Senior English IV Honors
Modern Western World Literature
Course Syllabus 2008-2009
Instructor: Mr. Don Enoch
Office Hours:2:25 – 3:10 PM, Monday – Thursday and 12:05-12:40 PM, Friday.
Writer’s Inc.
Sophie’s World, Crime and Punishment, Othello, Hamlet, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Siddhartha, Heart of Darkness, Brave New World, Catch-22, The Sun Also Rises, The Sound and the Fury, The Importance of Being Earnest, Waiting for Godot, and various essays, prose, drama and poetry reflective of western world literature and culture.
Possible additional texts include: Candide, The Maltese Falcon, Metamorphosis, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and The Stranger.
Class Objectives:
- To establish our class in the workshop format, driven by an ethic of inclusion and shared community. A safe place to take the risks necessary for learning.
- Students and their work will be at the center of this workshop.
- The content of our reading and writing curriculum will always have genuine meaning for students.
- Our literary goal is not a final destination, but a journey into the diverse lives, experiences, and ideas of authors as expressed in literature.
- To recognize that learning is not the transmission of information, but the transaction between author and reader.
Behavioral Expectations:
- Since each class member deserves respect and courtesy, each class member will be expected to be courteous and respectful of other members of the class.
- Passing times are appropriate for going to your locker, the bathroom, getting a drink of water, etc. Please don’t expect me to give up our class time for these purposes.
- Students should be in their seat and ready for class by the tardy bell. I will be ready. So should you.
Late Work Policy:
Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. No late work will be accepted. Special projects and presentations are due as assigned. If your absence is pre-arranged, your assignment must be turned in on time to receive credit. Work missed during an excused absence must be made up within 2 class periods of the absence. No work missed for which the absence in unexcused may be made up. Remember! The student is responsible for inquiring about missed work during an absence. I will be happy to explain any missed work during office hours.
Grading Categories:
Preparation and Participation (20% of grade)
- Material required: Three ring binder for handouts and assignments, Time Tracker, pens and pencils, lined paper.
- Preparation required: Students are expected to have completed assigned readings and homework in preparation for class.
- Participation required: Students are expected to actively engage in class activities and discussion.
Daily Work (20% of grade)
Includes a daily entry exercise, usually based on the previous day’s work or evening homework. Daily reading and writing work done in class.
Essays (40% of grade)
Student written response to the course literature is essential to promoting and demonstrating deep engagement.
Projects and Tests (20% of grade)
Grading Percentages:
89.5 – 100%A
79.5 – 89.4%B
69.5 – 79.4 %C
59.5 – 69.4%D
0 – 59.4%F
I’m looking forward to an exciting and rewarding year with you in Senior English Honors. Please read and review this syllabus with your parent or guardian, sign below, cut and return.
Mr. Don Enoch
English Teacher
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Senior English Honors Syllabus 2008-2009
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