St. Joseph School

Athletic & Activity Association Agenda:

May 14, 2014

Minutes / Notes
I. / Call to Order / ·  Meeting called order at 7:06pm
II. / Roll Call / ·  Sean Belton, Mike Goetz, Don Henn, Rich Beiersdorfer, Heather Jansen, Don Henn, Kelly Novak, Kevin Brown, Ben Schreiber
III. / Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting / ·  Approved…Heather Jansen was added to Roll Call
IV. / Finance Report
Erin Goetz / ·  Balance reported was $34,373.21 and excel sheets of each sport breakdown given.
V. / Committee Reports
a.  Facilities
Mac Hayden / ·  Girl’s Cavalier of the Year Plaque fell down and needs to be re-hung
·  Concession Door should be in next week
·  Replace basketball caddies
·  Replace padding on bottom of side baskets (Sean will look into)
b.  Communications/Public Relations / · 
c.  Events/Fund Raising / ·  Etlers are running Festival Booth
·  Possible ideas for other fundraisers included a 5k run, dances
·  Ben will look into Gym signage sponsorship information
d.  Concessions/ Gym Scheduling
Rich Beiersdorfer/Maria Schaefer / ·  All wrapped up for this year & extra drinks/snacks donated to teachers
·  Volleyball schedule requests will go out once team #’s are finalized
VI. / Program Director’s Report
·  Girl’s Basketball
Elisa Finn / ·  Tom Thelen key fob needs to be returned
·  Director access keys for summer
·  Girl’s Volleyball
Don Henn/Brian Heather Jansen / ·  Information packets sent out. Following up on players. Recruiting coaches
·  3rd Grade doesn’t have enough (Diocesen agreement-can reach out to other schools)
·  8th grade may have 2 teams
·  Fall Tournament…issue w/ organizing & running tournament to cover shifts, 3 wknds need 2 gyms (St. Agnes?) and 4th weekend just need 1 gym
·  6th Grade tryouts (being competitive)---Mike looking at Athletic Policy & ByLaws
·  Need New net and some regulation volleyballs. Maybe uniforms for 5th Grade
·  MOTION APPROVED FOR $400 for NEW Volleyball Net
·  Boy’s Basketball
Tony Starnes / ·  Mando & Ammerman keyfobs need to be returned
·  Need to do team division tryouts, Sean heard some complaints
·  #’s for 3rd Grade boys basketball
·  Boy’s Volleyball
Kelly Novak/Rob Dames / ·  Don has been pd for league.
VII. / Old Business / ·  All but 5 uniforms have been returned. Joy is tracking them down
VIII. / New Business / ·  New Virtus Requirements: Anyone with original background check before 2009 needs to pay $25. Sean is getting list of pre-2009 Virtus compliant. Consideration of paying for coaches
·  Peg ordered Cavalier of the Year plaque
·  Uniform issue:
·  No meetings in June or July
IX. / Call to Adjourn / Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm

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