Metabolic activity of bacteria in zmf. The influence of gma fluctuations

Metabolic activity of bacteria in zero magnetic field.

The influence of geomagnetic fluctuations

Silvia Neamţu1, V.V. Morariu1, E. Boldiszar2,

1National R&D Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, P.O. Box 700, 3400 Cluj-Napoca

2Microbiology Department, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca

Abstract. The degradation of glucose, lactose and albumin by Salmonella, E. Coli and nonspecific bacteria activity in zero magnetic field (ZMF) and geomagnetic field as control was investigated using spectrophotometric and two electrophoresis methods. The results showed that ZMF conditions generally favor the bacteria activity and growth. Significant sensitivity of bacteria to natural variations of magnetic field was also observed. In the presence of major magnetic storms metabolic activity of gram(-) germs was inhibited.


Zero magnetic field (ZMF) is an important reference in studies concerning the effect of geomagnetic field (GMF) on living systems and also is a tool to investigate the sensitivity of organisms to an extremely change of magnetic environment (magnetic polarity reversal, spaceflight inframagnetic field, interplanetary very low magnetic field). There are few but significant evidences concerning cellular [1,2,3] and whole organism [4] response to the lack of static component of geomagnetic field. In order to enlarge the picture of the simplest organisms behavior in ZMF we investigated the metabolic activity of Salmonella, E. Coli and nonspecific gram(-) bacteria during the lag phase of cells multiplication. The effect obtained was compared with the results of bacteria growth tests (data not published) and was analyzed in respect with the variation of geomagnetic activity during the period of experiments. Our experimental set up consists of a coil that compensates the static component of geomagnetic field. However the natural fluctuations remain operative. Such analysis allows us to perceive or to remove the possible contribution of natural magnetic disturbance (magnetic storms) to the effect recorded and also to emphasize the sensitivity of bacteria or of any system investigated to inframagnetic field (nT, Hz).

Materials and method

Static geomagnetic field ( 0,47 G) has been compensated with a factor of 100 in a pair of Helmholtz coils oriented along geomagnetic field lines. A group of bacteria cultures was exposed in ZMF in the space delimited by the coils and another group to natural GMF environment as control, in the same room at a significant distance from the coil. The temperature was kept at 25 C.

Metabolic activity of bacteria was measured by the degradation of sugar and albumin substrate in the presence of specific bacteria (Slamonella sp. and E. Coli sp.) and gram(-) bacteria. Salmonella and E. Coli activity was investigated in media with a minimum content of nutritive substance but rich in sugars (glucose, lactose) in the presence of blue bromthymol. The degree of glucose and lactose degradation was estimated spectrophotometrically by the decrease of bromthymol absorption peak. The pH variation of the medium has been determined simultaneously.

Agarose and SDS polyacrilamide electrophoresis methods were used to estimate the effect of gram(-) germs on albumin substrate.

Variation of natural fluctuation of GMF represented by Ap index values of geomagnetic activity (GMA) was downloaded from National Geophysical Data Center, USA for each period of the experiment.

Results and discussion

The decrease of glucose and lactose concentration in Salmonella respectively E. Coli cultures as a consequence of metabolic activity of bacteria in GMF and ZMF conditions is illustrated in Fig. 1a and 2a. Concomitant change of pH in cells suspension is also presented in Fig 1b and 2b.

Fig. 1a - Glucose degradation (a) and pH variation (b) in the presence of Salmonella sp. exposed in geomagnetic field and zero magnetic field at 240 C

After 4 hours glucose was significantly reduced in Slamonella cells suspensions exposed in ZMF (49,5% vs. GMF) and is entire metabolized after 7 hour in both magnetic environments. In the same time pH decrease attained 6,8% in ZMF. These results show the positive influence of ZMF on Salmonella germs activity and support the data obtained in the bacteria growth tests.

The decrease of lactose concentration and pH in E. coli cells suspension was less pronounced in ZMF conditions in respect with GMF. On the other hand, E. coli growth tests showed no changes. The sensitivity of bacteria to the changes of GMF seems to depend on the bacterial type.

Fig. 2– a)Lactose degradation and b) pH variation in presence of E. coli exposed in geomagnetic field and in zero magnetic field at 240C
Fig. 3 – The percentage of new proteic fraction after 5 days of albumin incubation in
geomagnetic field and in zero magnetic field with and without tiomersal

Bacteriological tests revealed the growth of gram(-) germs on the albumin as nutritive media. Both agarose gel electrophoresis and SDS poliacrylamide electrophoresis of albumin revealed significant increase of the degradation process in ZMF conditions. The increase of integrated aria of albumin band from 15% in GMF to ~25% in ZMF observed in the 5th incubation day (Fig.3) was explained by the appearance of new protein fractions due to the bacteria metabolic activity.

Alb Albumin GMF ZMF GMF (3) ZMF (4) Etalon
(0) (1) (2) + tiomersal + tiomersal / GM
/ 92,5 KDa
67 KDa
45 KDa
Fig 5. - SDS poliacrylamide gel electrophoresis of albumin exposed 3 days in geomagnetic

field and zero magnetic field with and without tiomersal as bactericide agent

Fig. 6. – Variation of geomagnetic field activity during the experiments performed

The same results were obtained after 3 days of incubation using the second electrophoresis method. In the sample exposed to ZMF (Fig 4- poz 2) it was detected a protein fraction with molecular weight close to that of albumin, that emphasize significant degradation of the albumin molecule.The presence of small proteins showed less pronounced activity of bacteria in GMF (Fig 5-GMF(1)). A positive effect of ZMF on metabolic activity of gram(-) bacteria was also recorded in the cells growth experiments (data not shown).

Two series of investigations (albumin electrophoresis, bacteria growth tests) showed however no significant effects. The relation between biological effects recorded in ZMF and the variation of geomagnetic field activity (GMA) during the period of the experiments (Fig 6) revealed the presence of major storm in these two cases. In this context we may assign the lack of ZMF effect to the influence of natural magnetic disturbances on the bacteria behavior. Stimulation of metabolic activity of bacteria in ZMF is emphasized in quiet periods of GMA and screened in the presence of major storms. This screening of the effect can be explained by the inhibitory effect of disturbed magnetic field on the bacteria behavior. The negative response of bacteria activity to magnetic storms is in agreement with other results reported in the literature [5]


The results of our investigations prove the favorable influence of ZMF on metabolic activity and growth of bacteria and are in agreement with the behavior of simplest organisms in these magnetic field conditions. Some variability related to species is revealed by the response of E.coli.

The sensitivity of bacteria to natural variations of magnetic filed can explain the apparent inconstant behavior of these organisms in zero magnetic field conditions and point out the necessity to take into account the influence of this environmental factor in the analysis of ZMF experiments.


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