English 91
Spring 2017
Monday, Wednesday, &Friday: Section 00811:10a.m. – 1:00p.m. (Cloud102)
(Who’s bringing the doughnuts?!)
Instructor:John Gravener Office:Batmale 370
Email: Office Hours:Wednesdays9:00-10:00
Phone: 415-310-6677
Website: (Use it! Love it!)
PREREQUISITE: A passing grade of C or higher in English L or placement (by test) into English 91
Course Description
The goal of this course is to help you to become a better writer, reader, and thinker. We will achieve this goal by reading and discussing numerous non-fiction essays and using them as a basis for writing. By the end of the semester, a successful student will be able to do the following:
- Outcome 1: Comprehend and synthesize short, primarily non-fiction, pre-college-level texts
- Outcome 2: Compose organized and coherent essays that demonstrate basic proficiency in critical thinking
- Outcome 3: Apply basic sentence-combining strategies and major conventions of standard written English effectively
- Outcome 4: Incorporate textual information using MLA format at a basic proficiency level
A unique and exciting aspect of this course is that all of the work we will do is centered on a driving questions: Is there such thing as universal morality or ethics, and should there be?
This will be a challenging class, but if you are willing to work hard, it will also be a fun one!
- Expect to have homework of some kind for every class meeting.
- Expect to spend 12-18 hours per week outside of class doing your homework for this class alone
Grading Percentages
- ThreeOut-of-class essays 30%
- One essay revision 20%
- Homework & participation 10%
- Reading Final 10%
- Final exam 30%
Required Texts and Supplies
Handouts of readings will be provided to you.
A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power by Jimmy Carter (this will be available at the CCSF Bookstore, but you can also order it on Amazon or other book site
Xeroxing/Printing fees constitute another “textbook” for this class. You are required to bring two copies of your assigned writing on every group discussion day.
You must also purchase the following supplies for this class:
- a reliable way to save your work, such as a flash drive
- a notebook to take notes in both during and outside of class
- a large binder to keep your writing assignments in and to use for your end-of semester portfolio
- a folder in which to keep handouts and other materials
- a pocket stapler
- a three-hole punch to keep in your binder
- A datebook in which to write down your assignments
Lab Requirement
Along with attending class, you are also required to do 20 hours of independent lab work over the course of the semester. If you don’t complete 20 hours you will automatically fail the class.
You may do your hours at: / Hours required:Reading Lab / 6 hours minimum—I’m working on this to be online
Writing Lab (This includes workshops) / 6 hours minimum
English Lab / 3 hours minimum
Meeting with me and other pre-approved labs (check with me first) / Remaining hours
There are MULTIPLE ways you can get lab credit. Be sure to check out the English Lab site:
(there’s a link on the class website at
Lab assignments are designed to increase your skills through regular independent practice. Therefore, start them immediately and do them regularly throughout the semester. Plan to spend 2-3 HOURS PER WEEK in the labs! Lab Hours will be due FOUR times throughout the term so I can check on your progress. You will also be responsible for turning in homework assignments done at the lab.
Those dates are:
- Wednesday, February 22nd(5 or more hours due)
- Wednesday, March 22nd (10 or more hours due)
- Wednesday, April19th (15 or more hours due)
- Wednesday, May24th (20 or more hours due)
(Day of the Final Exam)
Lab work is NOT optional!
Note: Don’t count on me to drop you if you stop coming; it is your responsibility to drop the class.
Absences:I take roll every class meeting and excessive absences will affect your grade because you will not be here in order to participate (you’re graded on participation, not attendance):
- You are allowed four free absences with no penalty.
- If you go over four absences, you can be dropped from the course, regardless of the reason.
Tardiness: Lateness is rude and very disruptive to both your classmates and me.
- Coming in ten or more minutes late counts as one-third of an absence.
- Leaving class early (or walking out in the middle of class other than to run to the restroom) will count as a late arrival.
- If you miss more than twenty minutes of class, I reserve the right to mark you absent.
- If you are consistently late to class, perhaps you should think about whether this class is right for you.
Handing in Papers
- Essays are always due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date
- Essays are graded A-B-C-D-F.
- Each of these essays must be completed and turnedin in order for you to be eligible to pass this class. No exceptions
- I reserve the right to refuse any essay that does not meet the minimum requirements such as (but not limited to) length and proofreading, which will make them automatically late.
- I also reserve the right to give a D to an essay without marking it if it does not meet the minimum requirements below.
- Note: You will always receive an essay (unless it is extremely late) back from me before you turn in the next one so that you can use my comments to help you improve your writing.
Essay Format: All essays must be in standard MLA format (see the attached cheat sheetfor more specific guidelines and examples). Essays must be:
- typed
- double-spaced
- on 8-1/2 x 11-inch standard weight paper,
- in 12 point font (Times New Roman is preferred)
- with 1-inch margins on all sides
- stapled (no paper clips or funny little folds in the corners to hold the pages together)
- proofread carefully.
Essay Packets: Each essay must be turned in in a two-pocketfolder with all of the work for that assignment.
- This work includes all peer response worksheets, rough drafts, outlines, prewriting, and notes, as well as your COVER LETTER (see below)
- If you are missing any of that work the paper will be marked down by 1/3 of a grade.
- Remember to keep all work returned to you.
Cover Letters:For each paper that you submit, you will also submit a cover letter explaining what particular issues or problems you had while working on this paper and what you did to try to solve these problems and improve your paper.
Late Essays: You may turn in one essay late, which means within oneclass day (if an essay was due Monday, you can turn it in Wednesday at the beginning of class). A "Late Essay Coupon" is attached to the end of this syllabus,and you may use it at any time, no questions asked for any out-of-class essay.
- You must use the coupon the first time that you turn in an essay late.
- Essays turned in late without a coupon will lose 1/3 of a grade for every day late (including days class is not in session). The same policy applies to essays turned in later than two days WITH a coupon.
- Any essay turned in more than one week after the original due date will not be accepted, which will cause you to AUTOMATICALLY FAIL THE CLASS.
Peer Response: Peer response is required.
- Peer response workshops are scheduled to take place prior to the day each final essay is due.
- On peer response days, you should plan to bring TWO copies of your essay draft.
- The rough draft must be a good faith effort of at least two full pages; notes and writing plans, while important elements of the writing process, do not count as drafts.
- You may miss one peer review, as long as you attach the “Missed Peer Review” coupon to the final draft of your essay. You must use the coupon the first time that you miss peer review.
- If you miss more than one peer review, besides missing homework credit, your final essay grade will be lowered by a full grade AND it will count as two absences.
Plagiarism:I realize that not everyone clearly understands what constitutes plagiarism. The simplest definition is taking the ideas and/or words of someone else and misrepresenting them as your own.
- Plagiarism may consist of using the ideas, sentences, paragraphs, or the whole text of another writer without appropriate acknowledgement, but it also includes employing or allowing another person to write or substantially alter work that you submit as your own. YOU should be responsible for every sentence you put down.
- At all colleges, plagiarism is a serious crime. As per CCSF policy, the first time you are caught plagiarizing, you will receive an automatic F on your assignment, with no chance of making it up and you may be dropped from the course.
- The second time you are caught plagiarizing you will receive an automatic F in the class.
- All cases of plagiarism will be reported to the dean resulting in possible disciplinary action.
- If you are still unclear about what constitutes plagiarism, please ask use.
- I do not accept late homework under any circumstance. There, I said it. Now you know.
- Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Any homework not turned in to me in class will be considered late.
- If you miss class, you are responsible for contacting a classmate to get any homework assignments or materials you may have missed so that you can turn your work in on time. Being absent does not excuse you for late homework.
- Late or missing homework directly affects your grade in this class, but more importantly, it indirectly affects your grade, as later homework assignments/essays will build on what you have already learned.
Most assignments will be based on the following point system :
Mark / Meaning / Points+ / excellent, thoughtful work / 3 points
/ good, completed work / 2 points
– / incomplete work or work that needs improvement / 1 point
Late / work turned in late / 0 points
Disruptive Behavior
If you are behaving so inappropriately that you are disrupting the class, I will ask you to leave the class for the day and mark you absent. If necessary, I will handle disruptive or abusive behavior according to CCSF policy, which includes written warnings and referrals to the Dean of Students, among other actions.
Disruptive and inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Talking while others (including me) are speaking (including whispering, passing notes, etc.)
- reading the newspaper or other non-class related materials
- sleeping
- doing homework
- speaking/acting in an abusive manner toward me or your classmates
- complaining about the workload, etc. or otherwise creating a negative classroom atmosphere
- bringing friends/relatives into the classroom (I do not allow them)
- answering/making phone calls/text messaging
All electronic devices (cell phones, headphones, etc.) must be turned off during class time. If your cell phone rings during class, I will automatically mark you late. If you are expecting an emergency call, set your phone to vibrate, let me know, and sit near the door so that you may get up and walk outside to take the call.
This is not a lecture class where I simply feed you information. This is a class in which you MUST participate in order to learn. Participation involves, but is not limited to:
- Bringing your notebook, binder, workbook, textbook, and completed homework to every class
- Coming to class prepared for active in-class discussions and activities
ADULTS ONLY! This class is rated “R”
Many of the ideas and works we will consider deal openly with adult themes, situations, and language. If you are concerned that some of the readings and discussions could offend you, see me immediately so that we can discuss the content and your concerns! If you stay in this class after the second week, then you are agreeing that the materials and ideas we read and consider in this class are acceptable and that you can undertake their study with diligence and enthusiasm.
Accessibility Statement
The English Department is committed to equal opportunity in education for all students, including those with physical or learning disabilities. If you are a student with a documented disability, it is your responsibility to contact me during the first week of the semester so that we can discuss appropriate accommodations. You are encouraged to reach out to the Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) at 415-452-5481. They are located in Rosenberg Library, Room 323.
Getting My Help
Office Hours
Studies show that students who attend their instructor’s office hours tend to improve faster. Therefore, each student should schedule at least one office appointment with me during the term to receive help with a paper or with a specific grammatical issue. This will count toward your lab hours!
Of course, those students who make multiple appointments with me throughout the term will most likely improve more than those who make only one.
Always bring papers with you to any appointment so that we have something to discuss. Also, have specific questions or issues you want help with.
This will count toward your lab hours!
If you make an appointment with me and do not show up, it will count as an absence! Time is very valuable to you and me,and not showing up to a scheduled appointment is simply rude.
Contacting Me through Email
If you can attend my office hours, do so! A face-to-face conversation is always a much more effective and efficient use of time. However, if you are unable to attend my office hours, feel free to email me to ask questions or request assistance on homework or papers (you can also call). I will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can ask me anything at all about the class, but here are some ways I can most help you:
Ask how to do specific assignments
Ask about what is due in class (though you should also have the syllabus and the contact info of several classmates for this purpose)
Ask questions about writing
Ask me to look at a paragraph or two from your paper, PASTED into the email.
Some Reminders
•ALWAYS save/make a copy of your essays before you turn them in.
•Save all essays and homework assignments until the end of the term.
•Come to class every day and come prepared, but if you aren’t fully prepared, come anyway.
•Complete all of the assignments and do them to the BEST of your ability.
•Come see me as soon as you are having any problems with the class.
I look forward to working with you this term!
Note: Syllabus policies are subject to change.
Late Essay Coupon
Print Full Name:
Date: ______
I am using this coupon so as to receive full credit for my late out-of-class essay.* I understand that this coupon is only good for one late essay. I also acknowledge that I have read the course syllabus regarding late assignments.
* The late essay can be NO MORE than oneclass day late. After oneclass day, this coupon is invalid.
Missed Peer Review Coupon
Print Full Name:
Date: ______
I am using this coupon so as to receive full credit for missing a scheduled peer review session.* I understand that this coupon is only good for one missed session. I also acknowledge that I have read the course syllabus regarding the guidelines for peer review and the penalties for missed sessions.
* This coupon must be used the first time a missed peer review session occurs.