Understanding Normal Movement for Paediatric Therapists

Treacy Centre Parkville

Melbourne: 20th & 21stJune 2014

Course description

This two day course is designed to introduce participants to the concept of movement analysis in the assessment and treatment of childrenwith neurodevelopmental disorders.

Participants will be able to describe key components relating to the analysis of postures and movement sequences and learn how to facilitate movement with the opportunity to practice handling skills.

It is a practical course with the focus on therapists developing their skills of observation of posture and movement, withthe practice of facilitation of normal movement. Numbers are limited.

Course leader

Kelly Reynolds, Physiotherapist, Bobath Tutor

Kelsey Jamieson, Occupational Therapist

Who is this course suitable for?

Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologists.

Course Application Form

Understanding Normal Movement for Paediatric Therapists

Melbourne: 20 & 21 June 2013

Given name
Street address
Telephone / Home Work

Cost:$500 includes lunch and morning/afternoon tea

Payment options:

  1. Bank Transfer:
  • Provide first initial & surname with ‘rego’ (e.g. PTherapistrego)
  • Account name: Australian Bobath Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association Inc
  • ANZ BSB: 013 377 Acct No: 1003 49576

Email application to:

or Fax:(03) 5221 8427

Ph: 0400083356 for enquires

Understanding Normal Movement for Paediatric Therapists

Parkville, Melbourne: 20th & 21stJune 2013


  1. To develop the course participant’s ability to systematically analyse typical patterns of posture and movement and recognise the variability of these
  1. To enable the course participants to use their hands, body and voice to facilitate another individual to move and recognise the resultant changes.
  1. To enable the course participants to understand the importance of being able to identify and interpret the individual’s response to being facilitated and adapt their response accordingly.


The course participant will develop skills to:

  1. Observe, analyse and explain typical movement while considering individual variations of posture and movement.
  1. Explain the relevance of biomechanical principles in relation to facilitation e.g. relevance of base of support, relationship to gravity, alignment, anthropometric characteristics
  1. Demonstrate the ability to successfully facilitate sequences of movement -rolling, moving in and out of sitting, 4 point kneeling, lying to sitting, walking (and transitions between).
  1. Describe and reflect (observe, analyse, evaluate, interpret) on their own and others’ posture, movement and sensory experience when facilitating and being facilitated and to understand how Key Points of Control can modify the individual’s typical movement strategies.

Applications are limited and close on 16/05/2013