Mrs. Ostrowski’s Rules and Expectations
Objectives for Mrs. Ostrowski’s are classes:
1. Students will learn the established curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
2. Students will be able to measure and analyze data in metric units.
3. Students will be able to successfully and safely complete a science lab.
4. Students will be able to write up a lab report in the specified way.
5. Students will be able to work independently, as well as, in cooperative groups throughout the year.
6. Students will be able to complete the scientific method in its correct order.
7. Students will be in charge of their own learning, and take ownership throughout the school year.
7th Grade Science Topics:
Science Safety, Scientific Method, Metric Measurements, Biology (study of life and its components)
1. NO BULLYING- This will NOT be tolerated on any level. If you are being bullied or suspect someone is being bullied you need to report it IMMEDIATELY so that it will be taken care of. This includes, excluding people from groups, labs and projects. Consequences WILL follow any bullying incident. It is imperative that we respect ourselves and the people around us.
2. Supplies needed DAILY to maintain responsibility: Paper, assignment notebook, homework/class work or any labs/projects we are working on, science text, and a writing utensil. A one subject notebook and a folder (portfolio) will be kept in the classroom daily in the appropriate crate.
3. Tardiness: A student is tardy if they are not in the room when the bell rings. Mrs. O follows the school policy on tardiness. Five tardies=detention, any additional tardies after that will also be a detention.
4. All lesson plans can be found on the school website Click Summit Hill Jr. High, then proceed to Mrs. Ostrowski under the teacher pages. In the tab labeled downloads is where all lesson plans can be found. The lessons are cumulative and may vary on days depending on where each individual class is in a specific lesson. Assignments, labs, notes etc…made by the teacher will also be available here.
5. Project/Labs: Most are completed in groups where everyone is working. Sometimes partners are chosen for you and sometimes you will choose. Remember that our friends do not always make our best partners. Respect, responsibility and safety are key to successful labs and projects.
6. Formative and Summative assessments will be ongoing throughout the year. It is essential to stay on top of your formative assessments (daily/weekly work) in order to be successful during your summative assessment.
Science is a fun and “real-world” class. This year should expand on what you already know AND challenge you in areas that are completely unfamiliar. This year is not meant to discourage you in any way from the science field. If at any time you are having difficulty, whether it is from a specific topic, class, or situation you need to speak up for you. I cannot read your mind, and do not know what is going on if you are not your own advocate. Students that have difficulty with the material will be offered assistance before and after school if needed. Please be honest with yourself and Mrs. O so that this is a great and successful year.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at: or call 815-469-4330.
Let’s make this an EXCELLENT year!
Mrs. Amber Ostrowski
7th Grade Science
7th Grade IJAS Sponsor
7th Grade Science Club Sponsor
I ______(students printed name) have read AND understand the rules and expectations in Mrs. Ostrowski’s science class. I agree to follow the rules and do my best to make this a great year for myself, family, peers and teachers.
______Student signature Class Period ____
Please review the information with your child and sign acknowledging that this has been done. Together, as a team, we will have a great 7th grade year.
______parent/guardian name printed
______parent/guardian signature
Please also let me know the best way to contact you:
Phone number: ______
Email address (please print clearly) ______