World War 1 “The Great War”1914 – 1918
“The Great War” notes and supplemental material.

List the countries in the Allied powers:
Great Britain, France, Russia later and US. Russia will pull out in 1917 after becoming the Soviet Union
also Japan

Triple Alliance—France, Great Britain, and Russia had formed the Triple Entente.
***Italy was allied with the Central Power but would not attack Germany/ they fought for the allied powers briefly
List the countries of Central powers
Germany, Austro Hungarian Empire, ***Italy, and Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

What were the causes of WW1?
1. Militarism – Germany led the way in militarizing first causing an arms race of modern weapons of war
2. Nationalism. The Serbian secret Nationalist group the Black Hand assassination of the
Archduke Fernand was hoped to create a war for Serbian independence from the AustrianHungarian Empire.
3. Imperialism – Germany’s Schlieffen Plan called for the capture of France turning then to Russia thus conquering the Continent.
Germany was behind France and England as an Imperial power
4. Alliances – Countries pledging support that an attack on one is an attack on all. Countries were obligated to fight despite not having
personal national interests.

How did the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand lead to WW1?

After the A/D was assassinated,Austria would declare war on Serbia, Alliances would require Russia to join with Serbia, Germany would join to protect Austria, France would come in to protect Russia and Great Britain would join to protect France (Domino Effect)

Why was The Arch Duke assassinated?

The Black Hand thought the Arch Duke would give Serbs freedoms and more home control thus not have Serbians eager or strongly willing to fight for independence.

Who was the Black Hand and what did they want for Serbia?

Secret Serbian Separatists group fighting for Serbian independence and uniting with fellow Slavs in Bosnia.

How did the war start? Austria Hungary Empire (Dual Monarchy) demanded the Black Hand be turned over to them for trial. Serbia refused in defiance. Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russia joins to back Serbia. Germany joins to back Austria Hungary and all the alliance fall like dominoes.

Why would German entry into the war be held responsible?
Wilhelm 2nd retires Otto Von Bismarck who reunited Germany
Ends Alliance with Russia foreshadowing an attack on Russia

Prewar Schlieffen Plan showed premeditation attack France avoiding the Maginot Line, go through Belgium conquer France and turn toward Russia. 42 days to Paris 5 month in all done by Christmas

What were new technologies used in this war? (Mechanized Warfare)
War Planes, Mustard and Poison Gas, long range artillery, machine gun, tanks.Telecommunications, Flame Thrower, Zeppelins

Describe Trench warfare?

25,000 miles of trenches dug from Austria to Belgium. Wet, Diseased,dead bodies, bodies could not be removed while people still fought. Opened land above(No Mans Land) was mined (no man’s land) Gas warfare!!!
What was the result of Trench Warfare? – Trench Warfare ended in stalemate due to each side opening a run would be mowed down by machine gun and artillery fire
Germans first to use poison gas as a way to kill those in trenches, because artillery could not do it alone.

What was the longest battle of WW1? Battle of Verdun. Historical importance for France, Germany knew they would fight. Goal to kill as many French as possible. Trench warfare. 360,00 dead French 340,000 dead Germans
Battle of the Somme started by England to take German forces away from Verdun. Major Trench warfare. Poison gas used by the Germans

Why was the US hesitant to enter WW1?

  • Policy going back to Washington and the Monroe Doctrine isolationism eachhemisphere powers stay out of the others business.
  • Neutrality we were supporting and trading both sides (economic self - interest)
  • Large population of American immigrants on both sides of the conflict could cause chaos at home

What event changed the US decision to enter the war and what year did we enter the war?

  • U-boatsinking of the Lusitania 1915 Public opinion begins to shift towards war.
  • Sinking of US supply ships to France and England (hoped to roll over Allied powers if US supplies were not provided.
  • US saw Central Powers as not economicallyviable as trade or political partners.
  • Final Straw - Zimmerman Note: Secret Alliance with Germany and Mexico. If US attacks Germany, Mexico would attack US; Germany would earn back land Mexico land lost during American Mexican War.
  • US enters WW1 in 1917


Describe President Wilson’s Fourteen Points: (See handout)

14 points that would eliminate future conflicts and would solve localized disputes.
Examples: End to secret diplomacy, Free trade, End of Empires, a League of Nations

How did the League of Nations form?
Woodrow Wilson’s last point called for an international body to settle disputes between countries. Added as part of the Versailles Treaty
****America does not enter due to Wilson’s Stroke Senate does not ratify our entrance.*****

How long was Americas time in WW1 how many died how many Americans died?

18 Months 1917 - 1918

120, 000 Dead Americans
Directly 50,000 KIA
70,000 indirectly to diseases like typhoid and dysentery

20 million deaths World Wide.

What did the Versailles Treaty of 1919 require of Germany? Over 400 clauses requiring Germany to give up land, limited military, take blame, pay reparations.
Article 231: The War Guilt Clause—a declaration imposing Germany with the moral responsibility for having started the war. The reparations section and the “war guilt” clause would requirereparationsof 33. Billion dollars Leaving Germany in ruins and bankrupt with spirts broken. Germany looses much land and former territory. European Allies want revenge for the war. “Revenge never ends”

Germany would be enter a period of Hyper Inflation. With the German economy and country a wreck, Hitler would rise to rally the German people.

Nationalism: Fervent desire for independence. Sense of national superiority
Imperialism: conquring lands for natural resources and strategic locations.
Triple Ententewas the alliance linking the Russian Empire, the French, and England

Isolationism– Staying out of others conflicts.
Monroe Doctrine – Split the Hemispheres so the West would stay out of the East and vise versa

Progressives – Reformers during the period tried to make changes in social, political and economic changes during the progressive era.

Imperialism– One country controlling political and economic policies of another

Blockade – Blocking through military force an enemies’ way to deliver needed supplies.
U Boat– German Submarine.
The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I between Germany and the Allied nations. On 6 October 1918
War Guilt Clause 231 – Held Germany responsible for the war both morally and financially. Reparations plunged the German economy into hyper inflations. Leads to the Rise of Hitler

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk – Upon the Russian Revolution of 1917. The new Soviet Union pulls out of the war signing a treaty with Germany
Hyper Inflation – rapid raising of prices due to decrease in the value of money

Allied Power Losses

Britain: 750,000 soldiers killed; 1,500,000 wounded
France: 1,400,000 soldiers killed; 2,500,000 wounded
Belgium: 50,000 soldiers killed
Italy: 600,000 soldiers killed
Russia: 1,700,000 soldiers killed
America: 116,000 soldiers killed

The Spanish Flue During mid-1918, Europe was hit by Spanish flu and an estimated 25 million people died. This added to the feeling of bitterness that ran through Europe and this anger was primarily directed at Germany. In America 500,000 died from the Spanish flu