Dec. 15, 2016
Presiding Bishop Curry’s Christmas message
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has offered a video Christmas message. It is online at
Three celebrations planned to honor Bishop Dean and Ellen Wolfe
All members of the diocese are invited to three events in January that will mark the end of the episcopacy of Bishop Dean E. Wolfe and will give people the chance to greet the bishop and his wife, Ellen, before they head to New York City.
A final service on Sunday, Jan. 29 at 10:30 a.m. at Grace Cathedral in Topeka will mark a ceremonial end to Bishop Wolfe’s 13-year episcopacy. The bishop will preside at the Holy Eucharist and will preach, and members of the diocesan staff will participate.
Because of construction at the cathedral, a reception that afternoon will take place in the Parish Hall at St. David’s in Topeka.
There also will be an afternoon reception on Saturday, Jan. 14, in the Guild Hall at St. James’, Wichita.
Event details:
Saturday, Jan. 14, St. James’, 3750 East Douglas, Wichita
2 to 4 p.m.: a reception in the Guild Hall, with light refreshments
Sunday, Jan. 29, Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka
10:30 a.m.: Diocesan service of farewell, with Bishop Wolfe preaching and presiding
Sunday, Jan. 29, St. David’s, 3916 SW 17th St., Topeka
2 to 4 p.m.: a reception in the Parish Hall, with light refreshments
Jan. 6 is deadline for scholarship aid requests from clergy children
Jan. 6 is the deadline for clergy children to apply for a Father Young Fund grant for the spring semester. All students interested in receiving an award from the Father Young Fund should send a letter addressed to Bishop Wolfe stating:
- Who they are (their relationship to a clergy person in the diocese);
- Where they are attending school;
- Their year in school; and
- What they plan to study.
Awards from the Father Young Fund are sent directly to the student at their home address in the third week of January.
Guidelines for applying for assistance from the Father Young Fund:
- Assistance will be provided for eight semesters of undergraduate work only.
- Assistance is normally reserved for students attending Kansas colleges or universities.
- Application for the spring academic term is to be made no later than Jan. 6; for the fall term, no later than Aug. 4.
- According to the conditions of the original gift, this fund can only be used for children of clergy canonically resident in the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas.
- Once enrolled in college, a student becomes eligible to apply for assistance from the Father Young Fund.Assistance has averaged $750 - $1,000 each semester and is based on the number applying and the amount of interest earned on the fund.
To apply, each semester the student should send a letter to the bishop before the closing date. As soon as all applications have been received from the students, the amount of financial assistance will be determined, and a check will be sent to the student.
If you have any questions, please contact Jeanne Atha at or (785) 235-9255 or (800) 473-3563.
Cycle of Prayer for 2017 now is available
The diocesan cycle of prayer for 2017 has been updated and now is available on the diocesan website at
Entries for the remaining Sundays of 2016 are listed, as well as for all Sundays of 2017. There also are links to a Word document version of the list for both years.
The cycle of prayer includes special intentions for the churches of the diocese and other diocesan and youth events, members of the Anglican Communion, and nations of the world.
Checks to the diocese should be in by Dec. 26
From diocesan Comptroller Jay Currie: Any checks to the diocese for things such as parish apportionment or other payments for calendar year 2016 should be in the diocesan office no later than Monday, Dec. 26 to be credited to this year.
Address checks to:
Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
835 SW Polk St.
Topeka, KS 66612
Anyone with questions about this may contact Currie at or (785) 235-9255 of (800) 473-3563.
Get involved with Miqra
> Miqra registrations are due soon! MIQRA (meek-rah) is a weekend retreat that focuses on the Bible and allows teens to discover what's in it, why they should care and how to read it. This year's educational focus will be on the History and the Prophets.
- When: Saturday, Jan. 14, 2017, at 1 p.m. to Monday, Jan. 16, 2017, at 10:30 a.m.
- Where:St. Michael and All Angels, 6630 Nall Ave, Mission (All ages will be at one location this year.)
- Who: Grades 6-12
- Fee: $60 (if this is someone's very first youth event, they pay only $20!)
- Priority deadline:Monday, Jan.2 (price increases by $15 after this date)
- Registration forms:Youth and adults can sign-up for Miqra online at
> Volunteers needed for Miqra reading. Adults, parents, college students, parishioners and church staff are invited to help us with the reading on Friday, Jan. 13, at St. Michael and All Angels, 6630 Nall Ave, Mission, KS 66202. Sign up for a time slot online at
Other youth news
> High school students invited to participate in Music Leadership Weekend
- What: Leadership games, hang-out time and most importantly, time to practice worship songs and maybe even record a few!
- Who: High school students who are interested in playing at youth events
- When: Feb. 10-12
- Where: St. Francis of Assisi, 17890 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park
- Cost: $25 ($35 if you register after Feb. 2)
- Registration:
EYE applications are now available.EYE – the Episcopal Youth Event – is the single greatest event the Episcopal Church does. It is about 1,000 people (high school students, their adult mentors and bishops from around the church) who all stay on a college campus in a great location and learn, laugh and serve.
- When: July 10-14
- Where: University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Okla., outside Oklahoma City
- Who: Students in grades 9-12 of the 2016-17 school year (a maximum of 24 students will be able to go).
- Cost: $475. The diocese will give each youth participant a $125 scholarship, so the cost to youth is $350. This includes travel to Oklahoma City, 11 meals, lodging, and all regularly scheduled workshops and plenary sessions during EYE.
- Deadline to sign up: Jan. 31
- More information is online at
> Summer youth ministry internship applications now available. Do you know a college student interested in pursuing a vocation in ministry? If so, ask them if they are interested in applying for the Summer Youth Ministry Internship. Applications are due Feb. 28. Learn more about the program and how to apply at
> Episcopal Summer Mega Camp registration now open. Camp is June 4-10 at Camp Wood YMCA. The volunteer Episcopal staff provides solid Christian education, featuring worship, music, small group discussions and prayer. Camp Wood features a variety of activities such as horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports. Camp is open to those currently in grades 3-12, and their friends! Cost is $430 for the week; register by May 12. For registration forms and more information see
Clergy housing allowance resolutions are required soon
The Church Pension Group reminds parishes of the need to have clergy housing allowances for 2017 finalized by Vestry resolution before a January paycheck is issued.
Jan. 31 is deadline for applications for parish-basedcampusministrygrants
The Campus Ministry Council announces its twice-a-year call for parish partner campus ministry grants.
These grants are for programs with college students that are based in one of the parishes of the diocese. The maximum grant amount normally is $600.Funds can go to existing programs that are successful, as well as to help establish new programs.
You may download a copy of the application form from the Campus Ministry website at
The deadline to submit applications is Jan. 31, 2017. Please send applications by email to Scott Howard, Campus Ministry Council Chair, submitted, Scottwill ensure that applications are complete before forwarding them to theCampusMinistryCouncil and Campus Missioner for review and action.
Howard also can answer questions about the application process.He can be reached at the email address above or at(417) 437-8810.
Additional information about the program is on the campus ministry website:
Deadline is Jan. 6 to apply for Young Adult Service Corps
Young adults (21-30 years old) have an opportunity to transform their own lives while engaging in mission and ministry in the Anglican Communion by joining the Young Adult Service Corps. Applications now are available for 2017-2018 placements in dioceses throughout the Anglican Communion.
The deadline to apply is Friday, Jan. 6.
The application is online at
Two Kansas young adults currently are serving as members of YASC – Naomi Cunningham with the American Cathedral in Paris, and Tristan Holmberg with the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Luzon in the Philippines.
More information is on the YASC website,
St. Margaret’s, Lawrence seeks a music director
St. Margaret’s, Lawrence, is seeking a part-time music director to serve the church. The position requires 10 hours a week, and the person Is responsible for selecting, coordinating and leading Christian music in weekly worship.
Candidates should:
- Be able to play the guitar
- Be able to lead a team of singers and instrumentalists in contemporary Christian music and hymns in weekly practice and worship.
- Have the ability to work closely with the rector, music team and children’s choir to create a meaningful worship experience.
- Have excellent communication skills and a flexible teaching aptitude
- Be available for holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Holy Week and occasional special events.
If interested, send a resume to the church at .
United Thank Offering grant applications now are available
The form to apply for grants from the United Thank Offering now is available online at
The focus for the 2017 United Thank Offering grants is The Jesus Movement – evangelism, reconciliation and following Jesus' way of creating loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with God, each other and all creation.
The deadline for applications to be submitted to the diocesan office is Feb. 10. The completed grant application form and a proposed project budget are required.
From among applications submitted, the diocese will select one to forward to the United Thank Offering board for possible funding.
UTO will consider applications that are for start-up costs for a new ministry, but not for the continuation of an ongoing ministry, unless there is a definite new direction added to the existing program.
Additional information and worksheets, along with sample budgets, are on the UTO grant webpage,
Questions about the process should be referred to Canon to the Ordinary the Rev. Torey Lightcap at or (785) 235-9255 or (800) 473-3563.
Portion of the value of clergy life insurance may be taxable
The value of clergy group term life insurance provided by employers is considered taxable income in the current year to the extent the coverage exceeds $50,000.
The Church Pension Fund provides coverage to all eligible clergy in the Clergy Pension Fund. For active clergy, that is four times the total compensation, up to a maximum of $100,000. For retired clergy, it is four times the highest average compensation, to a maximum of $50,000.
Any clergyperson, active or retired, who receives additional group term life insurance from any employer, may have additional income tax liability.
To calculate the value of your insurance benefit for income tax purposes, the IRS uses the following numbers for the cost per $1,000 of ALL group life insurance coverage per month exceeding the $50,000 exclusion:
- Under 25, monthly cost is 5 cents
- 25-29, monthly cost is 6 cents
- 30-34, monthly cost is 8 cents
- 35-39, monthly cost is 9 cents
- 40-44, monthly cost is 10 cents
- 45-49, monthly cost is 15 cents
- 50-54, monthly cost is 23 cents
- 55-59, monthly cost is 43 cents
- 60-64, monthly cost is 66 cents
- 65-69, monthly cost is $1.27
- Over 70, monthly cost is $2.06
Anyone with questions about this may contact diocesan Comptroller Jay Currie or (800) 473-3563.
Applications accepted for Episcopal Church’s Director of the Reconciliation, Justice and Stewardship of Creation
Applications are being accepted for a new position, the Director of the Reconciliation, Justice and Stewardship of Creation, a member of the Presiding Bishop’s staff.
The Reconciliation, Justice and Stewardship of Creation department includes staff who facilitate and lead churchwide ministry in relation to the Racial Reconciliation and Justice, Domestic Poverty, Stewardship of Creation, and the United Thank Offering.
This full-time position reports directly to the Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Stewardship of Creation, and was developed in direct response to the church’s call to transform unjust social structures, to respect the dignity of every person, and to protect the gift of creation.
The Director of the Reconciliation, Justice and Stewardship of Creation will be responsible for Domestic Poverty and Jubilee Ministries and will partner with the Advisory Council on Stewardship of Creation to develop and support eco-justice sites and networks. The director also will supervise and provide support to staff officers who organize the church’s justice and reconciliation efforts.
Complete information and application instructions for this position are available here
The deadline for applying is Jan. 9.
For more information contact a member of the Episcopal Church Human Resources Team at .
Anniversaries of ordinations
Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next three weeks:
Dec. 16: The Rev. James D’Wolf, retired (61 years)
Dec. 18: The Rev. Phillip Rapp, retired, Diocese of Western Kansas (55 years)
Dec. 21: The Rev. Richard McCandless, retired (54 years); the Rev. James Mitchell, retired (53 years); the Rev. Robert Terrill, retired (55 years); the Rev. Gary Gooch, retired (42 years); the Rev. Randall McQuin, non-parochial (37 years); the Rev. George Spratt, retired (61 years); the Rev. Frederick Robertson, retired (42 years); the Rev. Tom Miles, retired (42 years); the Rev. Larry Steadman, non-parochial, Diocese of Western Kansas (14 years)
Dec. 22: Deacon Deborah Burns, St. Martin’s, Edwardsville (15 years); the Rev. Hal Emery, retired, Diocese of Western Kansas (56 years)
Jan. 5: The Rev. David Jenkins, Covenant, Junction City (4 years); the Rev. Adrianna Shaw, non-parochial (4 years); the Rev. Alan Tilson, retired (32 years)
Stay in touch via Facebook and Twitter
You can find news, features and updates from the diocese on social media. We’re on Facebook – EpiscopalDioceseofKansas ( – and Twitter – @EpiscoKs.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
This is the final edition of DioLog for 2016. We wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Next DioLog
The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, Jan. 5. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, , no later than Tuesday, Jan. 3.
Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attributionthat material is reprinted fromDioLogis appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.
If you do not wish to receive this publication, you may unsubscribe from DioLog by sending an email to .