A. Contact details
By providing details including an email or phone number we will be able to contact you about your volunteering more quickly.
First name Surname
Role you are applying for (please specify the event location, if applicable)
Home tel. no Mobile tel. no
Email address
B. Emergency contact information
In the unfortunate event that you are injured or taken ill while you are volunteering for us, it is important we know who you would like us to contact.
Emergency contact name
Emergency phone number Relationship to you
C. Where did you hear about this role?
(E.g. Parkinson’s UK website,
D. Please tell us why you would like to volunteer in this role
E. Please tell us if you have a connection with Parkinson’s
F. If you have a disability that requires additional support to carry out your role, please let us know the support you need or contact the Volunteering team
G. T-shirts
For some roles we may provide you with a Parkinson’s UK t-shirt. Please bold your size below.
SmallMediumLargeExtra large
H. Your information
We'dlike to keep you updated on our wider work as a charityand how you can support us. If you'dlike toreceive news from Parkinson's UK, please tick the box below.We'll never sell or swap your details with any third parties. Read our full privacy policy at
Yes, let's keep in contact
Contact preferences
If you would like to receive news from Parkinson's UK, please select your preferred method(s) of communication below.
If at any point you want to update your contact details or change how we communicate with you then please contact the Volunteering team.
I. Declaration
I confirm I am over the age of 18 and understand this agreement to volunteer for Parkinson's UK is binding in honour only and is not intended to be a contract of employment. Parkinson's UK has permission to contact the referee I have provided (if applicable) and my volunteering with Parkinson’s UK is subject to the reference being satisfactory.
Tick here to confirm
Please send your completed form to the Parkinson’s UK Volunteering team either by email to or post to:Volunteering team, Parkinson’s UK, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1EJ.
Once we’ve received your form a member of the team will then be in touch with details of the next steps. If you have any questions about this form or would like support completing it, then please contact us by email or phone on 020 7963 9328.
Parkinson’s UK is the operating name of the Parkinson’s Disease Society of the United Kingdom. A charity registered in England and Wales (258197) and in Scotland (SC037554). © Parkinson’s UK 07/16 (CS2370)