary Hogan; June 16, Vincent Janenka; and June 17, Frankie Motler - Congratulations to all!!!

Take Me Out to the Ballgame -- We still have tickets available at Yankees Stadium section 207 (great seats at the pole on the first base line). The Yankees are playing Tampa Bay (2009 World Series). The game begins at 1:00PM Sunday July 10th. The price for the bus and ticket is $85.00. Tickets available by calling Linda at 465-0932 ext. 17. Half down ($42.50) is required to reserve your seat.

Pastor’s Column


e congratulate Jay John Benedict Atherton who was ordained as a presbyter (priest) for the diocese of Albany last Saturday at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. We are grateful for Father Atherton’s witness of service to God’s people and say to him: Ad Multos Annos!

Last weekend’s chicken B-B-Q was a smash! Everyone who purchased the $10 meal of chicken, baked potato, baked beans, roll, macaroni salad, cupcake and drink raved over the succulent dinner. As you know proceeds from the B-B-Q support our World Youth Day pilgrims. Did you know that we are the only parish in the 14 county diocese of Albany sending young people and chaperons to this event? All similar fund raisers made this pilgrimage to join the Holy Father Benedict XVI in Madrid this August possible. Thank you to all who have supported this once-in-lifetime event. Let’s plan on doing this again as a parish picnic in the early fall. If you are interested in serving on a committee with this in mind please contact me.

Our St. Anthony Society ended their three days of prayer in honor of St. Anthony of Padua with a special celebration on Monday, June 13th, the actual feast day of the saint, with a breakfast buffet. In days past, due to a legend from the 17th century, bread had been blessed and distributed to the poor in honor of St. Anthony of Padua. Today, that “bread” takes the form of a monetary donation. While loaves of bread are blessed for devotees of St. Anthony, and shared with family and friends, the society makes a donation to a worthy cause. This year they offered their “bread” to our World Youth Day pilgrims and St. Paul’s Center here in the city. As published on their web site, the mission and purpose of the St. Paul’s Center is to provide a warm, nurturing, home-like environment where each mother will have the opportunity to become equipped and empowered to make a successful transition to independent living and to a better life for herself and her children.” May the bread of St. Anthony, offered by our society, help fulfill that mission.

Next weekend, on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, we welcome Father Bill Tracy who will make an appeal in support of his work. Fr. Tracy, a Redemptorist Missionary from Brazil, is a native of Ballston Spa. This “young missionary” has been a member of the Redemptorist Order for 61 years, a priest for 56 years, in Brazil for 52, and has been freed from the suffering of alcoholism for 28 years. He is the founder and director of the only specialized treatment center for alcoholic priests and religious in the whole continent of South America. In these 25 years, Fr. Tracy’s New Life Community has welcomed more than 300 priests – 7 from Africa and 15 from the Spanish speaking countries of the continent – and more than 500 lay men and women, helping to free them from the slavery of alcoholism and to prepare them to live sober in Alcoholics Anonymous. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.

Lastly, this Sunday night it is our turn to celebrate the LCC (Local Catholic Community) 7 p.m. regional Eucharist held at the Church of St. Mary in Clinton Heights. Each month we struggle to assemble a liturgical team. We are in need of lectors, Eucharistic ministers, greeters/ushers and servers. I ask that liturgical ministers consider at least a ONCE A YEAR commitment to fulfill our responsibility and assist the 130 regular LCC parishioners who attend this evening Mass. Please contact Barbara. We have Mass on the following evenings: July 17, August 21, September 11 (special 9\11 Memorial Ritual), October 9, November 6, and December 18. Thank you!

Community News

A Conversation on Worship, an LCC event with Father Joe O’Brien – how do we celebrate the sacred word in the world today? Monday, June 20, 7:00 p.m., at Holy Spirit Church.

Music in the Park starts Tuesday, July 5, at 6 p.m., Riverfront Park. Bring your lawn chairs -- hope to see you there.

CoNSERNS-U Food Pantry -- This week the pantry is in need ofpeanut butter, cereal, toiletries, and laundry detergent. Thanks you so much for serving the hungry in our community!!

Circles of Mercy accepts clothing; diapers are always needed and appreciated. Children’s programs and job seeking skills programs are available. Please call 462-0899.

Serving Next Weekend
Saturday, June 25, 2011 -- 4:00 PM
Lectors / Linda Cairns and Annette Elonge
Eucharistic Ministers / Cheryl Kawola (JC), Dawn Gillan (TC),
Jean O’Donnell (CH), Mollie Shook (JH),
Sandy Raus (TH)
Sunday, June 26, 2011 – 10:00 AM
Lectors / Peter Mahar and Marisa Donovan
Eucharistic Ministers / Michele Bohley (TH), Janice Presti (JH),
Marion Barlow (CH), Judy Morris (TC),
Carol Davitt (JC)
This Week in the Life of Our Parish
date / day / event / time/place
6/23 / Mon / Liturgy Meeting / 1:00 p.m./McMC

Save the Date Bishop Maginn High School -- Educating minds, transforming lives -- Annual Golf Tournament

to be held on Monday, August 8, at the Wolferts Roost Country Club. Contact; Angela Stone, at 463-2247, ext. 104.

Thank you to our bulletin sponsors! Many thanks to our sponsors who support our bulletin. Our sponsor of the week is W.J. Lyons, Jr. Funeral Home, Inc.

The Little Sisters of the Poor cordially invite all golfers to participate in their 15th Annual Golf Tournament to be held on Monday, July 11, at the Shaker Ridge Country Club. All proceeds from the Tournament will go to support ongoing needs at Our Lady of Hope Residence in Latham, a residential facility for the elderly poor. The fee of $175 per person includes golf, lunch, awards/prizes, buffet reception, silent and live auctions. Please come and help celebrate the 140 years of service by the Little Sisters of the Poor for the elderly in the diocese of Albany. For more information and to register, please call Michael Coughlin at 785-4551.

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