To whom it may concern
RE : NuTraffic Management ( Pty ) Ltd and NuPay Management ( Pty ) Ltd
NuTraffic Management (Pty) Ltd is pleased to support this proposal by I-Cube for the Traffic Management System as well as payment portal services. This proposal is based upon our understanding of the tender requirements
The management and owners of NuTraffic Management (Pty) Ltd collectively have extensive experience in traffic fine collection.
NuTraffic has perused the municipality’s bid documentation and has concluded that the scope and objectives of the tender are:-
· To support the TMS system with any payment portal available
· Increased fine collection rate
Nico Swartz
Managing Director
NuTraffic Management ( Pty ) Ltd
Tel. 011 613 6935
Fax. 086 546 5896
Cell. 082 454 5357
E-mail : nicos@nutraffic
19 April 2009
Description of business activities:
NuPayment Solution background:
NuPay is a joint venture between ABSA Bank (one of the country’s largest banking groups) and ITAS Services (a company, which has extensive experience in electronic banking and the installation and field support of merchant terminals).
As a value added partner to Absa Bank for the last 9 years, NuPay is in the unique position to provide the DMPS with a package of not only a traffic management services, but also additional services that would complement the needs of DMPS.
1. The NuPay Offering
The following are a few key distinct elements of the offering:-
· NuPay handles the clients end to end transaction processing and reporting requirements according to the client’s requirements. Therefore the service is not a purely commoditized offering.
· Inherent in NuPay’s current client solutions are the switching of transactions between various parties and organizations. This is done with industry standard software and adheres to the highest level of security as required by the banking industry.
· The NuPay system has the capability to handle customer and transaction queries on various levels. This includes the hands on management of transaction by the customer.
· There are 7 dedicated teams within NuPay to manage and support NuPay’s product offerings.
These are as follows:-
1. Technical Team – focus on the POS terminal management ensuring that no customer’s business is impacted on by terminal issues.
2. Development Team – focus on the development of the software for the various current and future product offerings.
3. IT Team – focus on ensuring that the virtual channels and networks are available for the clients and the employees of NuPay.
4. Production – dedicated team of people that monitors all production systems to ensure that the systems perform to the required standards and client requirements.
5. Customer Relationship Team - dedicated customer relationship consultants (CRC’s) who’s key responsibility is to maintain and develop existing customers and the new customers acquired by the sales consultants.
6. Sales – dedicated sales consultants per product ensuring that a specialist on each product is in the field selling the product. The sales consultants work closely with the CRC’s and provide valuable input for refinement and further development of the product offerings.
NuPay is equipped with the key building blocks to ensure that the company delivers payment and switching solutions and support according to its customer needs.
The flexibility of the processes inherent in the product offerings provide value based reporting and reconciliations so that the client succeeds and focuses on their core business.
The support of the banking partner and shareholder ABSA has provided NuPay with a credible platform to deliver the payment solutions modeled on banking industry acceptable rules and principles.
2. Our proposed collection services
We offer a comprehensive range of Revenue Enhancement and Debt Recovery Solutions. We are fully self-sufficient for all our collection, legal, IT development and maintenance needs. Our services include:
v Consulting services :-
v Analyses of the recoverability of debt books
v Revenue chain workflows and procedures
v Credit Control and Debt Collection policy review and formulation
v Credit Control and Debt Collection Strategic Plan formulation and Implimentation
v Impact and practical implication of new legislation on revenue maintenance, enhancement and recovery
v Debt Recovery Services :-
v Pre-legal debt collection – production and delivery of all required notices, sending of necessary reminders
v Legal collections – from summons to warrant of execution on an unopposed basis
v Administration of Acknowledgements of Debts and Promises to Pay
v Administration of Emolument Attachment Orders
v Administration of insolvent estates and deceased estates
v Data cleansing
v Electronic and physical tracing of businesses and individuals
v Indigent identification and assessment and socio-economic surveys
v Outsourced revenue administration services
v Traffic Fine Management and Collection Services
The Revco debt collection approach
Our collection approach is designed to achieve the maximum impact in reducing the debt levels of our clients in the shortest possible time, whilst still maintaining a professional relationship with the client and the employees/community. We strive to ensure that close co-operation is maintained with the client in order to ascertain that the client’s interests are best served. Our collection approach is to identify the existence and ability to pay of debtors at an early stage. Once we have established debtors liability to pay, we proceed rapidly through the pre-legal phase of collection through to the legal process when applicable.
The collection protocol will be agreed upfront and defined during the Scoping Phase and will be incorporated into the Service Level Agreement. This protocol agreement is necessary to allow an uninterrupted flow of actions once the collection process starts.
Our approach is designed to integrate the debt collection service with other credit control processes, including field services such as data cleansing, indigent identification tracing and payroll verification.
Our collection methodology
Ø Maximising Debt Collection Efficiency
Revco recognizes the need for an efficient and effective debt collection function in an organisation. By maximising the revenue process, our clients are able to deliver sustained quality services to their customers.
Data validation and tracing
REVCO has established processes through which we currently validate and track hand-over data for completeness and accuracy and for audit purposes. A major reason for non-payment of debt is because debtor information is incomplete or inaccurate. Through our relationships with various tracing agencies and other service providers we are in a position to not exude unnecessary effort in contacting debtors i.e. all addresses provided by our client are firstly confirmed as valid prior to any postal processes being followed. We are able to electronically validate the status of incorporated businesses such as companies, close corporations and trusts and to determine the whereabouts of directors, shareholders and trustees who are responsible for their businesses affairs.
All electronic tracing is done via the SmartCollect system directly to either CIPRO, Deeds Office, ITC, XDS or Experian databases. REVCO has agreements with agents who do physical tracing as required.
In addition, we employ teams of field workers who physically visit debtor addresses to verify the correct identity of tenants and owners.
For the purposes of good governance as well as good client service, we perform monthly balancing of the debtor accounts handed over to ensure completeness of information and transactions on both our system and that of our clients’.
Pre-legal collections
The Pre-legal phase includes a combination of highly automated procedures, coupled with an on-site field service designed to gain maximum impact on collections. All printed notices are electronically delivered to printing houses for posting. Our call-centre is electronically linked to the database and is responsible for direct contact with debtors where telephone numbers are available. SMS’s are used where possible. Where required, notices and demand letters are hand delivered to the debtors address.
During this phase of the collection process we are able verify and validate names and addresses with the debtors details appearing on the client database.
Legal services
Revco is able to offer clients, a seamless legal process up to Warrant and Execution stage within acceptable timeframes. Our legal staff are knowledgeable in all aspects of legislation affecting collections and have hands-on experience in dealing with sheriffs and the courts. Included in our legal services are the following :
v Receiving of files of arrear payers for legal process for collection of arrear monies
v Processing of legal documents from summons to judgment and where necessary, warrant of execution
v Ascertain that judgment is granted on every account
v Proceed with warrant of execution and selling of assets to diminish the debt
v Obtain emolument attachment orders and administer same
v Tracing of debtors
v Any other legal action as part of the collection process
High levels of reporting
v Performance reports relating to debts handed over, debts collected, arrangements, Promises to pay, Acknowledgments of Debts and debts subject to legal process
v Debts identified as having prescribed or need to be written off plus reasons therefore
v Accounts requiring reconciliation or further investigation
v Progress reports on tracing actions
v Assistance with the identification of deceased and liquidated estates from within the arrears database
v All financial aspects of debt collection, including detailed commission reports
v Proposed action plans for the following month
v Revco has a 50 seat call-centre based at its head office in Pretoria. In addition, we have satellite offices in Cape Town, East London, Durban, Jeffreys Bay and Krugersdorp.
v Our call-centres have the capacity to be upgraded at short notice to cater for any additional volumes demanded by projects from time to time
v In addition, Revco employs in-house attorneys and chartered accountants to ensure our clients a professional service
v Revco has the financial resources to initiate and sustain the workload to deliver the required service.
REVCO will enter into a Service Level Agreement with our clients setting out the various minimum performance levels and the respective duties and responsibilities between Revco and the client to successfully deliver on the engagement. Our approach involves the setting up of a liaison capacity with the officials of our client, in order to keep close contact with the client’s staff and to make our staff accessible to debtors and to enable our staff to effectively deal with payments and any queries that will arise from time to time.
Revco uses state of the art technology to manage high volumes and thereby maximising the cash contribution to the client. This technology includes the SmartCollect and Excalibur Debt Management systems, Query Resolution Software, and modern digital call centre technology. Revco has partnered with Nu Pay and NuTraffic in delivering state of the art Payment, Traffic Management and Fine Recovery Solutions.
The collection software enables us to manage the entire collections process on a single system from handover to collection, including the entire legal process where necessary.
The debtors and transaction data may be transferred to the bureau electronically from the client, system. Our bureau processes all debt management and collection actions. Debtors’ payments will be managed by Revco and reported to the client,. Any payments made directly to the client will be separately identified and dealt with through protocols agreed with management. The Debt Collection systems have the ability to automatically schedule reports to the relevant officials at the client on agreed delivery dates. The content and format of the reports are agreed during the scoping phase of the engagement. This electronic reporting capability is supplemented with regular direct meetings, where matters such as performance targets, results and key issues are discussed and agreed.
Collection Procedures
As REVCO, we accept that there may be a number of factors that influence the successful collection of a debtor’s book, which might fall outside the ambit of our influence. Effective Debt Collection is an integral part of a successful business today, and has over a period of time developed into a specialised function. Revco specialises in this science, and offers a professional service to its clients in managing this very important function.
In terms of our approach, there is however numerous factors that we can, and do control, which enable us to effectively manage the collection of our clients’ debtors book. This effective management not only enhances cash flow, but also optimizes the recovery of potential bad and doubtful debt at the lowest cost. The alliance with our client is that of a partnership, with the inherent awareness and sensitivity with regard to costs as well the importance of maximizing collection ratios to enable our client to surpass industry norms.
In our approach we view the following as critical success factors:
v Suitable structures and system support
v The existence and operation in partnership with our clients.
v The political will to enforce the protection offered to the client,, through the various bodies of law
v Knowledgeable, motivated staff
v Effective Risk management of the debtor’s book
v Effective communication with debtors
All of the above are within our ambit of influence.
Effective Management of the Debtor’s Book
In our aim to manage and collect debtor’s effectively, the process is divided into the following important functions, each with it’s own unique disciplines. These functions and disciplines are the culmination of our vast experience in the industry, and have over time, crystallised as best practise in the industry.
The heart of any collection function is an effective reliable diary system, in terms of which the debtor’s are disciplined to perform in accordance with the agreement entered into. In addition to this discipline we furthermore implement the following functions that are vital to the process of maintaining and expanding discipline:
v Risk Management – direct resources to areas where the greatest financial impact will be achieved
v Credit discipline – creating a partnership between ourselves, our client,, and the community
v Assessment in respect of extensions/adjustments and payment arrangements
v State of the art risk management systems – SmartCollect and Excalibur systems
v Effective performance of our Legal Office
v Manpower – properly resourced and managed collection centres