Fundamental Arts and Sciences of Nursing

Jan Lewis – Instructor

Fall 2011

Bakersfield College

Vocational Nursing Program

Nursing B1

Nursing Fundamentals


Jan Lewis, RN

Professor of Nursing

Office: MS 172

Office Hours: Monday / Wednesday: 9:30am– 12:00pm

Other office appointments available as needed

Office/Message Phone Number: 395-4442

Cell Phone Number: 477-2330

E-mail address:

Class Schedule:

MS 54

Monday and Wednesday 8:00 – 9:25



Nursing B1: Fundamentals of Nursing

Course Description

This Level 1 course introduces the concepts of the professional nurse, nursing skills, beginning leadership, health care environment, growth and development across the lifespan, basic physiologic and human needs in health and illness, and providing a safe environment. Beginning critical thinking skills are emphasized, within the framework of the nursing process. Correlated clinical experiences are provided with adult patients who have basic health problems with predictable outcomes. The roles of Provider of Care, Manager of Care, and Member of the Profession are introduced and integrated throughout the course.

Prerequisites/co-requisites: Entrance in the LVN Program having met program prerequisites or evaluation by program director for skills and knowledge, concurrent enrollment in VNRS B1LV. Hours: 54 lecture and 324 clinical.

Program Student Outcomes

The Bakersfield College Vocational Nursing Program is designed to prepare graduates to competently transition from student to entry level Vocational Nurse as defined by these roles: Provider of Nursing Care, Manager of Nursing Care, and Member of the Profession of Nursing.

Upon completion of the program, the graduate shall be able to function as a:

  1. Provider of Care
  2. Develop/coordinate/evaluate care to individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations; able to identify the rationale for care and competently deliver this care to an increasingly complex and diverse population in multiple environments, utilizing the nursing process.
  3. Demonstrate effective communication with clients, families, and other health care

team members in all health care settings.

  1. Advocate for the client, profession, and the interdisciplinary health care team in an effort to ensure that clients, families, and communities are well informed and included in care planning.
  2. Educate clients, families, and health care professionals under their supervision using appropriate teaching principles, strategies and current information.
  3. Anticipate risks to the client and provides appropriate interventions to achieve optimal client outcomes.
  1. Manager of Care
  2. Demonstrate critical thinking to problem solve, organize, and prioritize care for individuals or a group of clients.
  3. Integrate current technology to provide competent client care.
  4. Manage human and fiscal resources in an efficient and cost effective manner.
  5. Serve as a leader and partner in the interdisciplinary health care team.
  6. Member of the Profession
  7. Demonstrate accountability for the provision and evaluation of nursing care that conforms to professional standards and incorporates legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse especially the rights of the clients.
  8. Be accountable for the life-long acquisition of knowledge and skills to effect change in health care practices and outcomes.

Level outcomes

LEVEL 1: The focus of level one is the basic level of assessment, laboratory skills, and knowledge needed in caring for clients in all areas of nursing practice.

Upon completion of Nursing B1, students will be able to:

  1. Provider of Care
  2. Develop and implement holistic plan of care for 1 to 2 clients that have predictable outcomes.
  3. Plan and implement basic care for each client beginning to coordinate activities of daily living with client’s treatments and procedures.
  4. Coordinate care of two clients during clinical rotations.
  5. Identify the scientific rationale for each of the chosen interventions.
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of basic interventions.
  7. Administer medications as assigned while utilizing the 6 rights of medication administration.
  8. Demonstrate respect for the client’s uniqueness, developmental level, sociocultural background, spiritual beliefs, perceptions and values.
  9. Identify effective/ ineffective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques.
  10. Establish a basic therapeutic nurse/ client relationship.
  11. Communicate effectively with peers, instructor, and client when providing care to assigned clients and assists other health care team members.
  12. Identify/ define the role of the nurse as an advocate.
  13. Work under the guidance of the instructor and in conjunction with the interdisciplinary team members to ensure the client receives appropriate services.
  14. Describe the nurse’s role as health educator, utilizing the principles of teaching/ learning.
  15. Identify situations when the client may be at risk and state appropriate interventions.
  1. Manager of Care
  2. Demonstrate the ability to prioritize aspects of care.
  3. Complete basic patient care and charting during the assigned clinical time.
  4. Begin to recognize self-limitations.
  5. Identify conflict situations in the healthcare setting.
  6. Collect and organize client information to make basic clinical judgments.
  7. Demonstrate basic computer skills to complete assignments.
  8. Demonstrate the ability to use various types of equipment.
  9. Recognize the impact of the inappropriate utilization of supplies on unit budget.
  10. Participate in morning report as appropriate, giving a basic verbal or written report on assigned patient prior to leaving the unit.
  11. Describe the various members of the health care team and make referrals as necessary.
  12. Demonstrate beginning teamwork.
  1. Member of the Profession
  2. Verbalize an awareness of the California Vocational Nurse Practice Act.
  3. Follow State and Federal regulations.
  4. Follow policies and procedures as they pertain to each agency and the nursing program.
  5. Accept responsibility and accountability for individual actions.
  6. Identify available resources
  7. Participates in at least on community project.

Course Activities

Instructional and learning activities are directly related to level outcomes and unit objectives with an emphasis on the nursing process. Various learning activities such as lectures/discussions, demonstrations, audiovisual aides, required reading, computer assisted programs, simulated learning experiences, independent study, problem solving exercises, and quizzes/exams, may be employed.

Course Assignments

Students are required to complete a variety of assignments which may include simulated learning experiences, computer assisted programs, and weekly reading and homework assignments in order to successfully meet the objectives for Nursing B1. Detailed instructions for each assignment are located in the Assignment section of the syllabus.

Course Policies

General: Students are expected to attend each class, be punctual, and assume responsibility for assigned activities. Cell phones and pagers must be

turned off or placed in silent or vibrate mode.

No children will be allowed in class.

Tape-recording lectures ispermitted at the discretion of the instructor. Students may not tape record during any test review.

LaboratoryStudents are to adhere to the dress code as outlined in the Vocational

Attire: Nursing Student Handbook

SupportiveStudents with disabilities who believe they may need accommodationsServices: in this class are encouraged to contact Disabled Student Programs & Services located at Student Services Building, 1st Floor, Counseling Center (661-395-4334), as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Attendance:The attendance policies as outlined in Bakersfield College Catalog and Vocational Nursing Student Handbook will be strictly enforced. If absences exceed the allowed amount, the student can either drop the course, or receive a letter grade. Please note four classroom tardies equal one absence—no exceptions. It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course. Clinical “make-up” days will not be routinely scheduled.

Clinical experience is essential in order for the student to meet all course objectives. Therefore, it is imperative that students attend all scheduled clinical experiences. Failure to meet course objectives will result in failure of the course.

Lateness is not acceptable! Each tardy is considered one absence.

All absences and tardies must be reported to the clinical instructor, per their direction, prior to the start of clinic.

Exams/Quizzes:Students are responsible for material presented during their absence. The opportunity to make up onemissed exam will only be allowed if

the student informs the instructor prior to the scheduled exam. Pop quizzes may not be made up. Students will notbe allowed to retake any exam or quiz on which an unsatisfactory grade was earned. There will be no corrections made for erasures marked wrong the scantron machine. Exam reviews are at the discretion of the instructor.

All cell phones and pagers must be turned off during exams unless prior arrangements are made with instructor. Ringing or vibrating phones and pagers may result in point(s) deduction at the discretion of the instructor.

Academic There will be zero tolerance for academic dishonesty, including

Honesty:plagiarism. Plagiarism is the intentional use of another person’s idea, data, information, or work without giving credit. If the student iscaught cheating, the test willbe collected, a zero (0) grade will be recorded, and the student will be directed to leave the classroom. The student is required to meet with the Director of Allied Health to discuss his/her standing in the program. Please refer to statements on academic honesty located in your Bakersfield College Catalog, Vocational Nursing Student Handbook, and the Bakersfield College Class Schedule.

CourseNursing B1 course evaluation is arequirement of this course. The evaluation

Evaluations:will be conducted at the end of the semester. Students are expected to complete the Theory and Instructor Evaluation.

Student Evaluation

Evaluation is an ongoing, essential process in education, by which the student is apprised of his/her progress in meeting the level outcomes and unit objectives. Scoring for this course is based on an accumulation of points from objective exams, and a cumulative final exam. The exams will be reviewed in class. The mid-term and final exams will not be reviewed. The clinical scores do not figure in for the final grade, however, passing scores and meeting of clinical objectives are required to pass the course.


Grading scale


Weighted grades in %

A = 90 – 100 %
B = 80 – 89 %
C = 75 – 79%
D = 70 – 74%
F = 69 or less / Tests ------33.3%
Midterm Exam ------33.3%
Final Cumulative Exam------33.3%
(Note: Nursing Care Plan and Processes do not figure in as part of the final grade, however, Nursing Processes must have a 75% and Weekly Nursing Care Plans must average 75% to pass this class and progress to the next semester)

The student must achieve a cumulative score of 75% or greater in order to successfully complete the course. Extra credit points cannot be used to attain a course grade of 75%.

Recognizing faculty responsibility for retention of knowledge necessary for safe nursing practice and for the success of graduates on the NCLEX examination, the mid-term and final examinations will be comprehensive and designed to assess knowledge and application of fundamentals of nursing. The final and the midterm exams cover review material and will not be available for review. All other exams are available for review during the instructor’s office hours or by appointment – only for one week following the exam. Final grades will be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records according to College policy.

To pass Nursing B1, 75% or better must be achieved in the course. One third of the grade will be composed of the quizzes/exams taken; one third will be the midterm and one third is the final exam grade. It is suggested that the student maintain their own record of their exam scores and averages in order to track their progress in the course. Student’s progress (grade average) may be randomly assessed by the instructor during the semester. If a student has less than a 75%, the student will be notified.

IMPORTANT NOTE: After the 5th test and prior to orientation to the clinical site, each student’s grade average will be evaluated by the instructor. If the student has not achieved a cumulative test grade of 72% at that point, he/she will not be eligible to attend clinic, the student will have to drop all program courses and will not be allowed to continue on in the program. It is the student’s responsibility to seek the faculty’s assistance as necessary in order to facilitate success in the nursing program.

Scantrons: Ten 100 question (Form No.882-e) answer forms.

Exam scantrons are to be turned into instructor before the first scheduled exam. If scantrons are not received prior to the first exam, the student may not be allowed to take the exam.


There will be no corrections made for erasures marked wrong by the scantron machine


On a testing day, if the student’s absence is due to illness, etc., he/she must telephone the instructor that day BEFORE class (may leave a voice mail message at 395-4442) to be allowed to make-up the quiz/test. Only one (1) make-up test per course is allowed. The make-up quiz/exam will be taken the following class period. It is only necessary to call when an absence will occur on a day when a quiz/test is given. The student is responsible for all material presented during their absence. Under no conditions will a make-up be allowed forthe midterm or final exams. Nor will students be allowed to take the exams prior to the scheduled class period. See the policy in the student handbook.


Bakersfield College

Vocational Nursing Program

Nursing Fundamentals

Policy and Procedure

Implementation of ATI’s Comprehensive Assessment and Review Program (CARP)

POLICY: To explain the use of CARP as a mechanism to facilitate the assessment of all students, identifying risk students, and establish a review/remediation program to enhance success in the Vocational Nursing Program and on NCLEX.

Procedure for VNRS B1 Nursing Fundamentals:

  1. Students are required to spend 2 hours per week reviewing the skills modules and taking the practice tests in the learning systems in the tutorial section of ATI.
  2. Students are required to take the non-proctored Self Assessment Test by week 3 of the class.
  3. Students are required to take the Proctored Critical Thinking Pretest by week 6 of the class
  4. Students are required to take the non-proctored Fundamentals Practice Assessment B by week 11.
  5. Students are required to take the non-proctored Pharmacology Practice Assessment A by week 12.
  6. Students are required to take the non-proctored Fundamentals Practice Assessment A by week 13.
  7. Students are required to take the non-proctored Pharmacology Practice Assessment B by week 15.
  8. By week 15 students will be taking the Proctored Fundamentals Assessment. Test scores will count for 10% of the Final Exam.
  9. Students are required to print off and turn in the proof that they have taken the Practice Assessments as assigned and hourly requirements weekly. Proof of the previous week’s hours will be due each Monday at the beginning of class. No late time will be accepted. Once time is verified the student will receive 10 points to be added into their test scores.

Remediation: Students who score below Proficiency Level 2 on the Proctored Fundamentals Assessment will be required to take Nurs B201 the following semester. Also the student will be required to develop and complete the following remediation plan that must be turned in to the Nurs 201 instructor at the beginning of the following semester.

  • Create and complete a Focused Review on topics missed
  • Complete one of the following:

Create a concept map on topics missed

Complete ATI exploratory questions on topics missed

Spend 3 hours in the skills lab practicing related skills

Complete a 5x7 note card for each Topic to Review












* except those with certified learning disabilities


Upon arrival to class:

Place backpacks, all books and purses in the front of the classroom (you will only need a pencil)

You will chose a number and sit in that assigned seat

Once the scantrons and exams are passed out, you may begin when you get your exam

When you re finished:

Turn in the exam, scantron, and the seat number

You may leave the classroom, closing the door QUIETLY

If you remain in the classroom – NO talking

When you leave the classroom – stand away from the classroom when talking since voices carry

Return for lecture at the designated time – it will be written on the white board

Exam Review

During the exam review, no pencils, pens, cell phones, or paper on the desk. Backpacks are put away

After the exam review, turn in all scantrons and/or exams. If further explanation or review is needed, see me during office hours

Once exam and scantron count is correct, class is dismissed




I have read and agree to abide by the policies and procedures that are listed in the syllabi for Nursing B1, B1L, B1G, and B1GL.


PRINT student namestudent signature





  1. Describe your family.
  1. Describe your job.
  1. Why did you decide to become a nurse?
  1. Describe what you think is involved in nursing – what attributes do nurses have?
  1. From whom do you get the most support? Least support?
  1. What are your hobbies or methods of relaxation? How do you cope with stress?

First Nursing B1LV Journal Entry

Complete this entry and bring it along with your “Finally a nursing student” form and your “Agreement of responsibility” form when you meet with your instructor