Illinois Association FFA

3221 Northfield Drive, Springfield Illinois 62702

Phone: 217/753-3328Fax: 217/753-3359

Mike Shively – President Jim Tobin– Vice President

Chris Steppig– Reporter Jacob Meisner– Secretary

Clayton Carley– Treasurer Harley Hepner – Advisor

James Craft – Executive SecretaryFrank Dry – Associate Exec. Secretary

For Immediate Release

FFA Member attends Illinois FFA Leadership Camp

Monticello - Insert Camper(s) Names of the Insert Chapter Name FFA Chapter recently attended the 2011 Illinois FFA Leadership Camp, held at Allerton Park near Monticello from July 27 - July 30. Insert Camper(s) Names among the over 300 campers from across the state that gathered to develop leadership skills and learn more about the FFA. Campers participated in a challenge course to develop teamwork skills, Ag Olympics, FFA power sessions, a dance and a large water balloon fight. also listened to presentations from the Illinois FFA Alumni, Illinois Foundation FFA, hypnotist Dr. Morton Ford, and guest speaker Butch Cotter.

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of youth by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education.

Photo caption: Pictured from left to right State FFA ,

Insert Camper(s) Names.

For questions contact: IllinoisFFACenter

3221 Northfield Dr.

Springfield, IL62702
