Safe Work Instructions


Training Event Record Sheet

Training Event / Task Based Risk Assessment & Safe Work Instructions
For: Use of Food Slicing Machine
Reference Number / SWI - 011
Trainer Signature (s)
Topics Covered (Agenda)
  • Completion of task based risk assessment
  • Understanding of controls put in place to control risks identified during risk assessment
  • Completion of SWI – discussion round steps taken to safely complete task from start to finish
  • Active Monitoring of SWI – Observation of task being completed for awareness, and familiarisation

Name / Signature / Date

By signing this Training Record Card you are confirming the following:

I have attended the training and have an understanding of the topic and content covered. I was given the opportunity to ask questions and am aware of how to obtain company documents should I wish to view them (as applicable). I understand my responsibilities and consequences if I fail to meet them.

RA002March 2010
Ref No / SWI - 011 / Date Completed
Location / Assessor
Persons at Risk & Task / Consider risks to staff, contractors:- Use and cleaning of Electric Food Slicing Machine
Consider such hazards as: slips, trips & falls; burns; chemicals; falling from height; fire; electrocution; amputation; suffocation; noise; crushing; gas; poisoning; fracture; dislocation; strain; sprain; machinery; vehicles; tools; animals; weather; young persons, horse play etc
Include daily and occasional activities.
Score 'severity' as the type of accident that could happen in a 'worst case scenario' with no controls in place.
Score 'probable frequency' as the likely frequency of an accident with current controls in place. / 1 Negligible
2 Minor injury
3 Major injury
4 Single death
5 Multi-death
6 Multi-offsite / 1 Improbable
2 Possible
3 Occasional
4 Fairly frequent
5 Frequent
6 Certainty / Severity multiplied by Frequency / Scores of 9 or above further immediate assessment needed
Print off form and include within this pack / AUTHORISED
Electricity / 4 / 2 / 8 / No / Visual Checks before use. PAT testing. Isolate before cleaning
Damaged cables, plugs and appliance body. / 4 / 2 / 8 / No / Visual checks before and after use.
Manual Handling / 3 / 2 / 6 / No / Manual Handling training.
Incorrect Use / 4 / 2 / 8 / No / Training on safe use of food slicer and as prescribed dangerous machine no one under 18 years of age to use or clean.
Cuts, Lacerations and Puncture Wounds / As a prescribed dangerous machine no one under 18 or untrained staff may operate and dismantle power driven slicers. A warning notice must be displayed near the machine.
Blade / 3 / 2 / 6 / No / Sodexo Knife Policy applies. Kevlar gloves must be worn. Chain Mail Glove used for removal of blade prior to cleaning. Always turn off motor
Gravity Feed Handle / 2 / 2 / 4 / No / Sodexo Knife Policy applies.
Oasis Pro 30 / 2 / 3 / 6 / No / Review COSHH assessment. Wear correct PPE.
Unit Name / Procedure Number / SWI - 011 / Revision Number / 00 / Date
Issued By
Job Description / Use and Cleaning of Food Slicing Machines
Summary / The Operation of using and also the procedure for Cleaning of a Food Slicing Machine. Detailing the requirements to carry out the task in a safe and efficient manner.
Hazard / Cuts and Puncture Wounds, Manual Handling, Chemicals, Electricity.

Employees have a duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. To this end, employees should correctly use all work items and procedures provided, in accordance with their training and the instructions they receive.


1.1 Use of Food Slicer Machine – Performed by Authorised Users ONLY.

1.2 Cleaning of Food Slicer – Performed by Authorised Users ONLY.

1.3 All staff involved in the above operations must be trained in RA and SWI.

2.0Sequence of Job Steps

2.1Review RA and this SWI before performing turning on appliance. Pic 1

2.2Maintenance checks should be carried out by client technical dept.

2.3The operation of this appliance requires the operator to wear the company standard Kitchen PPE.

2.4Pre checks condition of appliance before switching on especially the electrical cable, plug, frame of appliance and blade. Always keep the blade sharp. A blunt blade requires more force which increases the risk of slipping onto the blade. When the blade sharpener is used ensure all the guards are in place, no food in the vicinity and the whole slicer is cleaned afterwards to remove any metal filings. Pic 2

2.5Ensure the working area is clear of obstructions.

2.6 Before loading the machine to begin slicing check that the blade guard, fixed thumb guard and plastic/metal

carriage guard are in place.

2.7 Load the machine, switch on and set desired thickness using dial on face of carriage. Pic 3

2.8 The gravity feed handle MUST be used to propel food through the blade. User MUST never use their hands to push through food.

2.9 Always restore the slice thickness dial to zero after use.

3.0 Sequence of Cleaning Steps

3.1 Isolate machine from the power source before commencement of cleaning. Pic 4

3.2 On slicers where the blade can be removed for cleaning a blade carrier device should be provided. These devices are attached to the blade and protect the sharp edges during cleaning/assembly. Pic 5

3.3 Wearing protective gloves remove food debris and start to clean using the approved chemical

3.4 Mop any spills.

3.5 Reassemble ready for use using the same procedure to dismantle but in reverse order. Knife policy applies.

From these Safe Work Instructions you are now required to make these specific to your site and record your findings below i.e. bulkheads, stairs, possible container landing area, assistance receive from client / deck crew. Be very specific and ensure your team are fully aware of these.




It is the responsibility of anyone observing this task if they identify a bad practice/safety issue then they immediately intervene and hold a “Time out for Safety” to discuss necessary corrective action.

Use and Cleaning of Food Slicing Machine

Sodexo Page 1 of 5 Revision 00 March 2010