NAME OF SPECIALTY SECTION: Toxicologic and Exploratory Pathology (TEPSS)
ANNUAL REPORT: 2007-2008
May 1, 2007 to April 30, 2008
I. Officers/Committees:
Officers: 2007-2008 2008-2009
President: Pat Haley KarenRegan
President-elect: KarenRegan Chuck Qualls
Vice President: Chuck Qualls Glenn Cantor
Secretary/Treasurer: SandraEldridge SandraEldridge
Councilors: GlennCantor Donna Dambach MarkCartwright Norman Barlow
Past-President/Councilor: Lynda Lanning Pat Haley
Student Representative: Shashikiran Donthamesetty Daher Ibrahim-Aibo
II. Activities
2008 SOT Annual Meeting Luncheon Reception was held 17-MAR-2008, at Seattle, Washington during the annual SOT meeting. Approximately 30 people were in attendance. There are 139 TEPSS members listed in the SOT membership directory.
Winners of the student awards were in attendance. Each one gave a brief synopsis of their work and they were presented with a monetary award and recognition plaque.
President Pat Haley led a discussion on soliciting presentations for the 2009 annual meeting.
Roger McClellan described the new Roger McClellan Student Award; it was discussed and decided to have a representative from TEPSS work with CVSS to get the award set up. The group was in agreement that the general membership of TEPSS should take part in reviewing the applications and presenting the awards at the next annual meeting.
Service plaques were distributed to Pat Haley, Mark Cartwright and Sandy Eldridge.
The gavel was passed from Pat Haley, Past-President 2007 – 2008 to Karen Regan, President 2008 – 2009.
Student Awards:
· Atrayee Banerjee, Texas A&M University, College Station (Merck Travel Award Winner) “Osteopontin-mediated β1 and β2 integrin signaling: A mechanism for higher hepatic neutrophil infiltration and liver injury in female alcoholic liver disease”
· Christine M. Dugan, Michigan State University, East Lansing “Determinants of sensitivity to halothane-induced hepatoxicity in mice”
Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Fellow Mixer:
An informational poster describing TEPSS was prepared and printed at no charge to TEPSS by Charles River Laboratories (Sandy Eldridge) and displayed at the event on Sunday night, 16-MAR-2008. In addition, Charles River provided give away items (pens, lanyards, badge clips) at the poster.
Scientific Sessions Endorsed by TEPSS at the 2008 SOT Annual Meeting;
Continuing Education:
· Introduction to Pathology for Toxicologists and Study Directors
· Oxidant Air Pollution and Childhood Asthma
· Novel Biomarkers of Drug-Induced Toxicity: Outcomes of PredTox and the Predictive Safety Testing Consortium
· Developmental Basis of Health and Disease: Persistent Effects of Tobacco Smoke Exposure
· Host Susceptibility and Chemical Safety Testing: New Approaches to Estimate Risk in the Human Population
· The 2007 Pet Food Related Toxic Nephropathy in Dogs and Cats
TEPSS Officers’ Meeting was held 17-MAR-2008, at Seattle, Washington during the annual SOT meeting. Minutes from the meeting are attached.
TEPSS Membership Brochure:
A color tri-fold front and back membership brochure was designed and produced in time for the STP June 2007 annual meeting. Printing was paid for by Charles River Pathology Associates (Sandy Eldridge). The membership brochure has been available at the STP, ACVP and SOT annual meetings for dissemination.
Date of Meeting / 17 March 2008
Venue / SOT Annual Meeting
Purpose / TEPSS Officers' Meeting
Present / Pat Haley, Karen Regan, Chuck Qualls, Jack Harkema, Glenn Cantor, Donna Dambach, Mark Cartwright, Sandy Eldridge
Apologies / Lynda Lanning
Circulation / TEPSS Officers
Prepared by / Sandy Eldridge
Next Meeting / Telecon to be scheduled in spring/fall 2008 by Chuck Qualls
1. Meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30 am. Breakfast was provided.
2. Minutes from the 26-MAR-2007 Officers’ meeting were distributed and unanimously approved.
3. 2008 financials and forecast were distributed and discussed. We agreed that we will continue to assign responsibility for bringing an LCD projector and laptop to the SOT annual meeting as it saved us $2,450 this year. Sandy Eldridge brought the equipment this year and volunteered to bring it again next year.
4. TEPSS-sponsored scientific sessions for SOT were discussed at length; we had 6 in 2008.
5. The lack of 2008 student award applicants was discussed, as well as what can be done to increase awareness and number of applicants. We recognized that we need a student representative to serve as an officer in the TEPSS. Jack Harkema suggested Daher Ibrahim-Aibo, a graduate student at Michigan State University.
6. TEPSS deadline calendar was not available for distribution.
7. No one from TEPSS attended the SOT SS meeting in Reston, Virginia.
8. The current status of 2009 proposals, including critical dates, potential proposals and review responsibilities were discussed.
9. New business:
· Roger McClellan stopped by to talk about the Roger McClellan Endowment Fund and Student Travel Awards. He specifically described a Student Travel Award to be given to a pre- or post DVM student in 2009. $2,000 is available for 1 or 2 students. The award is to be jointly managed by representatives from TEPSS and CVSS.
· A merger of TEPSS and CVSS was raised again this year. We decided to not make any decisions at this time, and to see how the two groups work together in managing the McClellan Student Award in 2009. TEPSS was formed in 1999 and currently has 139 members. CVSS was formed in 1993 and presently has 87 members. Many members belong to both TEPSS and CVSS.
· Officer positions for Vice President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer and 1st Year Councilor are open. According to by-laws, an election must be held, regardless of whether we have more than one candidate for each office. Due to difficulty in identifying potential candidates, we agreed to hold an election with Glenn Cantor, Sandy Eldridge and Norman Barlow as sole candidates with write-in options for Vice President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer and 1st Year Councilor, respectively.
10. Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 am
Action Items:
1. Review finances: UPDATE – financial statements available on SOT website for SS officers only under Leadership Reference Guide/Specialty Sections
2. Review calendar of events: UPDATE – financial statements available on SOT website for SS officers only under Leadership Reference Guide/Specialty Sections
3. Schedule telecom for spring/fall: Chuck Qualls
4. Hold election for officer positions: UPDATE – 2008 election results
a. Vice President-elect: Glenn Cantor
b. Secretary/Treasurer: Sandy Eldridge
c. 1st Year Councilor: Norman Barlow