Youth Conference Dates, March 30 – April 2, 2008
Quinault Beach Resort, Ocean Shores WA
It’s that time again! That conference you enjoyed so much last year… IT’S BACK!
The theme for the year’s conference is Living, Learning, Loving and Laughing. Workshops, activities and special events will feature these themes.
By popular demand, we’re bringing back Chance Rush, as well as many of the other well received workshops and activities you gave high marks to, on last year’s evaluations. New workshops for this year will include timely topics for challenges teens currently face.
Creative workshops will last longer this year, so you have time to finish your projects – these include Drum & Painting (orange highlight – only 40 available), the rest are highlighted in turquoise such as Beading, Modeling, The Secret, and others. List your choices on the registration form. (It’s at the bottom of each individual registration information box.) These will be filled on a first come – first served basis. (Another good reason to register early!) A rough schedule is on the second page – so you can see all the exciting offerings. The choices are listed on the third page – together with the number of slots available.
Registration must be received by March 21, 2008 for the early registration rate of $100.00 per person. Any on-site registrations or registration forms received after March 21st will be $200.00 per person. The registration fee and will cover the t-shirts, workshops, the two banquets, and other incidental costs. Rooms are discounted at $75 plus hotel tax (app. $81) at the Quinault Beach Resort 1-888-461-2214 or 360-289-9466
If you have any questions, Conference Coordinators are:
Ken Stevens 360 581-6139 Judae Bost’n 253 680-7189
Jessie Stevens 360 276-4426 Diane Couper 253 680-7186
Early Registration of $100 per person will accepted by Diane Couper at Bates Technical College’s Business & Management Training Center, 1101 South Yakima Avenue, Tacoma WA 98405 or you can use the FAX at 253 680-7191 up until March 21st, 3:00 pm. Receipt of registration will be confirmed. After that time/date, only on-site registration of $200 per person is available.
Monday 31st Workshop Times
10:00 – 11:30 / Photo Fun (15) / How to Think Smarter / Mapping My Dreams 1 (20) / Pills the Kill / Know the Enemy / Anti Bullying / Depression & Suicide / Healing Skills
11:30 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
12:30 – 2:00 / Hip Hop to Health / Drum Making 1 (20) / Mapping My Dreams 2 (20) / Fun Ways to be Healthy / Know the Enemy / Anti Bullying / Anxiety & Fears / Healing Skills
Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break
2:15 – 3:45 / Hip Hop to Health / Drum Making 2 (20) / Photo Fun (15) / Fun Ways to be Healthy / Pills that Kill / Anti Bullying / What Meth Does to a Family / Healing Skills
Tuesday 1st Workshop Times
Time / Room 1 / Room 2 / Room 3 / Room 4 / Room 5 / Room 6 / Suite 1 / Suite 28:15 – 9:45 / Coastal Hanging 1 (15) / Rattle Making 1 (10) / Substance Abuse topic / Fun Ways to Be Healthy / How to Think Smarter / So You Want a Business / Sex and Good Sense / Healing Skills
Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break
10:00 – 11:30 / Coastal Hanging 2 (15) / Rattle Making 2 (10) / Substance Abuse topic / Teens Against Destructive Decisions / Portfolio Prompts / So You Want a Business / Sex and Good Sense / Healing Skills
11:30 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
12:30 – 2:00 / Talent Show Practice / Media Presentation 101 (15) / Modeling Techniques (25) / Fun Ways to Be Healthy / College Exploration / Teen Council / Why Do I Care? / Healing Skills
Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break
2:15 – 3:45 / Talent Show Practice / Media Presentation 101 (15) / Modeling Techniques (25) / Teens Against Destructive Decisions / College Exploration / Teen Council / What Meth Does to a Family / Healing Skills
Wednesday 2nd Workshop Times
Time / Room 1 / Room 2 / Room 3 / Room 4 / Room 5 / Room 6 / Suite 1 / Suite 28:15 – 9:45 / Basket Making 1 (25) / Beading 1 (25) / Community Creation (20) / Drum Painting 1 (10) / Photo Fun / Web Wonders / What Next? / Healing Skills
Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break
10:00 / Basket Making 2 (25) / Beading 2 (25) / Community Creation (20) / Drum Painting 2 (10) / Photo Fun / Web Wonders / What Next? / Healing Skills
11:30 / Closing / Ceremony / Closing / Ceremony / Closing / Ceremony / Closing / Ceremony
Additional Notes:
· The number of students for each workshop is based on materials and instructor ratio.
· You will be registered for the classes on a first come first served basis. If you are too late to get your first choice, we will then go to your second and then third choices.
· As soon as your registration is received, an e-mail confirmation number will be sent and you will be placed on the roster for that class.
· Photo Fun can be combined with Media presentation – and photos students have taken will be put together as a presentation for part of our closing ceremony.
· The remainders of the workshops are “stand alone.”
· Please list your first, second and third choices. The sooner you get your registration in, the better your chance for getting the workshop of your choice.
Drum Making 40
Drum Painting (if you want to paint your drum, too, you can register for both) 20
Rattle Making (create your own traditional rattle) 20
Mapping my Dreams – (based on The Secret) 40
Coastal Hanging (create your own traditional mini-blanket) 30
Photo Fun (tricks and techniques to improve your pictures) 30
Media Presentation (the basics of putting a digital presentation together) 30
Modeling Techniques (whether for the runway or for fun, learn to style) 30
Basket Making (traditional basket makers share their talents) 50
Beading (all those beautiful things you wish you know how to make) 50
Community Creation (what would make a community a great place to live?) 40
Name of Agency/Program: .
Address of Program: .
Contact Information: Ph . e-mail .
Number Participants being registered: Adult . Youth . Primary Contact Person .
Payment Method Included: PO (#) . Check .
Name .Address .
Phone e-mail .
Adult Giving Permission .
Contact #’s & .
Workshop Choice 1 .
Workshop Choice 2 .
Workshop Choice 3 . / Name .
Address .
Phone e-mail .
Adult Giving Permission .
Contact #’s & .
Workshop Choice 1 .
Workshop Choice 2 .
Workshop Choice 3 .
Name .
Address .
Phone e-mail .
Adult Giving Permission .
Contact #’s & .
Workshop Choice 1 .
Workshop Choice 2 .
Workshop Choice 3 . / Chaperone Registration Form
Name .
Address .
Phone .
E-mail .