Dear Parents,

It seems hard to believe that the children only have just over half a term left before the SATS. This is an important time for Year 6 and your support and commitment will be invaluable during the weeks leading up to SATS.


Art Workshop

The book that we will be studying this term is Refugee Boy by Benjamin Zephaniah. As part of the experience, we have organised an Art workshop for the children on Tuesday 20thMarch so that they can explore the different countries in the story. They will also get the chance to write a letter to a real refugee!! We also aim to hold a demonstration whereby they can protest for the rights of the character in the text. We hope that these wonderful opportunities will give them a better understanding of what it is like to be a refugee.

Fantastic Finish

I would like to thank you all for coming to support an excellent Fantastic Finish on the 8th February. The year 6 did themselves proud as they performed scenes from Macbeth. Mrs Campion was nearly in tears after watching the performance: she cannot wait for the end of year production in July!


The children will be involved in another Mock SATs in March, (week beginning: 12.03.1`8). More details will be sent out later in the term. We hope that these tests will help you and your child to understand the expectations of the testing procedure. However if there are any questions or queries before-hand, please do not hesitate to speak to the class teacher or myself.

Please ensure that children are all in school on time, have had a good night’s sleep and

eaten their breakfast. This is a good start to any day!

Key Dates

MOCK SATS: 12TH March -15th March 2018

Art Workshop: 20th March 2018

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Mirza

(Year 6 Leader)

Wk 1W