Ninth Annual Leadership Training
June 24, 25 and 26, 2008
Hyatt Regency Tampa, Tampa, Florida
February 1, 2008
Dear Federal Executive:
Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE), a not for profit foundation working to promote the value that women bring to law enforcement, will hold its Ninth Annual Leadership Training Conference June 24, 25, and 26, 2008, at the Hyatt Regency Tampa, Tampa, Florida. This year’s conference program will focus on leadership skills necessary for advancement into all ranks in government including the senior executive level as well as an examination of key investigative issues faced by federal law enforcement. Registration is $475.00 before April 30, 2008, and $525.00 after that date. Please visit our web site at for all details. Enclosed is a registration form that can be duplicated. You can also go online to to register. WIFLE has reserved the entire hotel for this conference.
On opening day, invited keynote speaker, the Honorable Michael J. Chertoff, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, will kick us off to a great start. Other invited power speakers throughout the conference are the Mayor of Tampa, Pam Iorio; Gale Rossides, Deputy Administrator of TSA; Mary Beth Buchanan, Acting Director of the Office on Violence Against Women; Marcy Forman, Director, Office of Investigations, ICE; Michael Sullivan, Acting Director of ATF; former president of COPS Shirley Gibson; and, Anh Duong, U.S. Navy. We are planning to partner with local area police departments to integrate our counterparts and provide for a greater networking opportunity for all law enforcement.
Following the opening, we will learn from Dr. Teena Cahill about Women Taking the Lead: Wisdom for Everyday Leadership and Peak Performance; and we will also tackle the major issue facing government - recruiting and retaining the talent to be successful for the future of your agency and our country. This is a topic not to be missed. Last year, over 500 people from the federal, state, local, and international law enforcement communities attended our leadership training conference. WIFLE has several goals including furthering the recruitment, retention and promotion of women in federal law enforcement occupations, and the continued development of an information sharing and support network. The annual training conference provides the opportunity for its members and supporters to promote these goals in a collaborative and cooperative learning environment. The up-to-date agenda is posted on our website.
A Matter of Time & Convenience, LLC, is the official conference planner handling all matters for WIFLE concerning this conference. All registrations should be accomplished online; however, provisions have been made for mail and phone registrations. Any questions, please contact Ms. Carolyn Heafner (Time & Convenience) at 1-866-39WIFLE or 1-410-451-0002, extension 204, facsimile 1-410-451-7373, or email: .
I would like to personally invite you to our opening ceremony on June 24th if your travel schedule permits. We look forward to meeting you and your agency’s personnel at this year’s conference.
Margaret Moore
Executive Director