New Town Council Meeting
September 17, 2014
6:00 PM
Community Room
Members Present: Council Member President Terry Mathson, Thomas Nash, Jay Standish, Dean Niemitalo
Member Absent: Mayor Daniel Uran
Others Present: City Attorney William Woods, Becki Lyson, Eileen Zaun, Daniel Fonva, Steve Hammers, David Shawstad, Jeri Milligan, Mike Piper, Mike Ellott, Jason Tracy, Daryl Lyson, Willie Ladue, George Abe, Allen Domanala Tyler Rintamaki .
Motion by Standish second Nash to approve Regular Council Meeting Minutes August 20, 2014.
Motion by Niemitalo second Standish to approve the financial as presented:
Voting Aye: Nash, Standish, Niemitalo
Aflac $190.08, Ameripride $991.24, Alco $101.09, Aire-Master of ND $187.87, Atco International $440.00, AE2S $17,743.21, ND State Disbursement Unit $418.74, Blue Cross Blue Shield $15,110.60, Banyon Data System $195.00, Balco Uniforms Co. $1,315.09, Border States Electric $3,244.08, PHG, INC. $818.77, Culligan Water Conditioning $96.03, Lyson Rebecca $150.00, United Prairie Cooperative $ 3,000.00, Computer Projects $502.80, Baker Edmund $250.00, Diffely Welding $1000.00, Dakota Quality Grain & Lumber $44.22, DJ Consulting $50.00, Ecolab Pest Elimination $148.93, Estvold Oilfield Services $129.00, Ethanol Products $3,090.11, First District Health Unit $40.00, Degroot Electric $2,642.00, Fargo Water Equipment $2,667.34, Graymont Western Canada $6,381.89, Geek on the Go $300.00, Galls Inc. $359.47, Gaffney’s of Minot $1,189.38, Hawkins Water Treatment $1,634.69, Hatch Company $317.19, Johnson Supply Company $4,900.00, Kennbecks Jack & Jill $126.49, Lexipol LLC $2,970.00, Mountrail County Auditor, $1,502.72, New Town Auto body $1,767.04, NDPERS $9,666.33, North Dakota Dept. Health $510.10, Napa $1,734.69, One call Concepts $51.70, Postmaster $60.00, Praxair Distribution $30.11, Rensch Chevrolet $159.35, RM Hoefs and Associates, Inc. $5,899.55, RTC $1,167.48, Sensus USA $1,570.34, Sanitation Products, Inc. $212.31, Satermo Hardware $378.15, Souris Basin Planning Council $125.00, Trinity Health Group $190.00, Waste Management of ND $6,368.62, Westlie Motor Company $243.70, Power Plan RDO $1,377.02, Visa $3,480.42, Mountrail County Sheriff $50.00, Information Technology Dept. $146.25, Taser International $919.11, Adgraphix $295.00, Cenex Fleet Card $306.89.
Adjourned out of regular meeting and enter into public hearing 6:10PM:
Public hearing Epic Engineering, conditional use permit – no discussion
Closed Public Hearing 6:11PM:
Call regular meeting back to order:
Motion by Niemitalo second Nash to approve Epic Engineering conditional use permit-(Outlot of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ Section 17, Township 152 N Range 92 W of the 5th principal meridian, Mountrail County, North Dakota)
Voting Aye: Nash, Standish, Niemitalo
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Nash second Niemitalo to approval Mountrail Williams Electric, conditional use permit-temp office trailer for 5 years. This will go on public hearing next month’s meeting
Voting Aye: Niemitalo, Nash, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Standish Second Nash to approve North Segment Community Develop Corp. (lot 1-7 Northern Lights Sub-Division Outlot 5 Wooden Bowl 1 to 11) conditional use permit. This will go on Public Hearing next month’s meeting
Voting Aye: Standish, Niemitalo, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Standish second Niemitalo to approve FBHA - Carson Hood Jr. (Plat of Sandhill Block 2, Sublot 2 Section 17, Township 152 N Range 92 West of the 5th Principal Meridian) Home site/split lots. On approval when Plat come in.
Voting Aye: Niemitalo, Nash, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Standish second Nash to approve Jason’s Super Foods Building Permit, was ok to start construction and will work with City Engineer on issues about roadways and terms by the city.
Voting Aye: Niemitalo, Standish Nash
Voting Nay: None
Police Report:
We have had some significant incidents reports, large drug busts were made, had quite a few calls of service, one major report of a fugitive from Miami.
The update on the cross-Deputation, I have met with the public safety director and have a rough draft of an old MO he wanted to see implemented. I will give a copy to our City Attorney to review and research.
Still waiting for the new Police car from Rensch Chevrolet, I have scheduled a date the first part of October for all the equipment to be installed in the new Police Car, but not sure the car will be here, this will complicate things as I will be gone the first part of October for personal matters.
Shawstad asked the Council if they would consider comp time for him as he puts in 100 + hours. Comp time was taken away a year ago, and went to vacation time. This is in the employee handbook.
Shawstad asked the council to hire Rintamaki as a permanent employee.
Motion by Niemitalo second Nash to hire Rintamaki as a permanent employee, (he has been here 6 months), with a $1.00 more an hour.
Voting Aye: Nash, Standish, Niemitalo
Voting Nay: None
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Some question were asked to Shawstad about the IA report, concerning the Auditor and Councilmen Standish, this was not handled the way it should have been, and you don’t not bring names into a situation like this, nor say things they did not say. Shawstad said he did an internal investigation on this matter and his officer did nothing wrong and it’s all video, if the Council wants to look at it. Standish will go to Police Dept. and look at the video. It was also brought up about the tagged vehicle and why the City employee have to tag them, when the PD should be doing this. Shawstad said, there are so many things more important that this to worry about tagging vehicle, but he will work on this.
Civic Center:
Reported that the Civic Center roof is in need of repairs, there are lots of holes, and patching that has come loose, and the flashing is all bridged up in a lot of spots. This is causing water damage inside the building. Something needs to be done before it gets any worse. A Quote from Tecta America Dakota was shown to the Council on how much it would cost to patch the roof.
Motion by Niemitalo second Nash to go with the quote from Tecta America Dakota for $12,423.00, to fix the roof.
Voting Aye: Niemitalo, Nash, Standish
Voting Nay: None
City Coordinator:
September 26th is Homecoming and the City Workers will help block off street for the parade, this will be for a safety issue.
Found a 2009 Dodge Quad Cab at Renschs with a flatbed for $24,000.00, which will go over $2,500.00 more than what the City approved.
Motion by Nash second Standish to approve Daryl Lyson to get the 2009 Dodge/flatbed
Voting Aye: Standish, Nash, Niemitalo
Voting Nay: None
City Foreman:
When The New Town Water Plant starts construction on the New Plant, AE2S will have a full time person, that will need a place to stay, plus other contractors on as needed basics. The City had agreed to lease one of the 3-bedroom apartments to them. (Only if the City in not in need of them)
Motion by Nash second Standish for Robert and Sara White Owl to tap into the City’s sewer line,
They will have to get a Building Permit
Voting Aye: Standish, Nash, Niemitalo
Voting Nay: None
LaDue talked about the water meters, and that Sensus is coming out with a new Machines. Will find out if it is compatible with what the City has now. Elbowoods has many homes hooked-up and have not paid a deposit, nor does the city know who are in all the homes. If home owners don’t come in and pay a deposit, they will be disconnected.
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Building Permits:
Motion by Nash second Niemitalo to approve Jason’s Super Foods Eastside Park Subdivision, Grocery store.
Voting Aye: Nash, Niemitalo, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Nash second Standish to approve FBHA-Carson Hood, plat of Sandhill Block 2, Sublot 2 Section 17 Township 152 N, Range 92 W of the Principal Meridian
Voting Aye: Niemitalo, Standish, Nash
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Niemitalo second Nash to approve Gospel Tabernacle, Hwy 1804 & 23, repair water damage to basement. (Upon Jacks signature)
Voting Aye: Nash, Standish, Niemitalo
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Niemitalo second Nash to approve Malcom Lang, Sublot A Lot 2 Block 2 Breslin Subdivision, new house & garage
Voting Aye: Nash Standish, Niemitalo
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Nash second Standish to approve Jim Iverson, Lot 3-4 Block 31 OriginalTown site, Storage Building. (Upon Jacks signature)
Voting Aye: Standish, Niemitalo, Nash
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Standish Second Nash to approve Larsen Service Drug, remove interior wall
Voting Aye: Niemitalo, Nash, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Liquor License:
Motion by Standish Second Nash to approve Jason’s Super Foods for a Liquor License, in his new store
Voting Aye: Nash Niemitalo, Standish
Voting Nay: None
City Engineer:
New Town Water Plant Expansion advertising was placed and has been extended to allow for more competitive bids. Bid opening will be October 2, 2014 at 2:00 PM Community Room.
New Town East Sanitary Trunk Main Improvements, preliminary layout in complete, added the section of pipe and manholes needed to cross Main Street to DOT project for 2015. Designing preliminary crossing under Highway 23 for service to northeast and corridor to business and development.
Change order to State for review (sewer and water for Apartment along 1804- Oppidan) preliminary confirmation was given still awaiting DOT signatures and formal approval.
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Main street sanitary sewer main rehabilitation- design has been incorporated into plans and specifications for Main Street reconstruction. Bid opening is scheduled for February 2015. A letter will be sent to DOT to design intersection as a public improvement for a main corridor to that developing area. Request the desire to have turning lanes added along the north side of ND Hwy 23 located 1,320 feet east of College Drive.
In addition the City has plans for a 15” sanitary sewer trunk main that will need to cross under ND Hwy 23. It is desire of the City to install that section of the trunk main during the NDDOT construction on this portion of the project to avoid any later disruption newly reconstructed ND Hwy 23.
IT is the City’s intent to pay for the costs associated with the Sanitary Sewer but would like to negotiate a cost share agreement for the turning lane improvements.
Motion by Standish second Niemitalo to hire an Attorney for infrastructure financing, will coach in the Legislative Secession. Will split the cost of the Attorney with Stanley and possibly Parshall.
Voting Aye: Standish, Nash, Niemitalo
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Niemitalo second Nash to approve additional parking and the two accesses that will be provided to the United Church of Christ located at 3rd Street N and ND 2 (Main Street) of ND Project No. CPU-SAP-023(030)049.
Voting Aye: Nash, Niemitalo,Standish
Voting Nay: None
Council Concerns:
Letter from Department of Health, (Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant)need the council to look over the loan application for two additional trains to expand New Town Water Treatment Plant capacity from 900 gallons per minute to 2,100 gallons per minute. City Auditor will sign the application.
New Town Ambulance, came in with a request to furnish their new building with furnishing, cost was $50,000.00. The council was going to talk to the mayor and discuss this issue.
Hulsing and Associates Architect, talked about the proposed Fire and Police Stations. The proposals broken down into phases. Phase I- would be programming preliminary cost estimate $4,500.00. Phase II- preliminary plans & elevations $23,000.00. Phase III-3D reading $5,500.00.
Motion by Nash second Niemitalo to approve Hulsing and Associates Architect, phase I & II total amount $27,500.00.
Voting Aye: Standish, Niemitalo, Nash
Voting Aye: None
Hulsing and Associates Architect talked about the New Town School project, stating the installing of upgraded water & sewer lines, and also how far the city would pave the roadway into the development.
Lot of discussion on this topic, will wait until a few of these issues are clear. Before a motion will be made
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Motion by Standish second Nash to change the City’s Hill Top Addition to Eagles Loop, as the County Auditor’s Office said there are too many of these names in Mountrail County.
Voting Aye: Nash, Niemitalo, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Meeting Adjourned: 10:02 PM
Terry Mathson, Council President Eileen Zaun, Auditor
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