Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
Making Places Grants (MPGs)
Making Places Grants (MPGs) is a pilot collaborative historic preservation financial and technical assistance program of the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, with funding from the Connecticut General Assemblyand theState Historic Preservation Office, Department of Economic and Community Development. MPGs are intended to catalyze and move forward efforts to preserve, stabilize, rehabilitate and re-use historic industrial places.
Projects supported by MPGs address historic industrial properties listed on the State and/or National Registers of Historic Places, and/or designated a historic resource by the local municipality. Properties need not be listed or designated at the time of application to initiate a request for assistance. The grant-funded project must be part of or lead to stabilization, repair, rehabilitation and/or restoration work which complies with The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Architectural, engineering and cultural resource consultants whose fees are paid under the grant must meet the qualifications of 36-CFR.
MPGs will be awarded on a competitive basis until funding is exhausted. MPGs are cash reimbursements for pre-approved costs upon successful completion of the grant-funded project. Applicants must demonstrate that funds are available to complete the grant-funded scope of work at the time of application. Grant awards will be made between $2,500 and $50,000. Review of the project deliverable and a final report are required before funds are released.
Eligible Activities. MPGs may be used for a broad spectrum of strategic planning and pre-development purposes including, but not limited to:
· advocacy and interpretation to increase public support
· community visioning
· preservation planning (archaeological analysis, feasibility studies, master plans, architectural, structural and MPE conditions assessments, concept design studies through construction documents)
· zoning analysis
· market and demographic analysis
· pro formas
· applications to EPA, DEEP and DECD for environmental mitigations (brownfields, wetlands, hazmat) in historic properties
· National Register of Historic Places nominations
· applications for tax credits for certified historic rehabilitation (parts one and two)
Eligible Applicants. Municipalities and 501(c)(3) non-profit community stakeholders are eligible to apply. Private property owners and developers may apply in partnership with eligible applicants.
Eligible Properties. Any building, structure or complex that was historically used for industry and is, at a minimum, listed or eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places (SR), is an eligible property. Properties not SR-listed must be determined SR-eligible during the MPG application process and SR-listed to receive reimbursement. MPG staff will coordinate the eligibility determination and/or the MPG will cover the cost of preparing the SR nomination.
MPG Application Instructions
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Pre-application is required. Completed applications received by the 15th of a month will be reviewed by the grants committee the following month. Please be sure to review all information and guidelines prior to completing and submitting the MPG applications.
Pre-applications and applications are available in Microsoft Word format or PDF and may be completed using either format. CTHP accepts printed hard copies received by mail or digital copies with required attachments by email.
Step 1. Pre-application. The process begins by contacting the Making Places staff by phone or email or submitting a completed pre-application form to request a site visit. MPG pre-applications are at
CTHP will assess the eligibility of your property and project scope during the pre-application process. If the property is not listed on the State Register of Historic Places or has been significantly changed since its SR/NR listing, CTHP will initiate or update a historic resource inventory form during the site visit for review by SHPO to determine eligibility.
Step 2. Application. Upon staff determination that the applicant, property and proposed project meet MPG eligibility requirements, the applicant completes the application with all required attachments. MPG applications are at Upon receipt of a complete application, the proposed project is scheduled for review by the CTHP Grants Committee. The applicant will be notified of the decision within one week.
Award of a grant will require executing an agreement with CTHP which will be available for the grantee to sign within 30 days of notice of the grant award. No work on the grant-funded scope shall proceed until the agreement is signed by both parties.
For additional information or questions contact:
Michael Forino
Project Manager, Making Places
Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
940 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06517
Phone: 203-314-3808
Project Title: ______
One Sentence Project Summary:______
Grant Period: From: Click here to enter a date. To: Click here to enter a date.
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
Sponsoring Organization (Applicant)
Organization Name:______
City:______State: ____Zip Code: ______
Director: ______
Phone: ______
Web: ______
Email: ______
Tax ID# (EIN): ______
501(c)(3) Organization? Choose an item.
Project Partner (Developer, Owner, Institution.)
Organization Name:______
City:______State: ____Zip Code: ______
Director: ______
Phone: ______
Web: ______
Email: ______
Tax ID# (EIN): ______
501(c)(3) Organization? Choose an item.
Project Director
Institution: ______
City:______State: ____Zip Code: ______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
Historic Resource Information
Historic Name: ______
Address: ______
Date(s) of Construction: ______
Architect/Builder (if known): ______
Organization Name:______
City:______State: ____Zip Code: ______
Director: ______
Phone: ______
Web: ______
Email: ______
Tax ID# (EIN): ______
501(c)(3) Organization? Choose an item.
Fiscal Agent
Institution: ______
City:______State: ____Zip Code: ______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
Project Co-Director (if applicable)
Institution: ______
City:______State: ____Zip Code: ______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
If property is not owned by applicant:
Complete the following and include a letter of approval detailing the owner’s involvement with the project.
Institution: ______
City:______State: ____Zip Code: ______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
Budget and Use of Funds
Description of Expense / Making Places Funds / Sponsoring Organizations / Expense TotalConsultant #1 Fees:______/ $ ______/ $ ______/ $ ______
Consultant #2 Fees:______/ $ ______/ $ ______/ $ ______
Consultant #3 Fees:______/ $ ______/ $ ______/ $ ______
Consultant #4 Fees:______/ $ ______/ $ ______/ $ ______
Personnel Salary: ______/ $ ______/ $ ______/ $ ______
Other (Specify): ______/ $ ______/ $ ______/ $ ______
Overall Total(s) / $ ______/ $ ______/ $ ______
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
Project Information
1. Project Goals
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
1.1. What are you requesting funds for? ______
1.2. Why is this project needed? Attach supporting materials (research, correspondence, etc.) to justify request. ______
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
1.3. What is the long range plan for this property beyond this project? ______
1.4. How does this project relate to significant or larger preservation or revitalization efforts in the community?
1.5 Have there been any environmental studies of the site? If so, what were the findings?
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
Making Places: Strategic Planning and Pre-Development Grant Application
2. Community Support
2.1 Who are the other stakeholders in this project?
2.2 Provide at least 3 letters of support of the project from stakeholders, town officials, legislators or other relevant parties and include them in the application submission.
3. Historical and Architectural Significance
3.1 Describe the historical and architectural significance of the building/site.
3.2 Provide 10 recent color photographs of the resource, submitted on disc or digitally. The photographs should support the proposed project and should include: a CONTEXT image (depicting the location of the building, such as, an aerial view, streetscape, neighborhood or city map); front, back, and side views, a ¾ view, pertinent interior views, and any other views or details that are important to explaining the nature of the project.
☐ Photographs showing site / context
☐ Photographs of the exterior including details
☐ Photographs of the interior
☐ Digital copy of all photographs on disc or sent digital file
3.3 Historic Designations:
Is the building/site recognized for its architectural/cultural/historical significance by any of the following designation programs: (Check all that apply.)
Yes / NoNational Historic Landmark / ☐ / ☐
National Register of Historic Places / ☐ / ☐
Individually listed / ☐ / ☐
Contributing to a District
District Name: ______/ ☐ / ☐
State Register of Historic Places, required. / ☐ / ☐
Individually listed / ☐ / ☐
Contributing to a District
District Name: ______/ ☐ / ☐
Local Historic Resource Survey / ☐ / ☐
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) / ☐ / ☐
Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) / ☐ / ☐
Other: (specify)______
If you checked “no” to all categories, contact Making Places Project Manager Mike Forino to schedule a site visit. / ☐ / ☐
4. Participating Consultants (MPGs only): MPG Consultants names must come from the State Historic Preservation Office’s list of approved Historic Consultants which may be obtained from Making Places Project Manager Mike Forino. Consultants who are not on the list may apply to be added.
4.1 Non-Profits: Please attach resumes of all consultants contacted to bid on this project.
4.2 Municipalities: Please attach a draft Request for Proposal/RFP.
4.3 Provide consultants’ work plan and indicate how many team members will work on each phase. Include it in the attachments.
Phase 1: Action and Date(s). Include # of consultants who will perform task, including support staff.
Phase 2: Action & Date(s). Include # of consultants who will perform task, including support staff.
Phase 3: Action & Date(s). Include # of consultants who will perform task, including support staff.
Submission Information and Required Attachments
Application Checklist: Please make sure all items are included with your submission.
1. ☐Pre-Application
2. ☐Evidence of incorporation in the state of Connecticut.
3. ☐A list of applicant’s board members with contact information: home addresses, emails and phone numbers.
4. ☐A financial statement for your most recent fiscal year and a brief description of your most recent activities.
5. ☐Letter of consent and describing involvement in the project from building owner (if different from the applicant).
6. ☐Letters of support. Letters should be provided by all stakeholders, legislators, and those providing matching funds. Minimum of 3 letters required.
7. ☐Consultants’ Resumes or, if a municipality, a sample RFP.
8. ☐One DISC or digital file containing 10 photographs of the historic resource taking care to show site CONTEXT, exterior elevations, architectural details, and interior images. Please identify images with names and please limit images to 10.
9. ☐Provide a LOCATION map (town or area map or Google satellite image with the site clearly identified.) Provide with digital file or disc.
Mail application, attachments and disk to:
Michael Forino
Project Manager, Making Places
Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
940 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06517
Phone: 203-314-3808
Or E-Mail digital files to: