Fill in the personal pronoun list below.
______/ ____________
Define pronoun:
Define antecedent:
What is the difference between a noun and a pronoun?
Find the pronouns and antecedents in the following sentences. Do not forget to write “not stated” if you cannot find an antecedent.
Pronoun Antecedent
______1. Taylor Swift sings well. Many students like to listen to her.
______2. We all get together after our football games.
Pronoun Antecedent
______3. Mr. Gow could listen to that bird and imitate its call.
______4. Did you stay for extra help with Mr. Millard or Ms. Muscatell? They stay after on
______5. Did you know that Ms. Hurley runs ski club. She always makes sure that her skis
are in great shape.
______6. Mrs. Pratt gave us questions to answer about Harris and Me. They were assigned
______as homework.
______7. “The pig races will take place once the magazine drive ends. I want my advisory
______to win a pig!” exclaimed Ms. Caprio.
______8. Ms. Dengos and her soccer team practice every day after school. They work very
______9. John, did you know that Mrs. Jalkut teaches social studies and reading?
You can find the answer key on the next page!
Fill in the personal pronoun list below.
Singular / PluralFirst person / I, me, my , mine / We, us, our, ours
Second person / You, your, yours / You, your, yours
Third person / He, him, his
She, her, hers
It, its / They, them, their, theirs
Define pronoun: A pronoun takes the place of a noun or more than one noun.
PronounDefine antecedent: An antecedent is the NOUN that the PRONOUN replaced.
What is the difference between a noun and a pronoun?
A noun names a person, place, thing or idea. A pronoun replaces a noun or nouns
in a sentence.
Find the pronouns and antecedents in the following sentences. Do not forget to write “not stated” if you cannot find an antecedent.
Pronoun Antecedent
Her Taylor Swift 1. Taylor Swift sings well. Many students like to listen to her.
We not stated 2. We all get together after our football games.
Our not stated
Its bird 3. Mr. Gow could listen to that bird and imitate its call.
They Mr. Millard 4. Did you stay for extra help with Mr. Millard or Ms. Muscatell? They stay after Ms. Muscatell on Wednesdays.
You not stated
You not stated 5. Did you know that Ms. Hurley runs ski club. She always makes sure that her She,her Ms. Hurley skis are in great shape.
Us not stated 6. Mrs. Pratt gave us questions to answer about Harris and Me. They were
They questionsassigned as homework.
I ,my Ms. Caprio 7. “The pig races will take place once the magazine drive ends. I want my advisory to win a pig!” exclaimed Ms. Caprio.
Her Ms. Dengos 8. Ms. Dengos and her soccer team practice every day after school. They work they team very hard.
You John 9. John, did you know that Mrs. Jalkut teaches social studies and reading?