Fourth Grade Spelling Activities – Ways to practice your spelling words

ABC words: Alphabetize the words.
(A to Z) / Phonics: Write the dictionary phonetic spelling of each word. / Syllables: Use a dictionary to divide each word into syllables. / Vowels: Write the words and circle all the vowels. / Consonants: Write the words and circle all the consonants. / ZYX words: Write the words in reverse alphabetical order. (Z to A)
Sentences: Write sentences using your words – underline the word. / Mail for you: Write a letter to a friend using at least 10 of your words. Underline each word. / Hidden Pictures: Draw a picture and “hide” your words in the picture. / Wordsearch: Make a wordsearch using all of your words. / Colorful Boxes: Write your words on graph paper and outline them with colors. / In the News: Cut your words out of a magazine or newspaper and glue them to a piece of paper.
Other Handed: Write your words once with your left hand and once with your right hand. / Choo Choo Words: Write the entire list end to end using a different color for each word. / X Words: Write your words in a criss-cross pattern: / In Code: Translate your words into numbers from a telephone keypad. / Spy Words: Number the alphabet from 1 to 26, then convert your words to a number code. / Fractions: Write your words and give the fractions - number of vowels over number of consonants.
Patriotic Words: Write your spelling words by writing the consonants in blue and the vowels in red. / Stamp It Out: Spell out your words using alphabet rubber stamps and an inkpad. / Build a Sentence: Write a sentence for at least 10 spelling words. Ex. – cat = Cars are terrible. / Silly Sentences: Use all your words in only ten sentences. / Rainbow Words: Write your words in three different colors. For example: once in red, once in blue, and once in green. / Spell and Sketch: Use your words as the lines in a picture.
Colors and Outlines: Outline your words in three different colors: / Spanish Words: Use a Spanish to English dictionary to write down what each spelling word is in Spanish. / Words in Words: Write your words and then write at least two words you can make from each spelling word. / Questions: Use each word in a question sentence. / Exclamations: Use each word in an exclamation sentence. / Three Ways: Write your words in three different ways (bubble letters, all capitals, etc.)
Huh?: See how many spelling words you can put into one sentence that makes sense. Write at least 3 sentences. / $$$$: See how expensive your words are if a = 1 cent, b = 2 cents, etc. / Backwards Words: Write your words once forwards then once backwards. / Pyramid words: Write your words adding one letter at a time: Ex: cape
cape / In Code: Spell your words in Braille or Morse Code. You may have to look up a key on the internet. / All You: Create your own spelling activity. Your teacher must approve the activity.