Place Value Study Guide

SOL 4.1 a-c

-The value of a digit is how much it is worth. Write that digit, and fill all the place value spaced behind it with zeros. You will always write a number when asked for the value.
-Take the number 45,678: the value of the 5 is 5,000 because the 5 is in the thousands place.

Write the value for the underlined digits:



Standard Form: 453,892
Word Form: Say the number aloud to yourself and write the words.
Four hundred fifty-three thousand, eight hundred ninety-two
Expanded Form: Write the VALUE OF EACH DIGIT joined with plus signs.
452,892 = 400,000 + 50,000 + 2,000 + 800 + 90 + 2

Write these numbers in standard form:

Strategy: Look at the largest number and draw spaces for each place value—draw spaces for your places!!!

800,000 + 9,000 + 700 + 20 = ______, ______

4,000,000 + 600,000 + 50,000 + 800 + 30 + 1 =

Write the following numbers in expanded form:

Strategy: Write the VALUE OF EACH DIGIT joined with plus signs.

245,897 = ______

3,570,709 = ______

Write these numbers in word form:

Strategy: Say the number aloud to yourself and write the words.

432,875 = ______

6,790,201 = ______

Look at the largest place values first. If the digits are the same, move to the right until you find two different digits and determine which is greater.
7,654,231 _____ 7,654,132

Compare the numbers and write > , < or =.

23,456 _____ 24,3564,879,432 _____ 498,732

6,090 _____ 6,190 5,783,249 _____ 5,783,250

Put these numbers in order from greatest to least.

456 465 455 ______

5,897 5,987 5,789 ______

8,945 985 9,400 ______

When you round a number,
First: Underline the place value that is being rounded.
Second: Draw an arrow from the “bossy” number on the right to the underlined number.
Third: Ask yourself, “Is the bossy number big enough to make the underlined number jump up, or does it stay the same?”
If the bossy number is:
0,1,2,3,4……it stays the same
5,6,7,8,9… jumps up!
Fourth: All numbers to the right of the underlined number turn to ZERO
Fifth: All the numbers to the left of the underlined number STAY THE SAME!

Round these numbers to the nearest ten:



Round these numbers to the nearest hundred:



Round these numbers to the nearest thousand:



Choose the description on the right that defines the word on the left. Write the letter of the description on the line beside the word.

1. ______MillionsA. Next largest place value after hundreds

2. ______Thousands PlaceB. Number form: 10,908

3. ______Ten Thousands PlaceC. Greatest place value in the thousands period

4. ______Hundred Thousands PlaceD. Period after the thousands period

5. ______Standard FormE. Next largest place value after the thousands place value

6. ______Expanded FormF. 7,000 + 400 + 30 + 5

7. ______CommaG. Holds our “houses” three place values

8. ______PeriodH. Ones period

9. ______Units PeriodI. Used to separate periods

10.______DigitJ. Numbers 0-9