Cashier’s Office Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to Student Financial Services!

October Dates

o 11th – Financially Fabulous Event

o 19th – Estimated Financial Aid expires and no longer defers against tuition

o 26th – Final payment on all payment plans due by 4pm

Have other Charges?

Federal financial aid cannot pay miscellaneous charges (such as orientation and late fees) unless you authorize us to do so. If you have charges and do not authorize, you need to pay them and your account will be placed on hold until they are paid. Your refund will also be delayed. Follow these steps to complete the authorization:

Log into myWings, student tab

Select “Student Self Service”

Select “Online Forms”

Select “Financial Aid Authorization” and follow prompts

Financially Fabulous!

We know that you are fantastic already but how Financially Fabulous are you? Come out to this one-of-a-kind event and brush up on your financial savvy.

There will be information sessions on financial aid loan budgeting, credit reporting, and identity theft.

After the sessions you can relax with a FREE massage, mini manicure, or makeup application!!

LOTS of door prizes and FREE FOOD!!!

Ozzie’$ Tip of the Month

When looking for work opportunities be sure to check out Career Services (

webpage for tips on everything from resume building to strategic planning. Also stay up to date on Career and Job Fairs by signing onto Career Wings. This is a free service that can help you land that perfect job after graduation!

For more great tips on getting the most out of on-campus interviews and career fairs visit CashCourse:

We want to hear from you!

Please complete our Customer Satisfactions Survey. Your responses will be used to improve customer service within the Student Financial Services for you and your fellow Ospreys! Follow the link to complete the survey.

Halloween on a Budget

We all love a good scare for Halloween, but not when that scare involves a notice of insufficient funds from the bank!

Follow these simple steps to make your Halloween fun and frugal!

1. Reuse and Recycle: Find older items from your closet to turn into fun costumes, or hit up the local thrift store!

2. Team up with Friends: Buy candy and décor in bulk at places like Costco & Walmart, and then split the items and the cost with friends or family.

3. Go Online: Make online purchases through discount websites for costumes, candy, and decorations.

4. Think Ahead: Start shopping for Halloween next year, by hitting up the after Halloween sales this year!

To read the complete article click here:

Need more assistance?

Contact us by email at or by phone at (904)620-2472 or visit our website:

Lobby Hours: 8:30am- 5pm (M-Th) 8:30am-4pm (Fri.)