Invitation For Bid number 753-5-099MAR 3

Company Name: ______

E-mail Address: ______Fax Number: ______


6. Alternate Products will not be accepted for this solicitation. Specified flooring required to match existing flooring.

7. Evaluation Factors: Bid award will be based on lowest and best price and the installation time that best meets the needs of the university and all bid specifications.

8. Coordination of Delivery and Installation: Contact the Dance Department, telephone number 936 294-1875, Sissy Johnson or Jennifer Pontius, to coordinate the flooring delivery and installation times at least 48 hours in advance of anticipated installation start date. See notes 6 and 7 below.

9. Delivery Location: Delivery will be to Academic Building 3 (AB3) room 104,

1922 Avenue J, Huntsville TX 77340. AB3 does not have a delivery dock. Delivery must be coordinated with the Dance Department a minimum of 48 hours in advance to ensure that the building is unlocked and that a Dance Department individual is available. See note 5 above.

10. Installation Time: The University strongly desires installation while students are on semester break, during the period 13 – 23 December 04 or 5 – 12 January 05. The University will be closed 24 Dec 04 through 4 Jan 05 and no deliveries will be accepted during that period. Installation must be coordinated with the Dance Department a minimum of 48 hours in advance of anticipated installation start time. See note 5 above.

Proposed Installation Start Date: ______

11.  Franchise and Sales Taxes: A bidder must be in good standing with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for Franchise and Sales taxes to receive an award based on this solicitation. For more information about the taxes, call the Comptroller's office at 800 252-1381 or .

12. Recycled Materials: Please indicate if the products being bid contain any recycled materials. _____ Yes _____ No

Invitation For Bid 753-5-099MAR 4


Item 1: Floor System

Mfr: American Harlequin Model: Activity Sprung Wooden Floor System

Provide and install Harlequin Activity Floor System as performance surface.

Estimated dimensions not to exceed 46 feet x 50 feet;

Quantities listed below are estimates.

Includes the following:

•  Harlequin distribution panels & Harlequin sub-surface panels, 2,496 sq ft

•  Harlequin progressive resistance suspension, 520 sq yd

•  Harlequin vibration/particulate gasket and aluminum gasket strip, 200 Ln ft

•  Harlequin environmental control/containment membrane, 2,496 sq ft

•  All adhesives, fasteners, general materials, etc necessary to install flooring

•  Labor: install Activity Floor System, build in ramps if required for doors

Item 2: Install Harlequin Studio Dance Floor

Studio dance floor previously purchased and is on site.

To be installed over Harlequin Activity Sprung Floor System, item 1 above.


Member o f The Texas State University System


Reference Number: 753-5-099MAR

ALL INVITATION BIDS (IFB) AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) must be delivered, mailed or faxed as indicated below on or before the scheduled bid opening time and date. Late IFBs and RFPs will not be accepted.

Mail Address: Street Address:

Sam Houston State University Sam Houston State University

Purchasing Dept Purchasing Dept - Estill Bldg

Box 2028 1903 University Ave Room 330

Huntsville TX 77341-2028 Huntsville TX 77340

Fax Number: 936 294-1997

IFB/RFP OPENING WILL BE AT: 3 PM Central Time 6 December 2004


Bidders that use the U.S. Mail, including “Express Mail” services for delivery of bids do so at their own risk of non-delivery to the Purchasing Department in time for acceptance and consideration at the bid opening. All U.S. Mail addressed to any component of Sam Houston State University is delivered to a central mailroom and redistributed to the individual departments by university personnel. Consequently, there is a possibility of a delay of as much as 24 hours between receipt of mail at the central mailroom and receipt in the Purchasing Office. Bids must be in the Purchasing Office by the date and time set forth as the IFB or RFP opening in order to be considered. Receipt by the central mail-room is not sufficient. Therefore, bidders are advised to hand deliver or use a courier service to deliver bids to Purchasing if the package cannot be mailed well in advance of the bid opening date.


The Purchasing Departments accepts receipt of fax bids solely for the convenience of bidders. If any portion of a bid submitted by fax that is received late, is illegible, or otherwise rendered nonresponsive due to equipment failure or operator error, the bid or the applicable portion of the bid will not be considered. The Purchasing Department shall not be liable for equipment failure or operation error, nor shall such failure or error require other bids to be rejected or the bid to be re-advertised. On bid opening days the fax machine tends to be very busy so send faxes well in advance of bid opening time.