Kearns Hall, 216
(843) 349-6932
DATE:April 24,2017
TO:All Deans, Associate Deans, Chairs, tenured, tenure-track, full-time slottedfaculty,and full-time slotted teachingstaff
FROM:J. RalphByington
SUBJECT:COOL Online Course Enhancement Grant Call for Proposals Summer2017
Online learning has evolved rapidly over the last decade as an educational genre capable of serving both residential and remote students, particularly those who face 21st century workplace expectations for continuous learning. These working students have created competitive global markets for online academic programs across a variety of academic disciplines. The Office of the Provost and the Coastal Office of Online Learning (COOL) are pleased to announce the 1st round of the COOL Online Course Enhancement Grant (CEG) program to enhance the development of high quality online courses and programs for graduate and undergraduate students. This specific grant focuses on applying enhancements and updates to previously developed online courses, both those that have or have not undergone review under the COOL Course Development Programs. This Course Enhancement Grant recognize the numerous changes that take place relating to online methodology within a short timeframe, and empowers faculty to meet the needs and objectives of their courses, the University’s Strategic Plan, and the best needs of the individual program. Focus areas for this grant include enhancement of courses along the strands of: Accessibility; Assessment; Communication; Interactivity; and Organization. CEG proposals demonstrating growth in 2 or more strands areas are most desirable, and each area will receive appropriate weighting based on proposed changes.
College Deans and Department Chairs are invited to engage their faculty in strategic planning discussions about potential online course curricula that may benefit from an update. Proposals may be submitted for online courses that have not received a COOL Course Development Grant in the preceding 18 months.
Category / Compensation / Highest PriorityOnline course / $1500/course / 1.Core curriculum online courses having high historical or projected enrollments, with planned offerings by Fall 2019 orsooner.
2.Online courses outside of the core curriculum indicating significant needfor improvement based on student outcomes, faculty self-evaluations, and other metrics, with planned offerings by Fall 2019 orsooner.
*Only proposals not previously funded through the COOL Course Development Grant Program in the previous 18 months from date of submission to COOL are eligible
Training Requirements / Compensation / ParticipationRequired (3 sessions) / $100 per session* / REQUIRED sessions for all grant recipients:
1.UsingBestPracticestoUpdateYourOnlineLearningCourse (new course developed byCOOL)
2.Lecture Capture (Echo 360 or Using Best Practices for Recording Personal Lecture CaptureVideo)
3.Accessibility: “Integration of Accessible Assignments & Activities into your Online, Hybrid and Flex Classes”
4.Prerequisite: “Applying the Quality Assurance Inventory to YourDistance Learning Course” (if not previously completed)*
Classes required for CEG program must be taken during the program, or within the previous 18 months
* Max $400 total additional compensation
1)Training –Faculty members accepting assigned course enhancement responsibilities with this CEG proposal must have completed a training session on Applying the Quality Assurance Inventory (QAI), which is the university’s official quality review instrument with best practice standards for online course design. In addition, faculty are required to complete 3 specific training workshops for this program: (1) Accessibility Workshop“Integration of Accessible Assignments & Activities into your Online, Hybrid and Flex Classes”, (2) Lecture Capture “Echo 360”OR“Using Best Practices for Recording Personal Lecture Capture Video” and (3) a new workshop designed for this grant, Using Best Practices to Update Your Online Learning Course, presented by COOL. Trainings will be offered by qualified training personnel from COOL and/or CeTEAL. Faculty who have previously completed trainings will havetrainingrecordsindividuallyreviewedtodetermineifthesepreviouscoursesmeettherequirementsoftheCEG.
2)TrainingscompletedduringworkontheCEGmaycounttowardsCeTEALtrainingcertifications,suchastheDistance LearningInstitute(DLI)certification.PleasecontactCeTEALformoredetailsonthis.
1)Eligibility – All full-time slotted faculty/teaching staff members are eligible. Part-time faculty must receive prior authorization from their respective departments/deans but may be considered for the CEG. Courses previously funded under the last 18 month time frame under the COOL Online Course Enhancement Grant Program are not eligible. There are a limited number of CEGs available under this program, and only those proposals submitted that fall within the expressed criteriawillbeconsidered. Onlyonecourseperfacultymemberwillbeconsideredforthisgrantinthisinitialtimeframe.
2)Timeline – Applications must be submitted in final form and with all signatures to the Office of the Provost by May 22nd at 5:00pmEST.TheUniversityDistanceLearningCommitteewillreviewallcompleteapplicationsandmakerecommendations to the Provost, the VP for Online Education and Teaching Excellence, and the Director of COOL. College deans will be notified of the final decision by the Office of the Provost by May 29th, 2017. The deadline for faculty to complete all training is August 7th, 2017. All courses must be submitted for Quality Review by August 7th,2017.
Applications Due / Awards Announced / COOL Training Deadline / Submission for Quality Review to COOL Deadline05/22/2017 / 06/09/2017 / 08/07/2017 / 08/07/2017
3)Compensation – Each faculty member will be paid a single amount of compensation for the course developed and up to 3 required DL training sessions attended (plus the QAI completion, if not previously completed), as verified by memos of completion issued by COOL (see Expectationsbelow).
4)StatementofIntellectualProperty–Twouniversitypoliciesprovideclarificationaboutownershipofintellectualproperty for distance learningcourses:
a.ACAD 302: I.A.1: Intellectual Propertypolicy
b.ACAD 133: III.B: Distance Learningpolicy
1.Oversight – College Deans are responsible for oversight and accountability of all initiatives relevant to approved proposals, and are expected to set internal deadlines that align development efforts to meet relevant timelines or protocols of other units,suchascollegeoruniversitycurriculumcommitteesandCHE/SACS.Deansdetermineallassignmentsoffacultyonline course developmentresponsibilities.
2.Development – Faculty members assigned course enhancement responsibilities for an approved proposal will be expected tocompleteallcoursedevelopmentrequirementsbytheAugust8th,2017deadline.A completed onlinecourseisdefinedas one that meets or exceeds all criteria listed on the Quality Assurance Inventory (QAI), which may include some revision requests from the QAI reviewer. All courses must be developed inside the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) to qualify for this COOL grant. Faculty members must have completed the QAI self-assessment and submitted their online course through email to the COOL office by no later than the 08/08/17deadline.
3. Quality Review – Faculty members assigned online course enhancement responsibilities for an approved proposal must submit to COOL a QAI Alignment Form that details how the updated online course meets each required quality expectation. A certified quality reviewer from COOL will use this form to conduct a thorough analysis of the course’s Moodle site and then generate a detailed report identifying areas of quality alignment, as well as suggestions for improvement. The faculty member will then have the opportunity to revise the course, request a consultation with the reviewer, and write a rejoinder before sending the final course review report to COOL for certification. COOL will make the final decision to issue either a memorandum of completion, or a request for revision and resubmission. Once the official memorandum of completion is issued, compensation processing will be authorized.
The COOL Online Course Enhancement Grant application is available on the following page. Deans should submit only one CEG application per college (add rows as needed to list all proposed online courses). Each individual course submitted must include an online application including justification, which must be submitted by or before the 05/22/17 CEG application deadline. (Faculty members should provide copies of these online applications to their department chairs and deans either electronically or in paper copy when requesting approvals). Completed applications must include a designated faculty member assigned to each proposed course, and must be signed by the appropriate Dean, Chair(s), and faculty member(s) of the college. The deadline for application submission to the Office of the Provost is 5:00 p.m., May 22nd, 2017.
If you have additional questions concerning the COOL Online Course Enhancement Grant program or the application process, please contact either Ed Jadallah, Vice President for Online Education and Teaching Excellence, or Sherri Restauri, Director of Coastal Office of Online Learning. Additional information about the COOL Course Enhancement and other Grants may also be viewed on the COOL Faculty Resources website. Questions regarding professional development and training opportunities may be directed to Jenn Shinaberger.
NOTE: Courses previously approved and receiving COOL grants over the last 18 months are not eligible. Only one course per faculty member will be considered for this grant in the Summer 2017 timeframe.