Substance Abuse
Alcohol (Most Commonly Abused Drug)
1. A General Depressant – interferes with brain functions, loss of overall motivation
1. Smoking – Lung problems, cancer
2. Chewing – mouth tissue damage, cancer
1. Reddening of the eyes
2. Decrease in strength
3. Muscles shake
4. Overly Relaxed
5. Increases reaction time
1. Difficulty sleeping
2. Reduced appetite
3. Increased use leads to tolerance
4. Liver and kidney damage
5. They do not reduce fatigue
6. Problem solving impaired
7. False sense of security in performance
8. Causes depression when drug wears off
1. Causes individuals to feel tired
2. Increases reaction time with decreased coordination
3. Severe withdrawal
1. Raises blood pressure and increases respiration
2. Masks feelings of hunger
3. Snorting leads to nasal septum deterioration
4. Lungs become infected
5. Eyesight deteriorates
6. Very psychologically addicting
1. Liver damage
2. Sterility in both men and women
3. Premature closing of the bone epithesis
4. Physically and psychologically addicting
5. Tends to increase arousal and blood pressure
Confrontation Guidelines
1. Be objective about the inappropriate behavior and subjective about your interest in them as a person
2. Know the facts
3. Be specific and clear
4. Confront their behavior not their values
5. Be simple yet direct
6. Communicate your interest in them as a person (LSP)
7. Focus on the persons strengths
8. Let them know how you feel
9. End the confrontation with an open invitation to talk