Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority
Grant Application
FY 2018 Section 5310
Project Application
Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Federal Transit Administration)
Applicant Legal Name: enter
CCRTA FY 2018 Section 5310 Project Application 1
Address: enter
CCRTA FY 2018 Section 5310 Project Application 1
State: enter text
Zip Code: enter
CCRTA FY 2018 Section 5310 Project Application 1
Agency Contact:enter text
Phone Number:enter text
Fax Number:enter text
E-mail address:enter text
Website address (if any):enter text
DUNS Number:enter text
Type of Agency/Organization: Choose an item.
Date:Click or tap to enter a date.
Part I – Project Description
Project Type: Choose an item.
Project Title:enter text
Project Description – Describe, in detail, the proposed project. Be clear and concise.
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Is this project a continuation of existing services or of an on-going project?
Do you currently receive funding from Section 5307 Urban Transit or 5311 Rural Transit programs?
From which agency do you receive these funds?enter text.
Please complete the following, if applicable:
How many trips per day does your agency provide?
Of these trips, how many are for the elderly and/or individuals with disabilities?
Please provide the days of service (including weekends):
Please provide the hours of service (including weekends):
Please provide the cost per one-way trip:
Part II – Project Narrative
Project Needs
How is the proposed project consistent with the key objectives of the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities funding program?
Is sustainable over time;
Provides service continuity;
Demonstrates efficient use of resources;
Is the only public transportation option for the proposed service area;
Leverages existing resources; and
Promotes innovation
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Describe how the project will increase or enhance the availability of transportation for the elderly and disabled populations in the Corpus Christi Urbanized area?
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Does the project provide a service or interest that would otherwise not be available? If so, please explain.
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What need(s) does the project address in the South Texas Planning Region Public Transportation Coordination Plan? Please provide the page number(s) in the Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan ()
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Project Planning and Implementation
Describe how the proposed project might coordinate or link with other transportation providers or transportation stakeholders?
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Describe the project timeline and project lifespan?
How do you plan to market the proposed project? If there is an existing service, please describe how your service is currently marketed?
When could your project begin upon receiving funding? Describe the implementation process for the project.
Are there any committed project partners?
If yes, who are the committed project partner(s) and how will they be involved?
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*Partners have the responsibility for performing functions in connection with a project. A partnership involves a contractual arrangement that facilitates participation by the partner in the delivery and operation of a project, facility, or service. You must include a letter of commitment from each partner detailing their level of involvement.
What non-financial portion of the project will this partnership provide?
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How will the partner(s) stay involved throughout the proposed project?
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Program Effectiveness and Evaluation
How does your organization plan to collect information to monitor quality control and customer satisfaction related to implementing the proposed project? Include in your description any measurable indicators you propose to use.
Organizational Preparedness
Describe how your proposed project aligns with the overarching mission of your organization?
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Describe the staffing plan for this project. Who would be the primary staff person responsible for managing the grant? What other staff would be involved? Describe any relevant past experience the staff have in working on the type of project proposed.
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Please note any experience your organization has with financial reporting such as quarterly reports, annual audits and/or other forms of financial reporting?
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Describe any training, maintenance, inspections and/or service monitoring you plan to do focused on managing risk and providing safe services?
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Part III – Proposed Project Budget
Project Funding
Local matching funds are required for all application submittals. For projects requiring operating funds the required match is 50% from non-federal transportation funds. For capital projects the required match is 20% or more from non-federal transportation funds.
Total Project Budget: $0.00
Federal Share Amount: $0.00 Percentage Share: 0.00%
Local Share Amount: $0.00 Percentage Share: 0.00%
Local Match Fund Source: Choose an item.
NOTE: The applicant must demonstrate a commitment to provide local funds and provide appropriate documentation. Documentation may be in the form of a letter or other supporting documentation noting where funds will be drawn from.
Explain how you plan to maintain and continue to invest in the proposed project after the 5310 funds are spent.
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Part IV – Project Needs
Respond ONLYto the categories for which you are requesting funds
Mobility Management
Preventive Maintenance
Other Capital
Above and Beyond ADA (Formerly New Freedom)
Operating Expenses
Construction and Rehabilitation Projects
Mobility Management
Mobility Management consists of short-range planning and management activities and projects for improving coordination among public transportation and other transportation service providers carried out by a recipient or sub-recipient through an agreement entered into with a person, including a government entity, under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 (other than section 5309). Mobility Management does not include operating public transportation services.
1.What mobility management activities are included in this grant? Service Coordination, travel training, public education/marketing, or other?
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2.Describe the scope of the Mobility Management project in detail. Describe the need for the Mobility Management project. Specifically, identify how the project was selected and what service improvements and/or project benefits are to be addressed.
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3.What percentage of existing staff time will be spent on mobility management? Will new staff be hired?
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Preventive Maintenance
1.Describe provisions made to assure proper maintenance of vehicles. Identify the person(s) or business responsible for providing vehicle maintenance. Describe your agency’s preventive maintenance program or measure. Attach preventive maintenance plan, if available.
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2.What is the total number of fleet vehicles?
3.How many vehicles currently in service provide service to persons over 65 and/or persons with disabilities?
4.What is the average number of vehicles used on a daily basis to provide service to seniors or persons with disabilities?
5.Number of vehicles for which preventive maintenance is requested
6.Has the value of preventive maintenance been discussed with the seniors and persons with disabilities’ communities?
7.Have seniors and persons with disabilities’ communities provided original letters of support, (in their own words not based on a template provided by the applicant) that indicate their understanding of preventive maintenance as an expense? Specific mention of preventive maintenance must be included in letters of support from senior and individuals with disabilities community groups.
Other Capital
Other capital includes, but is not limited to: shop equipment, communication and computer equipment, hardware and/or software, purchase of service, and other miscellaneous equipment. (program limitations may apply)
1.Describe the scope of the Other Capital project in detail.
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2.Describe the need for the Other Capital project. Specifically, identify how the project was selected and what service improvements and/or project benefits are to be addressed. You may attach other significant information that describes your community’s transportation needs and concerns, such as public hearings, surveys, council meetings, news articles, etc.
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Above and Beyond ADA (Formerly New Freedom)
The inclusion of New Freedom in the 5310 program funds presents the opportunity to provide service above FTA standards.
1.How does the project distinguish itself from current or established projects in the geographic area to provide a service that is “above and beyond” ADA requirements?
Click here to enter text.
Operating Expenses
The federal share of the eligible costs may not exceed 50 percent of the net operating costs of the activity. *Operating assistance for required ADA complementary paratransit service is not an eligible expense
1.Describe the scope of the Operating project in detail.
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2.Describe the need for the Operating project. What funds will provide the 50 percent local match required?
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Construction and Rehabilitation Projects
Construction and Rehabilitation Projects can include the following phases: Planning, Preliminary Engineering (including environmental review), Final Design and Real Estate Acquisition, Procurement, Construction /Rehabilitation.
1.Identify the Construction and Rehabilitation project phases that will be included as part of the proposed project:
1. Planning / ☐ /2. Preliminary Engineering (including environmental review) / ☐ /
3. Final Design and Real Estate Acquisition / ☐ /
4. Procurement / ☐ /
5. Construction / ☐ /
6. Rehabilitation / ☐ /
If 3 through 6 are selected above, please complete and submit a copy of the FTA Region 6 Categorical Exclusion Worksheet (attached as Appendix A)
Describe the scope of the Construction and Rehabilitation project in detail.
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2.Describe the need for the Construction and Rehabilitation project. Specifically, identify how the project was selected and what service improvements and/or project benefits are to be addressed.
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3.Provide the facility location, if available.
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4.Describe the facility including the facility function.
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Appendix A
Federal Transit Administration-Region 6 / Application# (Agency Use Only)Categorical Exclusion Worksheet
This Worksheet will assist grantees in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This worksheet will also help identify C or D list Categorical Exclusions and provide grantees with a template for documenting a D list Categorical Exclusion. Please contact Region 6 at 817-978-0550 or your FTA Planner if you need any assistance with filling out this form. Refer to the FTA Planning and Environment website forNEPA information and guidance;
Section I:
Project Title: Click here to enter text.
Project Description (Include the following information in the description):
- Reason for the proposed project
Click here to enter text. - Project size or scale
Click here to enter text. - Scope of Work
Click here to enter text.
Attach an image of the project site. If the project involves construction include:
- Project location or map
- Basic construction site plan showing access points and construction site boundaries
Click here to enter text.
Section II: Answer the following questions:
Will the project significantly impact the natural, physical, social, and/or economic environment?
☐Yes, contact Region 6, this project may not qualify for categorical exclusion
☐No, continue
Is the significance of the project’s natural, physical, social, and/or economic impact unknown?
☐Yes, contact Region 6, this project may not qualify for categorical exclusion
☐No, continue
Is the project likely to generate intense public discussion, concern, or controversy, even though it may be limited to relatively small subset of the community?
☐Yes, contact Region 6, this project may not qualify for categorical exclusion
☐No, continue
Will the project have disproportionately high and adverse impacts on minority/low income populations?
☐Yes, contact Region 6, this project may not qualify for categorical exclusion
☐No, continue to Section III
Will the project be located on historic property or within the vicinity of a historic district?
☐Yes, contact Region 6, this project may require consultation with the SHPO.
☐No, continue to Section III
Will the project be located within a 100-year floodplain?
☐Yes, contact Region 6, this project may require further evaluation under Executive Order 11988. (Flood Plain Management)
☐No, continue to Section III
Section III: Select the most appropriate C or D list Categorical Exclusion
Note: More information on Categorical Exclusions can be found here(Adobe Page 20) and here (Adobe Page 13). These numbers are from the regulations, so some numbers are omitted (reserved).
C-List Categorical Exclusion(s)
☐(1) Acquisition, installation, operation, evaluation, replacement, and improvement of discrete utilities and similar appurtenances (existing and new) within or adjacent to existing transportation right-of-way, such as: utility poles, underground wiring, cables, and information systems; and power substations and utility transfer stations.
☐(2) Acquisition, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and improvement or limited expansion of stand-alone recreation, pedestrian, or bicycle facilities, such as: a multiuse pathway, lane, trail, or pedestrian bridge; and transit plaza amenities.
☐(3) Activities designed to mitigate environmental harm that cause no harm themselves or to maintain and enhance environmental quality and site aesthetics, AND
☐Employs construction best management practices, such as: noise mitigation activities; rehabilitation of public transportation buildings, structures, or facilities; retrofitting for energy or other resource conservation; and landscaping or re-vegetation.
☐(4) Planning and administrative activities which do not involve or lead directly to construction, such as: training, technical assistance and research; promulgation of rules, regulations, directives, or program guidance; approval of project concepts; engineering; and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet routine demand.
☐(5) Activities, including repairs, replacements, and rehabilitations, designed to promote transportation safety, security, accessibility and effective communication within or adjacent to existing right-of-way, such as: the deployment of Intelligent Transportation Systems and components; installation and improvement of safety and communications equipment, including hazard elimination and mitigation; installation of passenger amenities and traffic signals; and retrofitting existing transportation vehicles, facilities or structures, or upgrading to current standards.
☐(6) Acquisition or transfer of an interest in real property that is not within or adjacent to recognized environmentally sensitive areas (e.g., wetlands, non-urban parks, wildlife management areas) AND
☐Does not result in a substantial change in the functional use of the property or in substantial displacements, such as: acquisition for scenic easements or historic sites for the purpose of preserving the site. This CE extends only to acquisitions and transfers that will not limit the evaluation of alternatives for future FTA-assisted projects that make use of the acquired or transferred property.
☐(7) Acquisition, installation, rehabilitation, replacement, and maintenance of vehicles or equipment, within or accommodated by existing facilities, that does not result in a change in functional use of the facilities, such as: equipment to be located within existing facilities and with no substantial off-site impacts; and vehicles, including buses, rail cars, trolley cars, ferry boats and people movers that can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities that qualify for a categorical exclusion.
☐(8) Maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of facilities that occupy substantially the same geographic footprint AND
☐Do not result in a change in functional use, such as: improvements to bridges,
tunnels, storage yards, buildings, stations, and terminals; construction of platformextensions, passing track, and retaining walls; and improvements to tracks andrailbeds.
☐(9) Assembly or construction of facilities that is consistent with existing land use and zoning requirements (including floodplain regulations) AND
☐Uses primarily land disturbed for transportation use, such as: buildings and associated structures; bus transfer stations or intermodal centers; busways and streetcar lines or other transit investments within areas of the right-of-way occupied by the physical footprint of the existing facility or otherwise maintained or used for transportation operations; and parking facilities.
☐(10) Development of facilities for transit and non-transit purposes, located on,
above, or adjacent to existing transit facilities, that are not part of a larger
transportation project AND
☐Do not substantially enlarge such facilities, such as: police facilities, daycare facilities, public service facilities, amenities, and commercial, retail, and residential development.
☐(11)The following actions are for transportation facilities damaged by an incident
resulting in an emergency declared by the Governor of the State and concurred in by
the Secretary, or a disaster or emergency declared by the President pursuant to the
Robert T. Stafford Act (42 U.S.C. 5121):
(i) Emergency repairs under 49 U.S.C. 5324; and
(ii) The repair, reconstruction, restoration, retrofitting, or replacement of any road, highway, bridge, tunnel, or transit facility (such as a ferry dock or bus transfer station), including ancillary transportation facilities (such as pedestrian/bicycle paths and bike lanes), that is in operation or under construction when damaged and the action:
(A) Occurs within the existing right-of-way and in a manner that substantially conforms to the preexisting design, function, and location as the original (which may include upgrades to meet existing codes and standards as well as upgrades warranted to address conditions that have changed since the original construction); and
(B) Is commenced within a 2-year period beginning on the date of the declaration.
Note: (c)(11) should be used for Emergency Actions only.
☐(12) Projects, as defined in 23 U.S.C.101, that would take place entirely
within the existing operational right-of-way.Existing operational right-of-way refers to right-of-way that has beendisturbed for an existing transportationfacility or is maintained for atransportation purpose. This areaincludes the features associated with thephysical footprint of the transportationfacility (including the roadway, bridges, interchanges, culverts, drainage, fixedguideways, mitigation areas, etc.) andother areas maintained fortransportation purposes such as clearzone, traffic control signage, landscaping, any rest areas with directaccess to a controlled access highway,areas maintained for safety and securityof a transportation facility, parkingfacilities with direct access to an existing transportation facility, transitpower substations, transit venting structures, and transit maintenancefacilities.Portions of the right-of-waythat have not been disturbed or that arenot maintained for transportationpurposes are not in the existingoperational right-of-way.