Name: Dr.Kleinertz, Sonja
Date of birth: 05.10.1979
Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) in Life Sciences (magna cum laude)
University of Bremen, Institute for Marine Zoology
Thesis: ‘Fish parasites as bioindicators: Environmental status of coastal marine ecosystems and a grouper mariculture farm in Indonesia’
M.Sc. (Diploma) in Life Sciences (magna cum laude)
Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
Thesis: ‘Zoogeographical distribution of metazoan fish parasites from striped red mullet (Mullussurmuletus) and European sprat (Sprattussprattus) in the Atlantic and adjacent Oceans‘
(B.Sc. equivalent) Undergraduate student in Life Sciences
Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
Postdoctoral Researcher– Justus Liebig University Gießen
Faculty of veterinarian medicine, Instituteof Parasitology
Postdoctoral Researcher – University Rostock
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Research Assistant – ZMT
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Academic Assistant - Heinrich-HeineUniversity Düsseldorf
Institute of Zoomorphology, Cell Biology and Parasitology
(DFG grant KL 2087/1-1, 1-2)
Scientific Assistant - Heinrich-HeineUniversity Düsseldorf
Institute of Zoomorphology, Cell Biology and Parasitology
Postdoctoral Researcher– Justus Liebig University Gießen
Faculty of veterinarian medicine, Instituteof Parasitology
Topics: Veterinary Parasitology/ Protozoology/ Cell Biology/ Wildlife parasitology/ Molecular parasitology
Research Area:Gene expression studies and system establishment of TaqMan q-PCR Systems (qualitative/quantitative PCR, DNA, RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, cloning, probe and primer design, system establishment); wildlife parasitology studies on faecal samples (marine and terrestrial habitats); laser confocal microscopy; cell culture
Duties: parasitological diagnostic responsibility (animal and human samples) and differential diagnostics; cell culture: Endothelial-cell-isolation (from umbillical cord), -cultivation, -passage, -infection with Eimeria bovis, kinetics post infection; teaching assistant; preparation of examination materials and documents; writing publications
Specific Interests: marine and terrestrial wildlife parasitology of mammals; parasite-hostcell-interactions and molecular analysis; sample collection
Postdoctoral Researcher – University Rostock
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Topics: „ Environmental health and bioindication“
Duties: Preparation and composition of a research project in frame of BMBF-announcement to the bilateral German - Indonesian cooperation in marine sciences (SPICE III) (Topic 1: Marine biodiversity, food security and sustainability) together with Prof. Palm; composition of international publications; instruction and supervision of students and courses;preparation of lectures; parasite specimen collection and collaboration from Prof. Palms collection
Research Assistant – ZMT
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Harry W. Palm
Project: Utilisation of fish parasites as biological indicators [within the frame work of the BMBF funded SPICE II Project (Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Marine Ecosystems)]
Topics:Marine Biology/ Marine ecology/ Zoology/ Parasitology/ Tropical Ecology
Duties: Sampling collection and analysis, writing of project reports;writing an indonesian fish – parasite checklist;instruction and supervision ofstudentsduring fieldwork
Specific Interests: Biodiversity of marine invertebrates; protozoan and metazoan parasites
Morphological and taxonomical parasite identification (and other invertebrates)
Aquatic ecologyand organism collection
Molecular determination and zoogeographical distribution of zoonotic nematodes (e.g. Anisakis spp.)
Fish parasites in mariculture facilities for sustainable use and from free living fish
Biodiversity andinfracommunity analyses
Commercial fisheries and sustainability (aquacultures/mariculture)
Development of bioindicator-systems
Doctoral Research –University Bremen/ ZMT Bremen/ Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
- Institute of Marine Zoology, Department 2 (Biology/Chemistry), University Bremen
- Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen
Advisors: Prof. Dr. H.W. Palm, Prof. Dr. W. Hagen
Examiners: Prof. Dr. U. Saint-Paul, Dr. W. Ekau
Project:‘Fish parasites as bioindicators: Environmental status of coastal marine ecosystems and a grouper mariculture farm in Indonesia’
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – ICOPA Conference travel grant
(1759 €)
Applicant:Preparation and composition of a research project in frame of BMBF-announcement to the bilateral (German – Indonesian) cooperation in marine sciences (SPICE III) inTopic 1: “Marine biodiversity, food security and sustainability” (204,000 €) (PI: Prof. Palm)
Applicant: In case of collaboration and international research for the purpose to publish in frame of international journals. (Usulpenelitianhibah competitive penelitiankerjasamainternasionaldalamrangkapublicasiinternasional), 2009. Title: “Zoonotic potential of Anisakis spp. in Balinese waters, Indonesia. 70 mio Rupiah(5000 €)(PI: Prof.Palm)
Genetic:Certificate to become project leader: Acquisition of competency in field of “Secure working in genetic engineering facilities” (§ 15 Abs. 4 GenTSV) at Umweltinstitut Offenbach GmbH
Microscopy:Course-certificate inConfocal Laser Scanning microscopy (CLSM, Leica Sp2 AOBS)
Languages: German (native speaker), English (fluent), Latin (latinum), Bahasa Indonesia (working knowledge fluent), Spanish (basic knowledge)
Computing skills: Data analysis (Statistica, Primer, MS Office and others), digital image analysis (Adobe, Photoshop), Bioinformatics: Clustal-W, Beacon Designer (Primer and probe design, TaqMan), CLC Sequence Viewer, Chromas Lite
Licenses:Driver’s license (car and motorcycle), diving license (CMAS*, **, *** and assistant instructor (PADI Divemaster equivalent))
Microscopy: Light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, confocal Laser Scanning microscopy
1Kleinertz S. (2010):Fish parasites as bioindicators: Environmental status of coastal marine ecosystems and a grouper mariculture farm in Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis of natural sciences, Department 2 (Biology/Chemistry), University of Bremen, 263 pages (in German).
2Kleinertz S. (2006, unpublished):Zoogeographical distribution of metazoan fish parasites from striped red mullet (Mullussurmuletus) and European sprat (Sprattussprattus) in the Atlantic and adjacent Oceans. Master thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf, 93 pages (in German).
3Klimpel S., Busch M.W., Kellermanns E.,Kleinertz S., Palm H.W. (2009): MetazoanDeep-SeaFish Parasites. ActaBiologicaBenrodis, Supplement 11, Verlag: NaturWissen, Solingen, 384 pp.
4Kleinertz S.,Damriyasa M., HagenW., Theisen S., Palm H.W. (2012): An environmental assessment of the parasite fauna of the reef-associated grouper Epinephelusareolatus from Indonesian waters. Journal of Helminthology.doi:10.1017/S0022149X12000715.
5Kleinertz S., Klimpel S., Palm H.W.(2011): Parasite community and feeding ecology of the European sprat (Sprattussprattus L.) over its range of distribution.Parasitology Research110 (3): 1147-1157.
6Palm H.W., Kleinertz S., Rückert S. (2011):Parasite diversity as an indicator of environmental change? - An example from tropical grouper (Epinephelusfuscoguttatus) mariculture in Indonesia. Parasitology138: 1-11. doi: 10.1017/S0031182011000011.
7Klimpel S., Kleinertz S., Palm H.W. (2008): Distribution of parasites from red mullets (MullussurmuletusL., Mullidae) in the North Sea and Mediterranean Sea.Bulletin of Fish Biology 10: 25-38.
8Klimpel S., Kleinertz S., Hanel R., Rückert S. (2007): Genetic variability in Hysterothylacium, a raphidascarid nematode isolated from sprat (Sprattussprattus) of different geographical areas of the northeastern Atlantic. Parasitology Research 101: 1425-1430.
9Kleinertz S., Palm H.W. (SUBMITTED): Fish parasites of Epinepheluscoioides (Serranidae) as environmental indicators in Indonesian coastal marine ecosystems. Journal of Helminthology.
10Palm H.W., Muawanah A., Sudjiharno, Rueckert S., Kleinertz S.(in prep.): Epinephelusfuscoguttatusmariculture in Lampung Bay, Indonesia: Implications from fish parasite infections.Journal of Aquaculture.
11Kleinertz S.,Hermosilla C., Ziltener A., Hirzmann J., Abel-Ghaffar F., Taubert A., (in prep.): Gastrointestinal endoparasitefauna of free-living Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Turiopsaduncus) from the Northern Red Sea, Egypt.
Conference contributions AND POSTERS
Oral Presentations
Kleinertz S. (2010): „Fish parasite diversity in Indonesian coastal ecosystems“. 24th annual Conference of the German society for Parasitology and 29th annual Conference of the German society for Protozoology, 16. – 20. März, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Kleinertz S.(2009): „Fish parasite biological indicators to monitor grouper and environmental health in SegaraAnakan Lagoon, Indonesia“. International Workshop on Progress and Plan of SPICE Cluster 2 Phase II on February 25,Purwokerto, Indonesia.
Kleinertz S., Palm H.W., Rückert S. (2008): „A new method to use parasites as biological indicators for fish and environmental health“. International Workshop on Progress and Plan of SPICE Cluster 2 Phase II on February 28, Purwokerto, Indonesia.
S. Kleinertz, H.W. Palm(2012): Fish parasite diversity in Indonesia. Congress of German veterinarian society (DVG); Section parasitology and parasitic diseases.2th – 4th July, Hannover, Germany.
S. Kleinertz, H.W. Palm(2012): Fish parasite diversity in Indonesia and its use as biological indicators: A novel environmental assessment approach. 25th annual Conference of the German society for Parasitology and 102th annual Conference of the society for Tropical Medicine and Parasitology14th- 17th March, Heidelberg, Germany.
S. Kleinertz, H.W. Palm(2010): Fish parasite diversity in Indonesia and its use as biological indicators. The XIIthInternational Congress of Parasitology, 15th-20th August 2010, Melbourne, Australia.
S. Theisen, S. Kleinertz, H.W. Palm (2010): Fish feeding ecology and parasite diversity at the southern Java coast, Indonesia. 24th annual Conference of the German society for Parasitology and 29th annual Conference of the German society for Protozoology, 16th – 20th March 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany.
KleinertzS., H.W. Palm (2009):Parasite bioindicators to monitor grouper and environmental health in the SegaraAnakan Lagoon and adjacent coastal waters, Java, Indonesia. World Ocean Conference, 15th-19th May 2009, Manado, Indonesia.
S. Theisen, S. Kleinertz, H.W. Palm (2009) Parasite fauna of commercially important fish species of the SegaraAnakan Lagoon, southern Java, Indonesia. WorldOcean Conference, 15th-19th May 2009, ManadoIndonesia.
Member of the following societies: German Society for Parasitology (DGP)
Cornelia Hennen, M.Sc. (Diploma), October 2010. Thesis: The basal cestode community of elasmobranchs from Indonesia.Current Employment: School teacher, Krefeld, Germany.
Stefan Theisen, M.Sc. (Diploma), April 2009. Thesis: Fish parasites from the southern Java coast, Indonesia. Current Employment: PhD student, University Rostock, Germany.
Examinationsin veterinarian parasitology at Justus Liebig University Giessen 2012
Organisation and preparation of examination material and documents
Research Assistant – Justus Liebig University Giessen
Parasitological course for veterinary students SS 2012/ WS 2012/13
Practical applications within veterinary parasitology and diagnostic
Teachingassistant– University Rostock
Practical applications in aquaculture [within the Master of Science Course ISATEC (International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology)] at ZMT Bremen
Special course: ‘Fish diseases and nutrients’
Supervised the practical part, covering the anatomy through the parasitological phyla/taxonomy and fish dissection, stomach content analyses and diet ecology, preparation of otoliths for age measurements
Assistant trainer – UDAYANA University, Bali
Demonstration course for Indonesian lecturer: Identification and taxonomy of fish parasites and the use as biological indicator [PelatihanAplikasi diagnosis infeksiparasitikansebagaiindikatorkualitasekologiperairan]
Supervised thepractical part, covering material organisation, fish dissection, parasite isolation, identification, taxonomy, data acquisition andanalysis
Teaching assistant – LeibnizCenter for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Bremen
Practical applications in aquaculture [within the Master of Science Course ISATEC (International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology)]
Special course: ‘Fish parasites in aquacultures’
Supervised the practical part, covering the anatomy throughout
parasitological phyla and fish dissection
Teaching assistant - Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
A Module: ‘Parasitic diseases of fishes’
Lecture in “Parasites as bioindicators”
Supervised the practical part, covering fish dissection, parasite isolation, identification, preparation, dataacquisition and analysis
Parasitological demonstration course for undergraduate medical students
Special course: ‘Parasites and diseases’
Supervised the practical part, covering the anatomy throughout
zoological phyla and taxonomy
Module Bio 3: ‘Zoology’, for undergraduate students of biology
Supervised the practical part, covering the anatomy through the zoological phyla, marking drawings and oral examination