Fulton Amateur Radio Club meeting
Meeting called to order by Dave, K3AS at 19:06.
Dave, K3AS, stated club’s mission statement.
Fred, KA2HPG, announced newest member Rudy who passed his technician test last night.
Minutes read by Sarah, AK2D, motion to accept minutes by Judy, KC2SUM, seconded by Ben, AK2X.
Treasurer’s report given by Dave Webb, motion to accept by Bob, seconded by
Scholarship report: Pam not present, no update.
Website: Ben, AK2X, discussed the website was moved to new platform to add features and security. He discussed how to verify users signing up for new accounts by comparing callsigns and information of callsign owner.
Event Planning Committee: Redd, AI2N, wasn’t present. Fred, KA2HPG, gave a summary from a discussion with Redd. Redd was advised to talk to the secretary at the Scriba Fire Hall to use the facility for Field Day this year. Fred is unsure whether or not Redd called the secretary yet. Fred, KA2HPG, discussed with Redd, AI2N, about starting his general class.
President Report: Discussed article in QST magazine on antennas.
Fred, KA2HPG, and Ben, AK2X, discussed this weekend’s ARRL DX SSB contest this weekend which starts at Friday at 19:00.
Dave, K3AS, asked what happens to technician license graduates and why many aren’t going on to take their general. This caused a discussion on the topic, and ways to keep newly licensed hams in the hobby. The importance of an Elmer and mentor guiding new hams was discussed mentioned.
New business:
SkyWarn: Judy announced skywarn training will happen at the next RACES meeting on March 20 at 19:00 at the Oswego County Emergency Management office.
Tim, KC2SKG, was approached by Eric Albren, from the Mexico Scouts, inquiring about assistance from hams at a 5k run and walk at the American Legion Post in New Haven on May 25 from 11:00 – 13:00. Need approximately 6 – 7 volunteers.
Antique Wireless Association Review book available to borrow announcement by Sarah, AK2D.
Meeting in November?
Meeting adjourned by K3AS at 20:00. Fred, KA2HPG seconded motion.