9th Metro Council District

No. 9 eNews

August 23, 2012

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13th Annual Back-to-School Block Party!

Please mark your calendars for the 13th Annual Back-to-School-Block-Party at the Mary T. Meagher Aquatic Center, 201 Reservoir Park on Friday, September 7th from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Enjoy FREE pizza, swimming, door prizes and make a child ID with LMPD! If you have any questions please contact our office at 574-1109 or email . To see the flyer and list of sponsors please click here. Thank you to our generous sponsors: Bike Couriers Bike Shop, Carmichael’s Bookstore, Clifton McDonald’s, Crescent Hill Trading Company, Heine Brothers’ Coffee, Kellogg’s, Metro Parks, The Comfy Cow and Work the Metal.

Brownsboro Road Diet Complete

Last Thursday Metro Public Works finished work on the Brownsboro Road Reconfiguration Project on Brownsboro Road between Drescher Bridge Road and Ewing. New sidewalks, curbs and gutters have been poured and new striping has been completed on the roadway. Check out a full detailed description of the work online by clicking here.

Solid Waste Five Year Plan Public Comment

Louisville Metro Solid Waste Management Services has released a new five-year plan for public comment. The plan details how the Metro agency will operate from 2013 through 2017. The plan sets the goal of increasing Louisville’s recycling rate to 50% (from a current 25.1%) in three years and to 90% by 2042. Topics related to recycling include expanding recycling to larger apartment complexes with more than 8 units, offering large 95-gallon recycling carts for sale to all residents, involving more businesses in recycling, and more. The plan also calls for reintroducing an ordinance to ban plastic bags for yard waste collection so that food waste and yard waste can be collected in the same container. You can read the full Solid Waste plan here. If you wish to comment on the plan, please send comments to Pete Flood, Metro Solid Waste Management Services, 600 Meriwether Avenue, Louisville, KY 40217 by August 31. A public hearing for the plan will be held in September.

New Options for Citizens Dropping Off Bulk Waste Items

Metro’s Solid Waste Management is partnering with Waste Management to offer new options for bulk waste disposal. Starting the week of August 20, 2012, citizens will be able to drop-off household junk items and loads of bulky waste that cannot be placed curbside for waste collectors at two locations: Louisville Metro’s Waste Reduction at 636 Meriwether Avenue and Waste Management’s Recycling and Disposal Facility at 2673 Outer Loop.

The new disposal option at Waste Management’s site coincides with changes to hours of operation and bulk waste drop-off policies at Metro’s Meriwether facility. The Waste Reduction Center will now be closed both Mondays and Tuesdays. Its new hours of operation will be Wednesday-Friday from 8am-5pm and Saturday 8am-3pm. (Currently, it is closed only on Mondays.) Only self-dumping vehicles or vehicles able to utilize equipment to quickly “pull-off” loads will be allowed to dump large-size loads at the Waste Reduction Center. This will allow SWMS employees to more effectively manage the traffic flow in and out of the facility as well as more efficiently maintain and clear loads dropped off. Citizens will, however, still be allowed to drop-off three of their free household waste items in any vehicle at the Waste Reduction Center only (636 Meriwether Avenue).

Waste Management will accept large loads of bulky waste such as household construction debris, tree limbs and stumps, in any vehicle, for the same fees as SWMS currently charges. “These changes and new options will provide citizens with a high level of service when it comes to their bulk-waste needs,” Public Works Director Ted Pullen said. “Waste Management’s facility on Outer Loop offers an easily accessible, safe way to dispose of items at the same cost as the Metro Waste Reduction Center. They also provide service Monday-Saturday for longer hours than we are equipped to offer.”

Waste Management is open six days a week, Monday-Friday, 5:30 am- 4:30pm and Saturday 6am-10am.

Fee Structure (Metro Waste Reduction Center/ Waste Management Outer Loop facility)

· Mini pickup truck. Midsize pickup truck. Full size pickup truck. Passenger van. Pickup truck with sideboards below the cab. Unloaded vehicle with trailer l0 feet or less in length - $50.00

· Pickup truck with sideboards above the cab. Step van. Full pickup truck with trailer up to 10 feet in length. Unloaded vehicle with trailer over 10 feet but less than 16 feet in length - $100.00

· Full pickup truck with trailer over 10 feet but less than 16 feet in length - $140.00

· Full pickup truck with trailer longer than 16 feet. Flatbed truck. Stakebed truck - $275.00

· All other vehicles including all ALL DUMP TRUCKS - $550.00

· Waste Reduction Center only (636 Meriwether Avenue) - Miscellaneous items - Passenger car tires - $3.00/each Truck tires - $9.00/each Truck tires with rims - $25.00/each

CyberCycle, Solid Waste’s electronic recycling program, will remain at the Waste Reduction Center. For more details visit, www.louisvilleky.gov/solidwaste and click on the “recycling electronics” icon. Citizens will also be able to continue dropping off up to four tires for free at the Meriwether location. A per-tire fee is charged after four tires.

Safety Tips from Safe Kids USA

With summer coming to an end and the start of the school year just around the corner, Safe Kids USA reminds parents and drivers to do their part to keep kids safe as they walk to school. Parents should be proactive and take the time to talk about safety with their kids before they head back to school. Safe Kids USA recommends that parents walk the route to school with students before the start of the year to assess hazards and select a course with the least number of traffic crossings. Adults can teach and model the following safety behaviors that all children should follow, even if they don’t walk to school every day:

Back to School Safety Tips:

Here are some simple reminders for drivers:

· Slow down and be especially alert in the residential neighborhoods and school zones.

· Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs.

· Enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly and carefully.

· Watch for children on and near the road in the morning and after school hours.

· Reduce any distractions inside your car so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings. Put down your phone and don’t talk or text while driving.

Reminder for your kids:

· They should cross the street with an adult until they are at least 10 years old.

· Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.

· Never run out into the streets or cross in between parked cars.

· Make sure they always walk in front of the bus where the driver can see them.

Donate Your Denim to Make a Difference

Do you have old jeans that are in too bad of condition to donate or to consign? Here is an option to donate your denim: it will be reused as insulation and make a difference! Margaret’s Consignment, located at 2700 Frankfort Avenue, is now accepting donations of used blue jeans for Denim for a Difference, a denim recycling program that the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture is conducting in conjunction with Cotton, Incorporated. The program takes the used jeans and converts them into natural, cotton fiber insulation that is used when building homes for Habitat for Humanity in areas hit hard by natural disasters, such as New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina. Jeans with or without embellishments and of any color and condition will be accepted, including scrap material, through the end of October. Margaret’s Consignment is open Monday through Saturday, 10:00am to 6:00pm, and Sunday noon to 4:00pm. For more information call (502) 896-4706 or visit www.margaretsconsignment.com.

Ninth District Events!

Below are some Ninth District calendar events! To view a full listing of events please visit the Ninth District Blog at http://district9news.wordpress.com/.

If you would like to submit events to be considered for the blog calendar please email Kyle Ethridge or call 574-1109.

Thursday, August 23: Volare Ristorante, located at 2300 Frankfort Avenue, is celebrating 8 great years by offering customers $8 drinks, glasses of wine and $8 for 2 glasses of Cellar #8 wines. The celebration will last until September 30th. To make reservations please call 894-4446 or visit the website at www.volare-restaurant.com.

Friday, August 24: Rededication of the Louisville Clock at 5:00 p.m. in Theatre Square. Musical entertainment provided by Caribou.

Saturday, August 25: Trivia Night at the Clifton Center, 2117 Payne St. Compete for a $300 cash prize for your team. Doors open at 7:00 p.m.; trivia competition begins at 7:30 p.m. Cost: $15. Pizza slices/ice cream sundaes available for purchase. Cash bar and silent auction. Hosted by Pride of Kentucky Chorus. Call 502-368-SONG or go to www.prideofkentuckychorus.org for reservations or more information.

Wednesday, August 29: Prevent Prepare Respond (PPR) Breakfast from 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. at The Olmsted, located at 3701 Frankfort Avenue. Join them to learn how the American Red Cross Prevents, Prepares and Responds to emergencies and disasters across Kentuckiana. Hear from guest speaker Scott Davenport, Louisville native and head coach of the Bellarmine University Knights men’s basketball team. To RSVP contact Jessica Carner at 561-3648.

Wednesday, August 29: Carmichael’s Bookstore, located at 2720 Frankfort Avenue, will host former Courier-Journal reporter Katya Cengel for a signing of her new book Bluegrass Baseball: A Year in the Minor League Life at 7:00 p.m. For more information call 896-6950 or visit www.carmichaelsbookstore.com/event/former-courier-journal-reporter-katya-cengel-sign-her-new-book

Friday, August 31: 8th Annual Crescent Hill Outdoor Cinema series - double feature night, watch ”Puss in Boots” and “Ghostbusters” at dusk at the Peterson-Dumesnil House, 301 S Peterson Avenue. This event is FREE to the public. Concessions will be available. Bring a blanket or lawn chair and bug spray.

Friday, August 31: Frankfort Avenue F.A.T. Friday Trolley Hop from 6:00 – 10:00 pm. The F.A.T. Friday Trolley Hop is held on the final Friday of each month.

9th District LINKS

· www.district9news.wordpress.com

· http://www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroCouncil/Members/09/

· www.mygreentriangle.com/

· www.facebook.com/MyGreenTriangle

9th Office Staff

Tina Ward-Pugh, 9th District Councilwoman

601 W Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40202

Phone: 502.574.1109

Fax: 502.574.7844

Kyle Ethridge, Legislative Assistant

Phone: 502.574.3908

Fax: 502.574.7844

Katie Holmes, Special Projects Coordinator

Phone: 502.574-1109

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