November 2016 Newsletter

Principal’s Message:

It’s November already!! Time goes by so quickly. The Hallowe’en party was a great success again. There were so many people here – from our Blewett School Community - and many from outside our school community. It just goes to show that its reputation is far reaching. I, and the staff, would like to thank all the parent and community volunteers who spent countless hours putting the maze together, planning and running games, decorating the gym, making chili and hotdogs and working in the kitchen and country store. We are also grateful to the clean-up crew who helped after the event and on the weekend to get the school ready for Monday. A big thank you goes to the Blewett Fire Dept. who helped out with the amazing fireworks – we thought last years were good but this year the fireworks were amazing!! The total isn’t in yet but I’m sure it was a successful fundraiser for the PAC and the school.

Our first report cards will be coming out on Dec. 2nd this year. We felt it was very helpful to have the parent teacher interviews before report cards went out so we are trying it again this year. I have added some information about the way we do report cards here at Blewett School and why.

Please feel free to come and see me on Early Dismissal Days if needed – I will be available. Stay tuned for more great things to come at Blewett School!!

Halloween Leftovers:

We would really appreciate your cooperation in keeping the children’s candy or pop at home. Just as you experience the effects of this – so do we. Thanks for your help.


Poppies are now available at the school for a small donation.

Remembrance Day Assembly:

On Thursday, November 10th at 10:45, our Grade 4/5 class will be leading a whole school Remembrance Day assembly. The emphasis at the assembly will be on peacemaking. You are invited to attend. If you have family members who are veterans, please invite them too as we would like to recognize them at the assembly.

Early Dismissal Days:

On November 16th and 17th classes will be dismissed one hour early so that parents can have the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s progress. This means that buses will be bringing students home one hour earlier than usual. Buses will leave Blewett School at 1:15 instead of 2:15. Interview times will be sent home by November 8. If the time you are given doesn’t work, please contact Jane (352-5314).

Student Supplies Fee:

Please send in your child’s supplies fee of $50.00 as soon as possible. If you are unsure whether or not you have paid, please contact Jane at 352-5314. Thank you.

PAC fundraisers:

There are a few PAC fundraisers coming up that may help you with your Christmas shopping. 1) Poinsettia sales from Georama 2) Purdy’s Chocolates and 3) Epicure Products. All of these promotions give back a certain percentage of their sales to the school. Information on these came home earlier this week. Please note: the return date for Purdy’s is Nov. 20th Others to be announced. Thank you.

Remembrance Day Fri. Nov. 11th and Monday, Nov. 14th – School Based Professional Development Day:

There is no school on these days for students.

Lice Check:

Jacqui Bohmer and Tamara Jenkinson have spent some time recently doing lice checks at school. Many thanks to them for volunteering their time. We are still in need of parents willing to help out with this. Please contact Jane if you are able to help. All parents should be checking their children at home on a regular basis. Thank you!

RULES/Code of Conduct/School Improvement Plan:

We have included a matrix of expectations that we will be reviewing with the students with regards to behaviour expectations. What our hope is – is that we all use the same language and expect the same behaviour in and out of the school. Please go to our website to view our complete Code of Conduct and our School Improvement Plan. This year we will continue to work on writing and our code of conduct. Please visit to get more information about the above and the school in general.

Nelson Overture Concerts Society:

If any Blewett School students are interested in the 2016 – 2017 Concert Series, they can attend for free with a paid parent. The school made a donation to the program which allows our students free admission to all concerts.

PAC November update:

Thank you!! For all of your time, effort, and energy involved in making the Halloween event a smashing success. Numbers will be released at the PAC meeting on Wednesday, November 18. The event was well attended, and extremely well supported by many local businesses. A list of those sponsors will be published in the December newsletter. Thank you, thank you!!

We are now looking forward into December and have included a Grocery Card order form. Tell all your friends, colleagues and employers that these cards are terrific stocking stuffers!! Money raised will help support a number of PAC initiatives.

Please attend the PAC meeting on Wednesday, November 18, in the Blewett school library. Child minding is provided. PAC encourages all to attend and very much appreciates new ideas!!

Thanks again for a very successful Halloween party. It was great to see such a fantastic turn out and a truly wonderful event!! - Blewett PAC

BC School Fruit and Veggie program:

Last week and this week your children are enjoying beautiful mini tomatoes and milk served to them during their lunch time. We are part of the above program and we receive fruits/veges and milk about every 2 weeks. Ask your kids how they like it!


Upcoming Events:

Thurs. Nov. 10, 10:45 a.m. – Remembrance Day Assembly (Gr. 4/5 sharing)

Fri. Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day (no school)

Mon. Nov. 14 – School-Based Pro-D Day (no school)

Nov. 16 and 17 - Early Dismissal (one hour early) for parent meetings, 1:15 p.m.

Tues. Nov. 22, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. - BPAC meeting (school library)

Fri. Dec. 2 - Report cards sent home

Wed. Dec. 14 – Christmas Performance Day

Dec. 19 – Jan. 2 – Winter Break

Jan. 3 – Schools reopen


IPAD FUNDRAISER – Grocery Gift Cards

The Blewett PAC continues to be committed to sharing the cost of purchasing 17 additional IPads for the school – up to $7000. Instead of having several different fundraisers for this project the PAC decided to try offering Grocery Gift Cards from Save On Foods. For every hundred dollars in gift cards the PAC receives $8.00 (8%). We all buy groceries so we think this will be a way that everyone can contribute.

This is how it works…

We have included a pre-order form at the bottom of this message. You send in your order with a cheque made out to Blewett PAC or cash by Friday, Nov. 20th. The cards will then be picked up and come in denominations of $25, $50 or $100 (Sometimes we are limited to denominations). You can collect your cards at the school. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE ONLY DOING PREORDERS FOR NOW – it is difficult for the school to do ‘on demand’ orders.

We appreciate your support in advance. We will continue to send home these pre-orders in the coming months and we will do one before Christmas. We also want to remind everyone that we have an ongoing fundraiser at the bottle depot if you have empties left over from Christmas or during the year-just let them know before they process your order that you would like to donate to Blewett School’s account.


NAME: ______


$25 _____ $50 _____ $100 _____

(Please put the number of cards you would like on the line beside the amount)

Please make cheques out to Blewett PAC. Thanks for your support!!