Classroom Handbook

Contact Information & Welcome!

§  Email: &

§  Blogs: &

§  Ascent Website:

§  Phone: 385-220-2200

§  Mrs. Rasmussen teaches Math and Science & Mrs. Hilton teaches Language Arts and Social Studies

Parent Involvement

§  Parent volunteers are ALWAYS welcome and very much appreciated in the classrooms, at home, and in the parking lot (great way to get volunteer hours).

§  Please send an email to your child’s homeroom teacher to confirm volunteer availability, times, and days. Thanks in advance!


Ascent Academy follows Utah’s Core Standards to determined what must be learned and that all students meet USOE learning outcomes.

§  K-6 Guided Reading: Zaner-Bloser, Reaching all Readers, Raz Kids, Novel Ties, Utah Compose, and Four Square Writing.

§  Eureka Math program & Math Exemplars for differentiation.

§  Science A-Z, Science Exemplars, Utah Science Texts, Studies Weekly, and Science Explorer.

Homework, Classwork & Late Work Policy

§  20 minutes of reading is strongly encouraged each night and is a school-wide policy separate from Homework. Homework will not exceed 45 minutes per night.

§  Students are responsible for completing and turning in all class work, homework assignments, and projects on time.

§  Mrs. Rasmussen: Each week, students will be expected to do word work with math & science vocabulary terms. Any math assignments that are not completed in class must be completed at home and returned to school.

§  Mrs. Rasmussen: Late or incomplete work will be accepted up to one week after the original due date. Missing math assignments can be made up with 20 minutes of Moby Max as a replacement if desired. In regard to extended absences, please notify in advance and your child will be able to make up the missed work.

§  Mrs. Hilton – Each week, students will be expected to respond online to a reading prompt about their reading at home.

§  Any Language Arts or Social Studies assignments that are not completed in class must be completed at home and returned to school.

§  Mrs. Hilton – Students will also be expected to read one book at their level at home to complete a book report that will correlate with SEM Monthly Expressions activities completed in class.

School Expectations

§  Students will begin each term with 100 points on the citizenship grading scale as shown below. Points will be added for good behavior and deducted for chronic classroom disruptions, dress code violations, etc. The citizenship log will be updated throughout the term to keep students and parents informed with specifics. Remember… NO GUM ALLOWED!

Su SUPERIOR 100-90

E Excellent 85-89.9

S Satisfactory 80-84.9

N Needs Improvement 70-79.9

U Unsatisfactory 0-69.9

§  Remember our School-wide Expectations:

P.E.A.K.S Prepared to Learn, Excel Daily, Act Responsibly,

Kindness Towards Others, Silent Transitions

Behavior Plan

§  Mrs. Rasmussen & Mrs. Hilton – A reward system will be used to promote expected fifth grade behavior using Class Dojo and Brag Tags.

§  Expected behavior will be reviewed consistently.

§  If behavior issues occur after two warnings, students will be given a behavior reflection sheet for parents to sign and return.

§  If behavior issues continue, administration will be notified and citizenship points will be deducted.

Class Parties and Birthdays

§  Fifth grade will have a Halloween party and a Valentine party. Parent volunteers will be needed. Information will be sent home in advance.

§  Birthdays will be acknowledged by the teacher (Ascent does not allow treats to be distributed) If, on your child’s birthday or half birthday, you would like to email a baby/toddler picture and a little something about your child, that surprise would be a great way to begin our day J


§  After school tutoring will be available twice a week with Mrs. Rasmussen and Mrs. Hilton beginning midway through September. Days and times will be posted on the classroom blogs.

§  Please visit the classroom blog regularly as homework, policies, instructional videos, helpful websites, class photos, important information, calendars, newsletters, and absolutely anything else you might need will be listed there for you.

§  Weekly Folders will come home every Monday and will contain student work, handouts, etc. Each folder will have pages attached for parent/teacher comments and record keeping. Please look through this folder each week to follow your child’s progress and return folders signed each Friday.

§  Details, reminders, and permission slips will be sent home in advance for all field trips during this school year.

§  Cell phones, tablets, and laptops will be used during designated times in the classroom for those students with a BYOD. A device basket will be provided for students to put their devices in. Devices may also be kept in lockers.

We are looking forward to a wonderful year with your child, figuring it out in fifth!

------Please fill in your child’s name, sign, and return to your child’s homeroom teacher to indicate that you have read the classroom disclosure. By signing you agree to help facilitate responsibility in your child and encourage them to adhere to the school and classroom procedures and policies.

Student ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______

Mrs. Hilton & Mrs. Rasmussen (385)220-2200 Ascent Academy of Farmington