Kathleen Dolan, Ph.D.

Department of Cultural & Behavioral Sciences

Perimeter College at Georgia State University

Clarkston, Georgia 30021



Ph.D., Georgia State University 2001, Sociology

Dissertation: HIV and STDs Among Lesbian Women: Constructions of Risk and Protection.

M.A., Georgia State University 1995, Sociology

Thesis: The Experiences of Female Drug Users: Looking Beyond Epidemiological Indicators.

A.B.,Georgia State University1993, Sociology

Professional Experience:

8/1/2016-Present Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Business and Social Sciences, Perimeter College at Georgia State University, Clarkston.

7/2014-6/30/2016 Chair, Department of Cultural Behavioral Science Online, Georgia Perimeter College.

  • Manage the day-to-day and long-term operations of the department, including scheduling faculty and courses and hiring part-time faculty,
  • Supervise and engage in ongoing performance management with full and part-time faculty and staff,
  • Point of contact for student inquiries, issues and resolution, including academic dishonesty, course-related and advising issues,
  • Serve on student-centered college committees including the First Year experience Committee, the Military Student Mentor Program, the Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee, the Technology Advisory Board, the GPC Online Leadership Team, and the Consolidation Working Group,
  • Serve as one of three Master Faculty Advisors for GPC Online, advising students and mentoring faculty advisors,
  • Mentor faculty and evaluatecourse design and teaching,
  • Design and teach online classes.

8/2009-6/2014 Sociology Program Coordinator: Department of Sociology and Human Services, University of North Georgia (formerly part of the Department of Psychology and Sociology, North Georgia College and State University).

  • Supervised full and part-time faculty and student assistants including scheduling courses and faculty and hiring part-time faculty,
  • Served as Sociology Advisement Coordinator and Advisor for Sociology majors and minors, Gerontology minors and Gender Studies minors including course and program scheduling and career advisement,
  • Served as Sociology Internship Coordinator and Internship Supervisor,
  • Served as an Advisor for the University’s Student Success Program for two years, and as Coordinator for the University’s Student Success Program for one year,
  • Served as a member of the Student Conduct Committee, participating in numerous conduct and academic integrity hearings,
  • Created new courses,
  • Served as the Sociology Program Assessment Coordinator for two years,
  • Served as Faculty Advisor to the Sociology Club, the Sociology Honor Society AKD, the International Social Science Honor Society Pi Gamma Mu, and the Gay Straight Alliance,
  • Chair, Statewide Board of Regents Advisory Committee on Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology,
  • Served on various committees including the Department Consolidation Committee, the Blue Ribbon Panel on Transfer and Transitioning Students, the Appalachian Studies Faculty Advisory Committee, the Gerontology Program Committee, the Gender Studies Program Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, the Arts and Letters Curriculum Committee, Faculty Senate, Department Promotion and Tenure Committee, Arts and Letters Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Distance Education Committee, and the Project Dignity Safe Space Listener program,
  • Recipient of the Student Government Association Outstanding Advisor Award, UNG, 2013
  • Recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award for relating to students, NGCSU, 2010
  • Recipient of Service Learning Leader Award, NGCSU, 2009 and 2010

8/2003-8/2009Assistant/Associate Professor Department of Psychology and Sociology, North Georgia College and State University.

  • Received tenure in 2008,
  • Developed and taught courses,
  • Participated in student activities,
  • Advised students,
  • Published research,
  • Served as editor of Honores, the NGCSU Undergraduate Research Journal
  • Served on committees, including the Women and Leadership Mentoring Committee, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, the Faculty Search Committees, and the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee, The Academic Integrity Committee and the Leadership Roundtable,
  • Served as Advisor for the Sociology Club and AKD.

2002-2003Visiting Lecturer: Department of Sociology, Georgia State University.

  • This was a one-and-a-half year,full-time post-graduation teaching position.

1999-2001Part-Time Teaching

  • 1996-2001, Graduate Instructor: Department of Sociology, Georgia State University
  • 2000-2001, Visiting Assistant Professor: Department of History, Technology, andSociety, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • 1999, Visiting Instructor: Department of Social Sciences, Clayton College and State University.
  • 1999, Visiting Instructor: Department of Sociology, Emory University

1996-1998Project Director: Women and Children’s Center/ Behavioral Sciences and HealthEducation. Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University. Ethnographic inquiry of multi-generational drug use.Funded by


  • Directeddaily and long-term operations of NIDA research project,
  • Supervised staff members and graduate research assistants,
  • Prepared reports,
  • Taught two graduate courses,Human Sexuality and Qualitative Research Methods (co-taught with Claire Sterk),
  • I also received a grant and was Principal Investigator for: HIV and STD risk and protective factors among lesbian women, funded by the Center for AIDS Research at Emory University.I supervised a small part-time research staff.

1995-1996Research Assistant: Applied Research Center, Council for School Performance, Georgia State University.

  • In this part-time position I participated in research design, data collection, and report writingon Georgia K-12 schools.

1993-1995Research Coordinator: Department of Anthropology, Georgia State University. Epidemiological and ethnographic indicators of female drug abuse. Funded by NIDA.

  • Part-time graduate research assistant position,
  • Coordinated and supervised research team,
  • Served from 1994-1995 as an Evaluation Assistant in the evaluation of residential drug treatment centers for women funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.
  • From 1993-1995served as a Research Assistant with the Community Epidemiology Working Group, collecting data on epidemiological and ethnographic indicators of substance abuse in the Metropolitan Atlanta area. Funded by NIDA.

Professional Development:

2014-2015 GPC Management Development Series Certificate, including workshops on:

  • Mastering Difficult Conversations
  • Legal Aspects of Supervision
  • Empower to Engage
  • Set Meaningful Employee Performance Measures
  • Identify and Reengage the Disengaged
  • Performance Management

2005Certificate in Mediating Campus Disputes, Summer Institute on Conflict Resolution in Higher Education. The Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution of the University System of Georgia.

2015Supporting Online Faculty Workshop, Online Learning Consortium

2015Certificate, Prior Learning Assessment, Southern Polytechnic State University

2015 Piedmont Project Participant, Emory University

2015Workshop, Research on Teaching and Learning, KSU Continuing Education

2015Mastering Accessibility Workshop, GPC

2015Workshop, Creating Graphics for your Classes on Adobe Illustrate

2015Completed GPC 2-week course, “Mastering Accessibility”.

2015Completed GPC 4-week online course, “Mastering Online Teaching”.

Professional Service

2014-2015Member, GPC Technology Advisory Board Learning Technologies Subcommittee

2014-2015Served on the Operational Working Group #17 for Consolidation.

2014-2015Served on the Freshman Experience Committee, which redesigned the GPCS course requirements and policies.

2014-2016Served on the Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee in Spring and Fall semesters.

2015Served on a Psych search committee and a departmental secretary search committee.

2015Served as an Affordable Learning Georgia Grant Reviewer.

2014-2016Served as a Master Reviewer and Subject Matter Expert for Quality Matters reviews.

2014-2016Served as a reviewer for the Journal of Professional and Public Sociology

2011-presentCertified Master Reviewer, Quality Matters

2011-2014 Chair, Board of Regents Advisory Committee for Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work

2009-2011 Member, Board of Regents Advisory Committee for Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work

2003-2013Part Time Instructor, eCore, University System of Georgia
2008-2015Editorial Reviewer, Journal of Professional and Public Sociology

2012-2013Past-President, Georgia Sociological Association

2011-2012 President, Georgia Sociological Association

2012 Conference Organizer, Annual Meeting of the Georgia Sociological Association

2011 Program Chair, Annual Meeting of the Georgia Sociological Association

2010-2011 President-Elect, Georgia Sociological Association
2012-2016Semaphore Editor, the newsletter of the Georgia Sociological Association

2009-2010 Vice President, Georgia Sociological Association

2008 State of Georgia High School Sociology Curriculum Standards Committee

2003-2006Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for the Enotah GA Circuit

I have served as a manuscript reviewer for Norton Press, Sage Press, The Journal of Culture, Health, and Sexuality, Wadsworth Press, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, and Allyn & Bacon.


Dolan, Kathleen A, and Phillip W. Davis. “HIV Testing Among Lesbian Women: Social Contexts and Subjective Meanings.” 2008. Journal of Homosexuality. 54(3): 307-324.

Waddell, Donna, Leo Mundy, and Kathleen A. Dolan. The Core Values of Dignity and Worth: A Report on Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Relationships. Report presented to North Georgia College and State University. 2006.

Dolan, Kathleen A. Lesbian Women and Sexual Health: The Social Construction of Risk and Susceptibility. New York: Haworth Press, 2005.

Dolan, Kathleen A., and Phillip W. Davis. “Lesbian women and sexually transmitted infections.” in Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader. 1st, 2n and 3rdEd. Stombler, M., D. M. Baunach, E. O. Burgess, D. Donnelly, and W. Simonds. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2004, 2007, 2010.

Dolan, Kathleen A.,and Phillip W. Davis. “Nuances and shifts in lesbian women’s constructions of STI and HIV vulnerability.” 2003. Social Science and Medicine. 57:25-38.

Sterk, Claire, Kathleen A. Dolan, and Stephani Hatch.“Epidemiological indicators and ethnographic realities of female cocaine use.” 1999. Substance Use and Misuse. 34(14):2057-2072.

Henry, Gary and Kathleen A. Dolan. “Keys to good graphing.” 1997. New Directions for Evaluation: Creating Effective Graphs, Special Volume, Solutions for a Variety of Evaluation Data. No. 73: 101-106.

Dolan, Kathleen, Jeanie Jones and Gary Henry. Two Miles Down a Ten Mile Road: Instructional Technology in Georgia’s Schools. 1996. Atlanta: Council for School Performance.

Sterk-Elifson, Claire, and Kathleen A. Dolan. “Metropolitan Atlanta Drug Abuse Trends.” June, 1995. Epidemiological Trends in Drug Abuse. Pp. 5-15. Rockville: NIDA.

Sterk-Elifson, Claire, and Kathleen A. Dolan. “Metropolitan Atlanta Drug Abuse Trends.” December, 1994. Epidemiological Trends in Drug Abuse. Pp. 5-16. Rockville: NIDA.

Sterk-Elifson, Claire, and Kathleen A. Dolan. “Metropolitan Atlanta Drug Abuse Trends.” June, 1994. Epidemiological Trends in Drug Abuse. Pp. 5-15. Rockville: NIDA.

Sterk-Elifson, Claire, Kathleen A. Dolan, and R. MacGowan. “Metropolitan Atlanta Drug Abuse Trends.” December 1993. Epidemiological Trends in Drug Abuse. Pp. 5-13. Rockville: NIDA.


2012 Author, Instructor Manual and Test Bank for Men’s Lives 9th edition, Allyn & Bacon

2012 Revisions Author, Instructor Manual and Test Bank for Juvenile Delinquency: A Sociological Approach 9th Edition, Pearson.

2009 Author, Instructor Manual and Test Bank for Men’s Lives 8th edition, Allyn & Bacon

2008 Online Exercise Development, Allyn & Bacon

2004Author, Instructor Manual and Test Bank for Sex matters: The Sex and Society Reader.


Panelist, “Teaching Sustainability: Envisioning a Global Classroom” GSU Conference on Scholarly Teaching with Rosemary Cox and Lisa Alembik. April, 2016

Presentation,“Student Success and Retention in Online Classes: What Individual Instructors Can Do.”GSU Conference on Scholarly Teaching April 2016. (One hour)

Workshop Presentation “Engaging Students in Online Classes: Alignment Matters” at the USG Teaching and Learning Conference: Best Practices for Promoting Engaged Student Learning. Athens, GA April 2016 (one hour).

Panelist, GSU Innovative Instructor Series, Center for Instructional Innovation “Starting Online Programs” January, 2016.

Panelist, “Hans Mauksch Teaching Workshop- Social Media in and out of the Classroom: Promises and Perils” with Cenate Pruitt at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Georgia Sociological Association. October, 2015.

Panelist, “Teaching Sustainability: Envisioning a Global Classroom” GPC Faculty Development Day Fall 2015 with Rosemary Cox and Lisa Alembik. October, 2015.

Presentation “So you think you want to teach online” GPC Faculty Development Day, October 7, 2014

Dolan, Kathleen A. Session panelist for “On Loss and Losing: Beyond the Medical Model of Distress.” Annual Meeting of the Georgia Sociological Association, 2012.

Mundy, LA, KA Dolan. “Attitudes Towards Same Sex Relationships at a Small University.” Annual Meeting of the Georgia Sociological Association, November 2-4 2006, Macon Ga.

Dolan, Kathleen A. “The Social Construction of Online Community.” Annual Meeting of the Georgia Sociological Association, October, 2005, St. Simon’s Island, Georgia.

Dolan, Kathleen A., and Amy Palder. “Sexual identity among lesbian women: When identity and behavior diverge.” Annual Meeting of the Georgia Sociological Association, November, 2003, Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Dolan, Kathleen, Andrea Mitchell, and Claire Sterk. “Mothers and daughters: Caring for each other and the impact of the mother’s drug use.” Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Council on Family Relations, February, 1998. Atlanta, Georgia.

Dolan, Kathleen A., Gary Henry and Jeanie Jones. “Using qualitative methods to enhance and inform quantitative measures: An illustration from an evaluation of instructional technology in Georgia’s K-12 schools.” Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, April, 1997. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Dolan, Kathleen A. “Lesbians choosing childbirth and child rearing: A qualitative exploration.” Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, April, 1997. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Dolan, Kathleen A. “Female drug users beating the system: Epidemiological indicators and ethnographic meaning.” Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, April, 1996. Richmond, Virginia.

Undergraduate Courses Taught:

  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Honors Introduction to Sociology
  • Medical Sociology
  • Death, Society, and Human Experience
  • Sociology of Aging
  • Social Constructions of Sexuality
  • Sociology of Marriage and the Family
  • Environmental Sociology
  • Social Problems
  • Social Theory
  • Advanced Social Theory
  • Sociology of Gender
  • Constructions of Self
  • Deviance and Social Control
  • Gays and Lesbians in Society
  • Constructions of Difference
  • Sociology of Religion
  • Ethnography
  • Social Movements and Collective Behavior