• In May of 2016, Thresholds was awarded a three-year CARF accreditation in the areas of Service Coordination and Community Housing. Thresholds has been CARF accredited continuously since 1998.
  • Satisfaction with services remains high. Results from 2016 indicate that overall satisfaction with services, across all programs, was at 95%.
  • Thresholds continues to promote, teach, and practice the principles of Gentle Teaching. All new program staff receive training in the Culture of Gentleness.
  • As part of the Heart of West Michigan United Way funding for the 2015/2016 fiscal year, Thresholds continued as a partner in the Coordinated Health Impact Alliance group. This 15-member group is working with the United Way to increase coordinated access to a continuum of health services in the community.
  • During the year, Thresholds discontinued services at two of our residential homes; the 52nd Street home in November of 2015 and the Westview home in June of 2016. All individuals residing in both homes successfully transitioned to new residential locations.
  • The Agency completed the operation of the Alten Home in Grand Rapids after successfully serving the person who resided there. Thresholds had originally established this residential optiontospecifically support and care for this individual.
  • Given the improving economy in Michigan, staffing for our Residential and Community Living Supports Programs continue to be a challenge for the Agency. Thresholds continues to work to find ways to recruit qualified staff for these programs.
  • During September of 2016, Thresholds began the process of updating the organization’s Strategic Plan. The Plan will be completed during the first quarter of the 2017 fiscal year.
  • As of October 1, 2016, Thresholds’ Respite Aide Program was providing Respite Aides and support to 134 individuals and their care providers. The Program employs 84 part-time Respite Aides.


In 2017, Thresholds will continue to focus on outcomes to:

  • Increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and accessibility of services, as well as the satisfaction of persons-served and stakeholders.
  • Educate all staff on the Culture of Gentleness.
  • Enhance community integration opportunities and friendships for persons-served.


The Special Action Advisory Committee (SAAC) meets as a consumer-run self-advocacy committee through the Clinical Services Program. The Committee’s long term goals are to educate others about this group and its purpose,identify and address transportation issues at a systems level, provide feedback to Thresholds on how it can improve supports it provides, educate others about persons with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and the challenges they face, andincrease the membership of the group.In September of 2016, SAAC completed its 18th year of operation. This consumer-led committee meets once per quarter.

During the 2016 fiscal year, SAAC focused on:

  • Producing an annual newsletter in which consumers contribute articles on interests, experiences, and issues that are important to them.
  • Providing input for the Thresholds’ Accessibility Study/Survey.
  • Identifying socialization opportunities, planning for future training for staff on experiencing a disability, discussing articles for a future newsletter, updating the SAAC group’s brochure, and taking up new business as it occurs.


At the close of the 2016 Fiscal Year (September 30, 2016), Thresholds was providing services to 802 individuals. This included 759 persons who receive supports coordination services and 43 individuals who reside in nursing homes and receive case management services. Of the total number served, approximately 105 individuals were residing in one of Thresholds’ specialized residential homes. The number of persons-served has remained quite stable for several years.

The age distribution of persons-served is:

Age Ranges / Number of Persons-Served / Percentage of Total Persons-Served
18-24 / 76 / 9%
25-34 / 199 / 25%
35-54 / 279 / 35%
55 and Older / 248 / 31%
Total / 802

As shown in the table, below, Thresholds continues to served more males than females. This trend has been present for many years.

Gender Distribution:

Gender / Number / Percentage of Total
Female / 327 / 41%
Male / 475 / 59%
Total / 802

With respect to ethnicity, the percentage of persons-served who identify themselves within a minority group has also stayed consistent at approximately 19%, as shown in the chart, below:

Ethnicity / Number Served / Percentage of Total Served
Asian / 14 / 1.7%
Black or African American / 117 / 14.6%
White / 631 / 78.7%
Hispanic or Latino / 22 / 2.7%
Other / 9 / 1.1%
Unknown / 9 / 1.1%
Total / 802


During the 2016 fiscal year, Thresholds continued to implement and report on a wide range of quality improvement activities ranging from formal continuous quality improvement measures, contract-related performance indicators, and our Strategic Plan, to less formal initiatives within each program and service. Overall satisfaction with services remains high at 95%. For the 2017 fiscal year, we look forward to continuing our work toward increasing the effectiveness, efficiencies, and accessibility of our services and programs.