Teacher’s Yearly Cheat Sheet
Words to Know, Spelling & Grammar
Journeys: 1ST Grade
Lesson 1: What is a Pal?
Words to Know
and be help you play with
Spelling: Short a
Am at sat man dad mat
Grammar: Nouns
Lesson 2: The Storm
WTK: for what have he look too
Spelling: Short I
If is him rip fit pin
Grammar: Nouns
Lesson 3: Curious George at Schools
WTK: do find funny sing no they
SW: short o
Log dot top hot lot ox
Grammar: Action Verbs
Lesson 4: Lucia’s Neighborhood
WTK: all does here me my who
Spelling: Short e
Yet wet web leg pen hen
Grammar: adjectives
Lesson 5: Gus Takes the Train
WTK: friend full good hold many pull
SW: Short u
Up bug mud nut hug tub
Grammar: adjectives
Lesson 6: Jack and the Wolf
WTK: away call come every hear said
Spelling :Short a
An bad can had cat ran add pass
Grammar: Complete sentences
Lesson 7: How animals Communicate
WTK: animal how make of some why
Spelling: Short i
In will did sit six big trip grin
Grammar: Sentence Parts
Lesson 8: A Musical Day
WTK: her now our she today would
Spelling: Short o
On got fox hop pop not block clock
Grammar: statements
Lesson 9: Dr. Seuss
WTK: after draw pictures read was write
Spelling: Short e
Yes ten sled let bed step red get
Grammar: Singular and Plural nouns
Lesson 10: A cupcake party
WTK: eat give one put small take
Spelling: Short u
Us fun jump sun bus must but run
Grammar: Prepositions and Prep. Phrases
Lesson 11: Sea Animals
WTK: blue cold far little live their water where
Spelling: “th” words:
That then this them with bath tenth thick
Grammar: proper nouns
Lesson 12: How Leopard Got his spots
WTK: been brown know never off out own very
Spelling: “ch”, “tch”
Chin, chip, much, chop, rich, chick, match, pitch
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Lesson 13: Seasons
WTK: down fall goes green grow new open yellow
Spelling: “sh” “wh” “ph”
Ship when shell shop whip graph which fish
Grammar: Subjects and Verbs
Lesson 14: The Big Race
WTK: four five into over starts three two watch
Spelling: Long a
Came late waves make gave chases brave, shape
Grammar: Verbs and Time
Lesson 15: Animal Groups
WTK: bird fly those both long walk eyes or
Spelling Words: Long i
Time bike stripe like white mice kite drive
Grammar: The verb “be”
Lesson 16:Let’s go to the Moon
WTK: around because before bring carry light show think
Spelling Words: Long o
So hold joke bone go no poke chose home rope stove wrote
Grammar: Questions
Lesson 17: The Big Trip
WTK: about could sure by don’t there car maybe
Spelling: Long e
Me be read feet tree keep eat mean sea these street please
Grammar: Kinds of sentences
Lesson 18: Where Food Comes From
WTK: first food ground right sometimes these under your
Spelling: “ai, ay”
Play, grain, sail, mail, may, rain, way, day, stay, pain, paint, spray
Grammar: Names of Months, Days, Holidays
Lesson 19: Tomas Rivera
WTK: done, great, laugh, paper, soon, talk, were, work
Spelling: “oa, ow”
Show, blow, road, row, snow, toad, grow, boat, flown, low, coat, toast
Grammar: Future tense
Lesson 20: Little Rabbit’s Tale
WTK: door, old, want, more, try, wash, mother, use
Spelling: Compound Words
Bedtime, sunset, bathtub, flagpole, backpack, playpen, raincoat, inside, himself, rowboat, homemade
Grammar: Prepositions and Prep. Phrases
Lesson 21: “The Tree”
WTK: better, saw, turned, night, thought, window, pretty, told
Spelling: r controlled
Far, arm, yard, art, jar, bar, barn, bark, card, yarn, smart, chart,
Grammar: Subject pronouns
Lesson 22: Amazing Animals
WTK: baby, begins, eight, follow, learning, until, years, young
Spelling: R controlled
Her, fern, girl, sir, stir, bird, fur, hurt, turn, third, curl, first
Grammar: Pronoun I
Lesson 23: Whistle for Willie
WTK: again, boy, nothing, along, father, together, began, house
Spelling: “oo”
Look, book, good, hook,brook, took, foot, shook, wood, hood, crook, hoof
Grammar: Possesive Pronouns
Lesson 24: A Butterfly Grows
WTK: also, anything, flower, kind, places, ready, upon, warm
Spelling: “oo, ou, ew”
Soon, new, noon, zoo, boot, too, moon, blew, soup, you, grew, scoop
Grammar: Pronouns and Verbs
Lesson 25: The New Friend
WTK: buy, myself, school, seven, city, party, family, please
Spelling: “ou,ow”
How, cow, now, owl, ouch, house, found, out, gown, town, shout, power
Grammar: Contractions
Lesson 26:The Dot
WTK: above, pushed, teacher, bear, studied, toward, even, surprised
Spelling: endings -ed, -ing”
Mix, mixed, hop, hopped, hope, hoping, run, running, use, used, writing, grabbed
Grammar: exclamations
Lesson 27: What Can You Do?
WTK: always, different, enough, happy, high, near, once, stories
Spelling: endings: -er, -est
Hard, harder, hardest
Fast, faster, fastest
Slow, slower, slowest
Sooner* shorter, shortest
*Journeys text uses the word “sooner” however, I believe it is a typo and should be corrected as “short”
Lesson 28: Days with Frog and Toad
WTK: across, ball, cried, head, heard, large, second, should
Spelling: igh, y, ie
My, fly, pie, light, try, by, cried, myself, sky, dry, night, brighter
Grammar: adjectives
Lesson 29:Inspector Hopper
WTK: almost, any, behind, gone, happened, hello, idea, leaves
Spelling: Suffixes: -ful, -ly, -y
Sad, sadly, slow, slowly, dust, dusty, trick, tricky, help, helpful, quickly, hopeful
Grammar: Adverbs
Lesson 30:Winners Never Quit
WTK: brothers, everyone, field, loved, most, only, people, sorry
Spelling: Syllables: CV
Even, baby, paper, below, open, tiger, zero, because, begin, music, table, silent
Grammar: Adjectives that Compare