St Thomas à Becket Catholic School
G.C.S.E Physical Education
Personal Exercise Programme
Section 1
My Chosen game/activity is: ______
What aspects of health and skill related fitness requirements are needed for that position or sport?
What aspects of health and skill related fitness do you feel the need to improve?
Fitness Profile
Age: Weight (kilograms) Height (metres)Date of Birth: Body Mass Index :
(Weight (kg) / (Height x Height) (m)
Resting Heart Rate (Beats Per Minute):
Maximum Heart Rate (Beats Per Minute):
Personal best Bleep Test score (Level awarded):
Personal best Cooper Run score (distance in metres):
Recovery Rate (Minutes to fully recover back to RHR):
Do you have any medical conditions and/or injuries?
Yes / No
Yes/No (If yes describe them briefly)Complete the Activity Log below including all the physical activities you currently take part in during the week.
You must include the time (hours / minutes) you spend on the activity & the level of intensity (how hard you have to work).
Day / Morning / Afternoon / EveningMonday
Section 2
Training Methods
Method / Description / Benefits for your chosen sport / Rank order of priority for your training needsInterval
Please indicate what methods of training you will be using
Type of Training / The reason for your choiceWhich methods of training are you going to use to monitor your progress over 6 weeks and why?
Principles of Training
In order to make your training programme effective, you will need to apply the principles of training over the 6 week period as you become fitter.
Principle of Training / DescriptionSpecificity
Progressive Overload
Rest & Recovery
Individual Differences / Needs
Explain the components of the FITT principle and describe how they overlap with Progressive Overload.
Explain the term ‘Reversibility.’
Goal Setting is an important part of any Training Programme, briefly describe why this is so?
Goals can be split into Short & Long Term. Describe the difference between the two and for your chosen activity list the short and long term goals needed for success.
Differences:Short Term Goals / Long Term Goals
Goals need to be SMART describe why this is important.
SMART / DescriptionS – specific
M – measurable
A – achievable
R – realistic
T – time-bound
It is important to monitor your training programme making brief notes after each session and recording your Heart Rate (HR) before, during and after exercise, along with noting changes in your recovery rate.
Why is it important to monitor HR before, during and after exercise?
What does Recovery Rate mean?
What does Recovery Rate indicate?
Complete the table below in as much detail as possible. Show all your working out where appropriate.
Resting Heart RateMaximum Heart Rate
Aerobic Threshold
Anaerobic Threshold
What is meant by your Target Zone and how can you monitor that during the training session?
My personal training thresholds and target zones
Aerobic target zone = between 60% and 80% of MH
= ……………..bpm > ……………bpm
Anaerobic target zone = between 80% and 90% of MHR
= ……………… bpm > …………………bpm
Complete the graph below, adding the following:
· Title
· Resting Heart Rate
· Aerobic threshold
· Anaerobic threshold
· Target zone
· Recovery period
· Label both axis
Section 3
Your Training Programme
Using your previous Activity Log that you completed in Section 1, add in the activities and intensity of your new training programme. Please highlight these in RED.
Day / Morning / Afternoon / EveningMonday
Warm Up
Why is it essential to warm up before exercising?
What warm up activities are you going to do? (Use diagrams/pictures to support this)
Activity / Description/diagramWhat exercises are you going to include in the circuit & how will they benefit your chosen activity?
Exercise / Why? / How will it improve performance?Sit ups / To strengthen abdominals / Strong abdominals will improve my performance....
Press Ups
Static Squat
Step Ups
Shuttle Runs
Triceps Dip
Lunges / Squats
Leg Raises
Plan of your Circuit
Draw a plan of all the stations you will use in your circuit. You must include the start & finish along with the areas where you will record your HR during the circuit. You must also state how long you will be doing each station.
Section 4
Complete the tables after each session, describing how you felt, whether the intensity was correct & what changes you might make, if any, for the following session. You also need to keep a record of how many reps you managed to achieve on each station and use that as a target for next week.
Week 1
RHR (before) ______Active Heart Rate (during) ______
Recovery Rate (after in minutes) ______
Week 2
RHR (before) ______Active Heart Rate (during) ______
Recovery Rate (after in minutes) ______
Week 3
RHR (before) ______Active Heart Rate (during) ______
Recovery Rate (after in minutes) ______
Week 4
RHR (before) ______Active Heart Rate (during) ______
Recovery Rate (after in minutes) ______
Week 5
RHR (before) ______Active Heart Rate (during) ______
Recovery Rate (after in minutes) ______
Week 6
RHR (before) ______Active Heart Rate (during) ______
Recovery Rate (after in minutes) ______
Weekly Totals:
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6Sit Ups
Section 5
Results Analysis
This section is very important as you are able to look at your progress throughout the training programme.
1) You now need to collate all your results together by putting them into charts, tables & graphs etc. that can be easily analysed ( You need to show the following for each week: Reps, Resting HR, HR during, HR after & Recovery rate)
2) Now answer the following questions.
Looking at your results, are there any weeks in which your results dropped or got better? Can you give any explanation for this?
What happened to your resting HR over the 6 weeks?
Did your Recovery Rate reduce over time? If so, why?
Were you able to consistently stay within your Aerobic Target Zone? If not why?
How did you find the training programme?
Has it improved your performance for your chosen activity? Please give an explanation to your answer.
Post Test Results
Describe your current level of fitness
Fitness Profile
Age: Weight (kilograms) Height (metres)Date of Birth: Body Mass Index :
(Weight (kg) / (Height x Height) (m)
Resting Heart Rate (Beats Per Minute):
Maximum Heart Rate (Beats Per Minute):
Personal best Bleep Test score (Level awarded):
Personal best Cooper Run score (distance in metres):
Recovery Rate (Minutes to fully recover back to RHR):
Looking at your Post Fitness results has anything changed which could have affected your training?
If you were to do the training programme again, is there anything you would change?