Counselor’s Newsletter……………….March 2016
From the desks of Maxine Hauck, Cherie Mack and Trista Fisher
Dates to Remember
Feb. 28 …………from 1-4pm Sylvan ACT Mini Camp, Sylvan Center in Bismarck
March 9 ……...... Early out day for students
March 15...... State required ACT or WorkKeys test given at DHS for all juniors
March 25 ………Good Friday-no school
March 28……….No school
April …………….State Required ND State Assessment for all juniors at DHS-More information later
April 15 ………..Priority deadline for FAFSA to be eligible for the renewable State Grant that runs off completed 2015 income tax and free FAFSA. FDS is required for FAFSA
Students – Gr. 9-12-Make sure you are watching the daily announcements and our Counselor’s Corner on the DHS website for regularly updated information for parents and students. Seniors, make sure you meet with your senior counselor to discuss plans for your future and finish test score requirements for eligibility for the $6,000.00 ND CTE or Academic Scholarship. Note: - If you are a male student who has turned 18, you are required by law to register with the Selective Service at within 30 days of turning 18. Registering for the Selective Service is also necessary to receive any Federal Financial Aide for higher education.
Mandatory ACT or Workkeys test -All juniors will be taking the ACT or Workkeys test at DHS on Tuesday, March 15. There is no charge to students as the test is state mandated. The ACT test is a required college admission test that consists of four individual timed tests that are scored 0-36. Those tests are English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. The national average is a composite score of 21 on the ACT test. The Workkeys test is a timed test as well. The three WorkKeys tests are Reading for Information, Locating Information and Applied Math. The highest score that students can get on the WorkKeys test is a 7 on the Applied Math and Reading test. The high score for the Locating Information test is a 6. Students may retake both the ACT and/or WorkKeys tests at a later date if they do not have qualifying scores for the ND State Scholarship from the March 15 test date or are not happy with their ACT from this date. Students will be provided with practice booklets for the ACT test. Students can also prepare for the Act test at or with Test Gear on the website. Test Prep Review is also available for preparation under our website. All of these websites have links off of our DHS website under Counselors Corner at Sylvan Learning in Bismarck is offering a three hour practice on Sunday, Feb. 28 from 1-4. Space will be limited and cost is $99.00. Contact Maren Gerhardt at 701-223-0010 or go online at for more information.
Dual Credit- Students interested in taking classes for dual credit and qualify for free or reduced lunches can register for a dual credit class in the fall and/or spring and have the two dual credit class/classes paid for by the North Dakota College Access Network (NDCAN). Students who qualify for free or reduced lunches do not have to eat in school daily to qualify. Visit with your dual credit teacher or a counselor if you have questions regarding the application.
College Algebra (Advanced Algebra II) DUAL CREDIT
Grades 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry
Students wishing to receive Dual Credit for Advanced Algebra II will be required to pay university tuition to earn four semester credits at Dickinson State University. Students must apply for admission to DSU and meet the ACT math score of 21 or higher. If you have not taken the ACT, you may take the COMPASS placement test (score 49 or higher) by contacting DSU at 483-2999 for a COMPASS test date and time. If you are interested in receiving Dual Credit for Advanced Algebra II, please indicate this on your registration sheet by writing DC behind Advanced Algebra II.
JUNIORS –ND University System Scholarship-The North Dakota Legislature has established the ND Scholars program to recognize selected students for outstanding scholastic achievement as measured by their ACT scores. Juniors who qualify will receive a letter from the ND University System in the fall of their senior year. Those students who enroll in a ND college or university will be awarded a full four year in-state tuition scholarship. Students are selected based on their ACT scores. Juniors must take the ACT no later than June 2016.
Bank of North Dakota Information for Juniors/Seniors regarding college planning
News and Publications College Bound Family Calendar This calendar provides tips to help junior and senior high school students and parents with college planning, admissions, financial aid applications, student loans and scholarships.College Connection Newsletter This newsletter provides tips to help high school juniors and seniors get ready for college.
Press Releases Read the latest press releases about student loans.
Seniors-Dollars for Scholars Scholarships-The vision of North Dakota Dollars for Scholars® is to encourage postsecondary education attendance for all North Dakota students through strong Dollars for Scholars support. Our goal is to assist students, parents, counselors and North Dakota communities reach educational and funding goals. North Dakota Dollars for Scholars is a statewide chapter providing scholarships to students from Dollars for Scholars communities. Each year the organization strives to award over $100,000 to deserving students.The application deadline for all North Dakota Dollars for Scholars scholarships is April 1. Additional scholarship details and the online application are available at For more information, contact Laura Fiedler at 701.328.5702 or 701.425.1585. All graduating seniors planning to attend a college/university or vocational/technical school are encouraged to apply. Access: . Seniors that have volunteered for Dickinson Dollars for Scholars will receive preference (volunteer opportunities: involvement with Dickinson Dollars for Scholars Raffle, gift-wrapping at the Optimist Booth during the holidays, and assisting with 3 on 3 Hoopfest Basketball Tournament) Interested students are encouraged to see Cherie Mack at DHS.
FAFSA Application-The priority deadline for the FAFSA based ND State Grant is April 15, 2016. You will need your income tax information and FSA ID number to complete the FAFSA. Sign onto the free application under our Counselor’s Corner on our DHS website to access a FSA ID number and to complete the FAFSA form that is required for federal financial aid. A FSA ID number is your electronic signature. Use our DHS website ( ) under Counselors’ Corner-Colleges to apply for your FSA ID Number for students and parents. The FAFSA Application off of our website is free. Parents may use the same FSA ID number if they have more than one student in college.
Tutoring - Students struggling in any subject should visit with their teacher as soon as the problem starts. Contacting teachers is the best first step in overcoming difficulties in a subject. Teachers can help and can also refer students to the academic learning center during class time for additional help. Students are always welcome in the academic learning center. The ALC opens at 7:30 every morning and is open all day and after school until 4:15. Many students take advantage of the help that is available in the ALC for any subject. Encourage your student to utilize the site as it is the free online tutoring service in the evenings and on weekends.The other website, has monthly membership fees.