Report to: Executive

Date: 26th October 2009

Report for: Information

Report of: Executive Member for Economic Growth

Report Title

Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document (JWDPD): Preferred Option - Consultation


The JWDPD will set out a planning strategy to 2026 for sustainable waste management which will enable the adequate provision of waste management facilities (including disposal) in appropriate locations for municipal, commercial and industrial, construction and demolition and hazardous wastes.
The JWDPD will include development management policies which will assist in determining waste planning applications, together with a set of maps identifying the potential locations of future waste management facilities across Greater Manchester.
This report informs the Executive of the nature and timing of the forthcoming consultation on the Preferred Option for the Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document (JWDPD).
The Preferred Option Report of the JWDPD will be published for an eight week consultation period from Friday 13th November 2009 to Friday 8th January 2010.
Consultation arrangements in Trafford will include making the report available via a link on the council’s website, placing copies on deposit at each Access Trafford point and via a staffed exhibition at relevant Neighbourhood Forums.


That the Executive:
1.  note the planning strategy and policies contained within the Preferred Option Report, and the proposed consultation arrangements.

Contact person for access to background papers and further information:

Name: Dennis Smith Extension: 4557

Background Papers: None


1.1  This report informs the Executive of the forthcoming consultation on the Preferred Option for the Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document (JWDPD).

1.2  The JWDPD will set out a planning strategy to 2026 for sustainable waste management which will enable the adequate provision of waste management facilities (including disposal) in appropriate locations for municipal, commercial and industrial, construction and demolition and hazardous wastes.

1.3  The JWDPD will include development management policies which will assist in determining waste planning applications, together with a set of maps identifying the potential locations of future waste management facilities across Greater Manchester. It should be emphasised that the identification of a site/area at this stage does not imply that it will definitely come forward for that purpose, and any proposal will be subject to the requirement to obtain planning permission.

1.4  The Executive will recall previous consultations on the Stage One Issues and Options Report, the Stage Two Issues and Options Built Facilities Report and the Stage Two Residual Waste Disposal Report which were consulted on between spring 2007 and spring 2009. A further consultation on additional sites was undertaken during late summer 2009.

1.5  The next stage in the production of the JWDPD is the publication of the Preferred Option Report which will be published and made available for an eight week consultation period from Friday 13th November 2009 to Friday 8th January 2010. The consultation includes media announcements (radio/TV and general press) and arrangements in Trafford will include making the report available via a link on the council’s website, placing copies on deposit at each Access Trafford point and via a staffed exhibition at relevant Neighbourhood Forums.


2.1  The area of Greater Manchester has the largest population of any sub-region within the North West and is the largest producer of waste for all streams, including, municipal, commercial and industrial, construction and demolition and hazardous waste.

2.2  Traditionally Greater Manchester has relied upon landfill to dispose of much of these wastes, which have also been exported out of the conurbation. As a result of European legislation and much higher Government recycling/recovery targets a range of new waste management facilities will be required for recycling, composting, treatment and recovery. Sufficient landfill capacity will also be required for final residues following recovery and treatment.

2.3  Both the Greater Manchester and Wigan Waste Disposal Authorities have already developed Municipal Waste Management Strategies which will provide solutions for managing municipal waste, with a strong emphasis on recycling/recovery. However, municipal waste only accounts for part of the total waste stream and much larger quantities of other wastes such as commercial and industrial and construction and demolition will still need to be managed and planned for.


3.1 Formal preparation of the JWDPD commenced in September 2006 and is being overseen by the Joint Committee. The JWDPD is being prepared in accordance with the relevant planning regulations and is required to undergo several stages of public consultation and a public examination before it is finally adopted, at which point it will form part of each Authority’s statutory development plan. It is currently anticipated that the JWDPD will be adopted in 2012.


4.1  The outcomes from all previous stages have been reviewed and a preferred approach to planning for waste in Greater Manchester identified. This is set out in the Preferred Option Report, which was approved for public consultation by the Joint Waste Committee at its meeting on 13th October 2009. A paper copy of the Preferred Option report will be available for reference at the Executive meeting. Members may obtain electronic copies from the website or by contacting or telephoning 0161 604 7746.


5.1 The Preferred Option Report is summarised as follows:


5.2 This explains the purpose and key content of the JWDPD, its timetable and consultation carried out to date.

Aim and Objectives

5.3  This sets out the strategic aim and objectives of the plan, focusing on the key waste-related issues to be addressed through the Waste Plan.

Future Waste Management Requirements

5.4 This sets out the future requirement for waste management facilities and when these are likely to be required. A brief description of the Need Assessment, which has been prepared to assist in identifying future requirements, is provided.

Site Allocations

5.5 This section sets out the preferred policy direction for identifying future sites and areas, and describes the process taken to identify the final list of sites and areas included within the Preferred Option Report. This section also refers to a detailed list of all sites and areas contained within an appendix, and outlines how particular sites and areas have been considered and removed during the plan preparation process.

5.6 The chapter identifies 24 sites to be allocated for built waste management facilities, 17 areas to be allocated for built waste management facilities and 3 sites to be allocated for residual non-hazardous waste disposal. Sites/areas identified in Trafford are for built waste management facilities in the following locations:-


·  Partington Wharfside

·  G. Gervin & Sons Ltd, Thompson Road, Trafford Park

·  Land adjacent to Tank Farm Chemical Treatment Works, Trafford Park

·  Shell site, Common Lane, Carrington

·  Carrington Vehicle Storage Works, Carrington


·  Land at Trafford Park

5.7  The site and area allocations reflect as far as possible the outcomes from the Issues and Options consultation, the sustainability appraisal results, the spatial options developed during earlier stages of consultation and the identified need for certain facilities.

Development Management Issues and Options

5.8 This section sets out the preferred approach to Development Management policies on waste. The Waste Plan will contain a limited number of general considerations against which planning applications for waste management facilities will be assessed.

Monitoring and Implementation

5.9 This section sets out how the effectiveness of the policies within the JWDPD will be assessed.

Next Steps

5.10  This sets out how individuals and stakeholders can respond to the report, how their comments will be used and what is happening next in the development of the Plan.


6.1 The Preferred Option Report will be accompanied by a ‘Background Report’ published for information purposes and is not being consulted upon.

6.2 The Report has the same structure as the Preferred Option Report and is intended for the general reader.


A printed copy of the Preferred Option Report has been provided to Councillor Michael Young as the Trafford lead Member on the Joint Waste Committee.

Financial Impact: / Provision has been made within approved budgets to finance production of the Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document, including all necessary consultation.
Gershon Efficiency Savings: / Not applicable.
Legal Impact: / The Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document is being prepared under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 which allows two or more local planning authorities to agree to prepare joint local development documents. Consultation at key stages is a requirement of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, as amended, and individual Districts’ Statements of Community Involvement.
Human Resources Impact: / None.
Asset Management Impact: / Some of the areas/sites identified for built waste management facilities may have implications for Council-owned land.
E-Government Impact: / None.
Risk Management Impact: / Medium/High:
Failure to produce a Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document would require the Council to prepare an equivalent Development Plan Document covering its own area. This would potentially be more expensive and require a greater Council staff resource.
The lack of an up to date waste policy framework might lead to protracted Public Inquiries on individual sites/proposals for waste development that could come forward in the future.
Health and Safety Impact: / None.

Other Options

Not applicable.


Extensive discussions have been held at Member and Officer level during preparation of the Preferred Option report.

Reasons for Recommendation

Production of a Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document provides the most efficient and cost-effective approach to ensure the development of waste planning policy at the local level. Consultation on the Preferred Option is being undertaken to comply with statutory requirements.

Key Decision

This is a key decision currently on the Forward Plan: No.

Finance Officer Clearance JR

Legal Officer Clearance JLF