Overview Field Activity Collection System (FACS) Log
Topic / InformationUSGS Activity ID
i.e. YYPRJ## * / 07SCC05
Other ID (if any)
Organization(s)/Program / U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center, Saint Petersburg (Coastal and Marine Geology Program) &
University of New Orleans (UNO)
Partly funded by Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR) through Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM).
Project/Theme / Louisiana follow-up for Hurricane Katrina
Area of Operation / Chandeleur Islands, Northern Gulf of Mexico – Louisiana / Mississippi
Principal Investigator(s) / James Flocks / Mark Kulp (UNO)
Information Specialist(s) / Chandra Dreher / Mike Brown (UNO)
Activity Type / Vibracoring Survey
Scientific Purpose/Goals / Characterization of the geological framework, mapping sediment distribution, and dispersal of sediment after a major hurricane.
Platform / R/V Greenhead
Starting Date / 06/18/2007
Starting Port/Location / Biloxi, Mississippi
Ending Date / 06/25/2007
Ending Port/Location / Biloxi, Mississippi
Equipment Used / R/V Greenhead; Stow G-500 Vibracore, 3"x 20’ pipe; Chandeleur Island Houseboat
Information to be Derived (for example, Grain Size, Depth to Basement) / Grain-size, photographs, interpreted core profiles, and barrier island assessment report to Fish and Wildlife. (Flocks, James, Twichell, David, Sanford, Jordan, Pendleton, Elizabeth, and Baldwin, Wayne, 2009, Sediment sampling analysis to define quality of sand resources, in Lavoie, Dawn, ed., Chapter F of Sand resources, regional geology, and coastal processes of the Chandeleur Islands coastal system: An evaluation of the Breton National Wildlife Refuge: U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Information Report 2009-5252, p. 99-121.)
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered / Near shore of Chandeleur Islands and Breton Island a total of 33 cores were collected. Summary and evaluation of data are referenced in a U.S. Geological Survey Data Series. (Data Series in progress)
Notes (include staff, shop time etc) / UNO Captains and Crew: Mark Kulp, Phil McCarty, Mike Brown, Jeff Motti, Dallon Weathers. All Chandeleur Island area near shore cores are named 07SCC_core #GH, (GH) for R/V Greenhead. This study of the near shore vibracores (from the islands shoreline to ~4 km from the islands shoreline) was in conjunction with Cruise 07SCC04, which obtained vibracores offshore. The combined cruises completed transects on the gulf and bay sides of the islands.
*The St. Petersburg naming convention is as follows: YYPRJ##, where YY is a 2 digit abbreviation for the calendar year the data were collected, PRJ is a 3 letter acronym for the project, task, or theme the data were collected under, and ## is a sequential number for each field activity under that PRJ for that calendar year. If a project already has adopted a standardized unique and meaningful field activity naming convention, there are ways to incorporate it into the system. Please caution against using strictly geographic specific PRJs. We strongly suggest using topical ones instead, since locations may be revisited for various purposes during a field season. Arnell Harrison ( (727-803-8747 x3111) will coordinate assigning these Field Activity IDs with input from the PIs or project data managers.
Version 2