English 102: Composition and Rhetoric
West Virginia University
Contributed by Jo Ann Dadisman
Peer Evaluation for Essay #1: Analysis of Appalachian
Images in the Media
Peer Evaluation Reader____________
1) Before giving your paper to a classmate, write one sentence on the back of this sheet which succinctly states what you want the reader to gain from reading your paper.
2) Instructions for the peer reader: Your input is crucial to the success of the paper you are going to review. Consider each question carefully and answer completely and concisely.
· Look at the paper. Does it meet length requirement? (Remember the difference between pages of text and sheets of paper). Is the header complete? Are the pages numbered? Does the works cited page meet requirements? (MLA format, alphabetical order, number of sources). Make suggestions or notations as needed.
· Without commenting, read the paper once. Read the question above (#1) and look at the answer on the back. Was the author successful? Why or why not?
· Find the thesis. Draw a squiggly line under it. How has the author presented a supportable position in this statement? Has the writer analyzed Appalachia in a particular mass medium or analyzed an Appalachian stereotype?
· Place an * in the left margin next to each of the three (or more) reasons for the position stated in the thesis. Does each provide a “because” relationship? If not, make suggestions.
· How has the writer defended each of the reasons for the thesis position? Which is the strongest? Write strong in the margin next to that evidence. Which is the weakest? Write weak in the margin next to those sentences. Offer at least one suggestion to strengthen this section of the paper.
· Has the writer recognized ownership for all ideas not his/her own? If you are in doubt about a sentence, mark a ? in the left margin by those sentences. Is each parenthetical citation correct, according to MLA? How many short quotes were used? Are they effective? How many long quotes? Are they necessary?
· Is the writer’s voice consistent throughout the paper? Does it get lost in a myraid of quotes?
· How has the writer used the introduction of the paper? Where is the hook? Does the body of the paper do its job? How? Why is the conclusion effective/ineffective?
· Offer at least three suggestions to improve grammar and at least one for content. Provide one point of strong praise.
3. After reading the comments above, make a few notes below to identify the changes you want to initiate to strengthen your essay.